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Show us what you're cooking - 3/6/2016 through 11/7/2020

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    Just did my first low and slow with the SnS last weekend. Really I great product that I cannot say enough good things about. I could have added a little more charcoal to the SnS from the beginning but otherwise easy temp control and fantastic end result.

    6.2lb Pork butt with MMD and peach wood chunks
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    The new copper kettle smokin away! My poor PBC has not been getting enough attention since the arrival of the kettle/SnS.
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    One of the better pulled porks I have made.
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    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
      Editing a comment
      I cooked with peach wood yesterday too! Great minds... Beautiful pics from start to finish!

    • Voltron15
      Voltron15 commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks everyone! Yeah, great minds indeed. The smell of that peach wood is amazing when its burning, I've been using it a lot lately.

    • David Parrish
      David Parrish commented
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      Glad to hear you've hit the ground running with the SnS =)



    • bbqoaf
      bbqoaf commented
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      Please tell me that's butter on top of your pork belly...

    • Ernest
      Ernest commented
      Editing a comment
      bbqoaf not just butter, anchovy butter!!!

    • troymeister
      troymeister commented
      Editing a comment
      Anchovy butter.....Oh yeah.....

    Prime rib on sale, check out the marbling, friday night fat kid feast.


    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
      Editing a comment
      Wow. You owe us finished pics of that beauty.

    • bbqoaf
      bbqoaf commented
      Editing a comment
      Sorry gents, the crowd was hungry so no finished pics. Best prime rib I've had in a long time, I hit the perfect 130 IT on a simple indoor reverse sear. Served with tarragon cheddar toast and salad.

    • CeramicChef
      CeramicChef commented
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      What? No money shot? Talk about a MAJOR tease!

    Got some heritage breed chickens, so I decided to do a vertical roast. Skinny small frame bird that had to have its back opened a bit to fit the vertical roaster I have.

    Rubbed with MMD.

    Tough bird. Tiny breasts, which my wife had, which were good. But none of the connective tissue did anything but turn hard and unyielding. Tough leathery skin, too.

    Vertical roasting has never failed me before. Dunno where I went wrong. Maintained a solid 350-375 for the whole cook. Disappointed and have another of this breed and two more chickens beyond that.
    Attached Files


    • Jerod Broussard
      Jerod Broussard commented
      Editing a comment
      That is a very prominent keel bone!!!!!

      Is there a "P-number" anywhere on the package?

    I had similar results recently with a couple of very lean Cornish hens on the Genesis rotisserie. By the time they got up to temp, they were basically Cornish jerky-on-the-bone. Since I've got a couple more in the freezer, I'm going to spatchcock next time ... you might want to try the same.



      • Spinaker
        Spinaker commented
        Editing a comment
        Lets go!!

      Sous-B-Cue chuck. As I mentioned last week, rain fell on the day I was gonna smoke my chuckie, and I went sous vide to save it. So, 2 days at whatever temp the picture says, in the fridge for a while. I took it out of the bag, dried, sprayed with Pam, rubbed with BBR, set up with pellets and the grill running 325ish. Took about an hour. Probe tender doesn't describe it.

      I took the bag jelly (the juice had turned to gel), got it back to liquid at room temp, nuked it for a minute, filtered out the albumin, and wound up with a pure beef jus with a bit of fat in it.

      When I pulled the beef, pulled very nicely on one half and a bit tighter on the muscle with no connective tissue. We made tacos. They were really tasty. Win!
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      • Potkettleblack
        Potkettleblack commented
        Editing a comment
        Boy, that's an odd order.

      • Jerod Broussard
        Jerod Broussard commented
        Editing a comment
        No matter about the order, I'm cranial over caudal over most those pics, laterally and medially speaking on others. I would try to copy but that Celsius got me all messed up. I did some a while back and the juiciness was crazy. Nice pics....

      Nice Rack.....Locally grown lamb....Zucchini, peas from the garden. Corn fresh from farmers market...

      Lamb, zucchini and peas cooked on SnS. Corn on the Weber 18.5

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      • David Parrish
        David Parrish commented
        Editing a comment
        I would love to be sitting in front of that meal. mmm hmmm

      • troymeister
        troymeister commented
        Editing a comment
        David Parrish Sitting is not eating.... Im sure you would rather be eating... I would cook for you and family any day of the week...

      • David Parrish
        David Parrish commented
        Editing a comment
        And I'd EAT that any day of the week!

      Went with bacon wrapped pork tenderloin and smoked mac n cheese.


      • Jerod Broussard
        Jerod Broussard commented
        Editing a comment
        Nice job(s). I have 5 pound (after trimming) pork loin curing for Canadian bacon.

      Hey group! Been a while. Had a busy spring and didn't cook as much as usual. But that's all done with.

      Finally initiated my rotisserie with the SnS. Came out great. Crispy skin and moist meat.

      Did about 3/4 of a chimney and took the temp to 440 about 6" below the top of the dome. A short dry brine, MH's homemade poultry seasoning on and under the skin, and a sprinkle of baking powder. Then punctured the skin in several places (a la Serious Eats) and one early baste with butter.

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      This Saturday I'm throwing a BBQ for about 30 people - brisket, pulled pork and salmon. Nice to have 2 kettles and my CampChef, though a 2nd SnS would have been a good idea.

      {Edit: Went ahead and ordered a 2nd SnS - this party will be so much easier}
      Last edited by The Burn; July 24, 2016, 09:23 PM.


      • Spinaker
        Spinaker commented
        Editing a comment
        Hey Welcome back man !!! Great looking cook. Good to have you back Brother!

      Meat lollipops


      • Spinaker
        Spinaker commented
        Editing a comment
        The meat looks perfect, but those Mushrooms underneath there look divine. Looks great man.

      Went with some smoked meatloaf and mashed tators.


      • troymeister
        troymeister commented
        Editing a comment
        Good meatloaf is hard to come by...Looks great..

      • Breadhead
        Breadhead commented
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        Nothing better than a meatloaf sammie the next day.👍

      Smoked some chicken breasts and the oldest boy whipped up an Alfredo sauce. 4 chicken breasts, let them sit in lemon pepper rub in the fridge for about an hour while I got the Hasty-Bake going. Full chimney of Kingsford Professional plus 4 chunks of Apple wood. Laid the Apple wood in the fire box, then poured the hot coals over top. Cranked the firebox up half way, closed the HB up, opened the door vent half way and one vent on the far side the same amount. Let the temp come up to 325 and the thick smoke die down. The way I set up the firebox, that happens pretty fast, ten minutes or so. Cooked the chicken at 325 for about 25 minutes until internal temp was 155. Put them over direct heat for 3 minutes per side. IT was 160 and had great grill marks, so I pulled them.

      Sliced, served immediately, with green salad, pasta and Alfredo sauce. Great summer dinner!
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      • Jerod Broussard
        Jerod Broussard commented
        Editing a comment
        For some reason pasta is so much better with "upscale" pasta shapes.

      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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      • Breadhead
        Breadhead commented
        Editing a comment
        Looks like your family had a great meal... I serve fettecine Alfredo with steaks instead of potatoes often. Sometimes I add a little pesto to the sauce too.

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      • David Parrish
        David Parrish commented
        Editing a comment
        Those look amazing.

      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
        Editing a comment
        Noah's bark. Bark! the herald angels sing.

      • Jerod Broussard
        Jerod Broussard commented
        Editing a comment
        Huskee someone really needs some sleep

      Char-siu pork tenderloin, cooked SV at 140F for 4 hours then basted with honey, torched and re-basted with more honey. Served with stir-fried bok choy.

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      • bbqoaf
        bbqoaf commented
        Editing a comment
        Char Siu is so good.

      • Jerod Broussard
        Jerod Broussard commented
        Editing a comment
        Tri-tip char siu would be even better.


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