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Food And Cooking: Recipes, Techniques, Show Us What You're Cooking

Channels Topics Posts Last Post
Technique, Discussion, And Everything Else Food
This channel is for discussion of food, cooking, & technique that doesn't involve an actual recipe; such as recipe questions, wrapping meat, brining, frying, baking tips, etc. Use the proper sub-channel that fits your topic best. If you'd like to simply show off pictures of your cooks, please see the "Show Us What You're Cooking!" channel below, we update the current open topic seasonally. To browse or post actual recipes that can be made, please use the Recipes Only channel above.
Topics: 16,914 Posts: 315,224
16,914 315,224
Pork Discussion (3,466/56,083)
Beef Discussion (4,869/84,565)
Burger Discussion (287/6,558)
Wild Game Discussion (183/2,577)
Bean Discussion (122/2,958)
Potato Discussion (74/1,215)
Pasta Discussion (41/595)
BBQ Sauce Discussion (267/4,112)
Condiments Discussion (144/2,774)
Sandwich Discussion (125/2,277)
Recipes Only
Click here to post an actual recipe or browse for recipes. Please use this channel to post only actual recipes, preferably with a list of ingredients and instructions and a picture. We have a template inside in the big "READ ME FIRST" post at the top, you can copy & paste it to make your recipe easier to post. If you have questions about recipes or other food discussion, please use the Technique, Discussion, And Everything Else Food channel below.
Topics: 720 Posts: 11,572
720 11,572
Pork Recipes (65/1,083)
Beef Recipes (48/887)
Burger Recipes (5/126)
Bean Recipes (22/353)
Potato Recipes (15/265)
Show Us What You're Cooking!
Here is where you can show off your masterpieces! We will update the current active topic seasonally. Please note this channel is not for posting recipes or for general technique or food discussion.
Topics: 25 Posts: 136,000
25 136,000