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Mr. Bones has died

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    Click image for larger version

Name:	candle-2038736_960_720.jpg
Views:	622
Size:	8.6 KB
ID:	1184322


      You know something I've thought about recently, such as with Bob Saget, Betty White, and then EdF, Mr Bones, Dan Johnston, et al.... is how after a person dies we remember all the good things about them, we share stories about that person if we knew them, we learn new and interesting things about them, stats and anecdotes and stories we never knew. Pictures we'd never seen. We celebrate them afterward.

      I wish we did more of that to/for/about people while they're still alive. At the very least we should tell the people we love and like and respect as much. Let them know before we have to type it out only for others. We should celebrate good folks' lives while they're with us more than we do. Maybe y'all are better at that than I am, so perhaps I should rephrase that, *I* should do that more.


      • Troutman
        Troutman commented
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        Well the AR servers don't have enough memory to hold all the GOOD thoughts about me ....but then again multiply that exponentially about the BAD. Somehow when you're living being exposed and made known may not be so pretty

      • klflowers
        klflowers commented
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        You are right. A couple of weeks ago a friend I had known since I was 8 years old passed. I hadn't talked to him in a couple of years. I really regret that now.

      • DesertRaider
        DesertRaider commented
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      You know, I have struggled over the COVID period, losing some loved ones, sick elderly in-laws, dealing with tough work situations, having kids at home for virtual school, just the stuff we have all had to deal with. I stopped cooking much, as life built up, but I lurked from time to time on the forums and Mr Bones was always there with a joke, smile, friendly word. I never met the man, and he never knew, but he helped me personally quite a lot over the last two years.

      So, tonight, I will have a beer or two once the kids go to bed and give a little thanks for a kind man. To Mr Bones.


      • Troutman
        Troutman commented
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        To Mr. Bones

      • klflowers
        klflowers commented
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      I vow to be a kinder, gentler individual! Mostly because how much I respected Bonsey's words and outlook on worldly things. After hearing how moved the Pit was, after his passing.....from peeps that never met the man, I would like some of that!


        i have been away a while and was just coming on line to post a ? and was stunned by the first post by Meathead. i always found Ms Bone's posts full of wisdom and amusing. i will miss my fellow veteran.


          Do not forget Bonesy was a lot about laughter. 🤣
          Laughter usually brings good memories.🤩


            Several of you have wondered what we can do to help. I have not asked. I felt that might be intrusive. They might be insulted. I asked for a copy of the obit and any biographical info and I have sent them links to this thread. I have not gotten the obit. I think they are all very busy and grieving. If they want help I think they know where to find us.


            • texastweeter
              texastweeter commented
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              I can only imagine but I bet right now, time is what they need most of all.

            • Steve B
              Steve B commented
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              Hopefully if they do need help of any kind they reach out to us. I know there are many here that are more than willing to pitch in with whatever they may need.
              Unfortunately some have too much pride to ask for help. I know. I have a neighbor who is a good friend and has never asked me for anything. Even when he broke both ankles and couldn’t walk for 5 months.
              Jesse. If you read this please anything we can do just ask.

            I am absolutely gutted.
            He was truly a great guy…always quick witted and equally quick with a compliment.

            I even have a Dropbox folder titled Mr. Bones where I would occasionally share a photo that he wanted for is computer wallpaper or whatever. Damn

            I’m at a loss for words. I always wanted to sit back with him & a Guinness and trade guitar licks.

            He will certainly be missed.


              Was perusing EdF's obituary site this AM. Came across the following:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	2022-03-06_9-05-09.jpg
Views:	540
Size:	25.8 KB
ID:	1185295

              Sadly, the saved good spot has been filled. RIP


              • IowaGirl
                IowaGirl commented
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                Geeze what a poignant memory. Guys, gimme a kleenex, hey?

              I'm just gutted!!!


                I am so sad right now…


                  I assume that Jesse has taken in Smokey, but I just got sad all over again thinking about how much Bonsey loved him and how confused he must be by the absence.


                    So sad to hear this news. Rest easy, Mr. Bones.


                      I have been away for a few weeks, both geographically and metaphorically due to work & life's demands. I saw this post a few days back when logged back on looking for a little diversion this forum has always provided. I became profoundly sad as read through each and every post. So many posts brought back vivid memories Mr. Bones. I didn't have the pleasure of any individual (private) interactions with him, but like so may others, was always thrilled when he replied to one of my posts, which he did often. I often thought "Wow Mr. Bones responded to MY post" He was big deal on this forum and made so many of us feel better by his humble & heartfelt interactions.

                      I pronasticated replying to this thread because I was sad and didn't think I could add much that other folks hadn't already posted. But in the end I felt compelled to share my thoughts to one, let his family know how much I thought of him and two, help with my own feelings over his loss. I pray for him and his family and will be forever grateful for the interactions we had and his presence on this forum. They say you take a little away from every person you meet. I would be very humbled if even a little of Mr. Bone's kindness rubbed off on me.

                      Godspeed Mr. Bones.
                      Last edited by efincoop; March 8, 2022, 03:11 PM. Reason: fixed a typo.


                      • tbob4
                        tbob4 commented
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                        You really captured a lot in just a couple of paragraphs.

                      What a sucker punch to the gut this is. What a wonderful, friendly, and kind person Bones was. Wow. Just at a loss of words for this. He will be missed immensely, so say the least. Cheers Bonesy, see you on the other side.




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