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HAPPY FESTIVUS! (We now commence with the airing of the food-related grievances)

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    Oh man, this is CLEANSING!!!!


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Like a 4-5 Star Bowel Movement...

    I've got to add more food grievances - GOTTA get these off my chest.

    1. Beets. Especially pickled beets. WHY?!?!? It is one of the banes of my childhood. Something my grandmother and mother would bring out to torture me with.

    2. Canned cranberry sauce. Still in a can shape. You know who you are! It's of the devil I say!

    3. Sweet potatoes and the technically non-related yam. My folks covered them in brown sugar and butter, and I think now I hated them because they were TOO sweet. I can stomach one if I put just butter and salt on it, otherwise... still one of my least favorite things. I'll take a white/Irish potato any day of the week though.

    4. Did I mention sweet potatoes yet?

    5. Turnips. I used to like these. Then one summer around age 10 in a field next to my uncles house in Seminole County Georgia, I learned from another slightly older cousin or other relative that you could eat these raw out of the ground if you peeled it with a pocket knife. They were a little sweet and the sugar cane wasn't ready yet. For some I ate enough raw turnips right out of the ground to make myself puke. Kids are weird, eh? Funny thing to spoil your dinner with...

    I am certain I hate more food and I will share it with you, my Amazing Ribs brethren, as the day of Festivus continues.
    Last edited by jfmorris; December 23, 2021, 01:22 PM.


    • rodkeary
      rodkeary commented
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      I agree with all 5 of your food grievances. You did forget a big one though. LIMA BEANS.

    • SmokingPat
      SmokingPat commented
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      Canned cranberry sauce: the clear stuff or the 'berries and twigs' kind? I grew up on the 'clear' stuff, but later converted to 'berries and twigs', or other homemade sauces.
      The canned clear stuff still works well on turkey sandwiches.

    • Murdy
      Murdy commented
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      I like every single thing on this list.

    I am sure someone else has already posted this... My biggest grievance is "has anyone every tried to cook....'whatever' "? I so badly want to say nope. In the thousands of years of men and women cooking over a fire no one has any ever DARED to cook "whatever"...In fact, don't even try to use the search function as you won't find it since it has been banned in all 50 states with a life time sentence to eating a canned thanksgiving dinner if you even DARE to try... I know, people come for answers, but I so want to be the guy in the Pink Panther Movie that responded to Inspector Clouseau's question of "Do you know the way to the hotel.." Yes, and I walk off.. Okay, back to the the regularly scheduled program...


    • SmokingPat
      SmokingPat commented
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      Not related to cooking, but: people who post on a forum with the title 'I have a question'. That's it -- you have to open their post if you want to know the question.

    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Bones Points awarded fer th Inspector Clouseau reference, btw

    The screw top jar returned to the refrigerator (or cupboard) with the lid simply set on top and not screwed down. Virtually guarantees a dropped, spilled, and often broken jar when you take it out again.


    • jfmorris
      jfmorris commented
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      It's really fun it its something like a salad dressing or condiment that you need to shake to mix back up before using. I can't think of the times I've had to clean stuff off the wall/ceiling/cabinets because I went to shake it and the lid wasn't on when I took it out of the fridge.

      I guess the lesson for me is to CHECK the lids every time, but I never remember until I get the surprise.

    • STEbbq
      STEbbq commented
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      Luckily I am in the habit of picking up things by the container not the top so I’ve generally avoided messes but had too many close calls to count.

    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      I count myself among th Lucky Bastiges of Murricah, on accounta th Cat, Smokey Joe, ain't done that, even once to me, in several years.
      Y'all made yer nests.

    This remidnds me of an old similar gripe topic: https://pitmaster.amazingribs.com/fo...nds-your-gears

    Mine, lately, is doing customer service for lazy people who don't bother to look for the answer to their question, which is more right in front of their face than finding our Contact Us email link, which they successfully did. I cannot get too much more specific or I would lose any remaining professionalism I have left.


    • ofelles
      ofelles commented
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      Okay, let's give Huskee a rest.
      Panhead John is always talking about being a new Moderator. Send him your dumb questions!

    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      Great idea ofelles We could start a new column here, call it ….”Ask PJ” Everyone posts their stupidest questions for me to answer. It could be fun. 🥸🥸
      Last edited by Panhead John; December 24, 2021, 03:51 AM.

    Since I am now single, I have no further spousal complaints. But I have one huge professional complaint. We tell everyone that no question is a dumb question, but when you ask me the same question on every project like what goes on the drawing list, I tend to get a little upset. Or if I send you the standard with the answer in it and you ask me without looking at what I just sent - I have been known to get a little sarcastic. True story, I once drove a guy to tears (not particularly proud of that) and had to attend mandatory sensitivity training.


    • WillTravelForFood
      WillTravelForFood commented
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      Ask a silly person, get a silly answer.

    • jfmorris
      jfmorris commented
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      I've always been one to speak my mind, and have been known to let folks know what I think when they are stupid. In a former job when I left, my going away gift was a meat cleaver engraved with "The Butcher". And it had nothing to do with meat.

    • Dr. Pepper
      Dr. Pepper commented
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      Uh oh, back to sensitivity training for klflowers ! ☹️

    Holiday and food adjacent grievance. Going through the party’s buffet line, getting your food, and then stopping and starting an in depth conversation with two of your friends while blocking everyone else from the food. Get your food and then move on!

    Oh yeah, that, and anyone who decides Lutefisk makes for a good holiday dinner.


    • SmokingPat
      SmokingPat commented
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      You don't like lutefisk? You should move from Minnesota.

    Only one and it is a big one for me. What time is dinner? Answer, we eat at 5:30. Then they either arrive at 5:25 or at 5:40....


      Here’s one that really chaps my butt….I spend hours making a big pot of delicious homemade vegetable soup or chili. Then, after I serve it to certain family members, or this one friend in particular, they crumble up fists full of crackers and dump them in their bowl with the soup or chili! That really pisses me off! I tell em, "If the recipe called for crackers I’d have already put em in there!" It ruins the taste of what I spent hours making. Now, everyone likes crackers WITH their soup or chili, just don’t put em in my soup/chili. I’m a believer of eating the crackers separately.

      In fact, this friend of mine first did it a few years ago at my house. After severely admonishing him for that, 🤓 I started doing this….Whenever he’d come over and I was serving him a bowl, I’d give him one cracker only. When he finished it I’d give him another, and so on. Now he never dumps crackers in my food anymore. I’m serious, I really did that.
      Last edited by Panhead John; December 23, 2021, 04:51 PM.


      • Richard Chrz
        Richard Chrz commented
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        I’m with you! I would seriously struggle with that as well. If I made dinner and it is not in it, or out for you to add, it would not be available,

      • Murdy
        Murdy commented
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        Gotta say it depends. Being a Texan, I'm sure your indignation about your friend's assault on your chili was righteous. However, there is an awful lot of bad chili in the upper Midwest -- sometimes complete with macaroni noodles -- into which I will enthusiastically dump as many crushed crackers as I can get my hands on.

      • Andrrr
        Andrrr commented
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        I would probably add beans 👌

      Spinaker This one’s for you: https://youtu.be/iAk2cKbOFZ4


      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        Yessir, I does collect up alla th rabbit pellets, on my frontwalk, an dooryard, an use em to help fuel my compost. Hain't tooken me no temp readins, thus far, but Science takes Time, Y'all...Have some sweet dadgum mercy, an a modicum, or even a smatterin of patience
        Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 24, 2021, 10:39 PM.

      • Spinaker
        Spinaker commented
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        Hahaha, I agree with this on so many levels.

      • Dr. Pepper
        Dr. Pepper commented
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        Very funny. Now, I just need to add a wirefire router to my network.

      This makes me crazy. I ask, "What night are we doing the dinner party?" Answer, "Next Monday" which after always asking again to be clear means a week from Monday. If today is Thursday, why is "next" Monday a week from "this" Monday when the next Monday is actually this Monday and who's on first?

      The other one is asking what time dinner is planned for in order to plan the cook. Answer - Everyone is coming over at 4:00
      Last edited by cgrover60; December 23, 2021, 06:10 PM.




          Here lately: drive up to McDonalds drive through. They greet: "welcome to McDonalds. Will you be using our mobile app today?" Umm, NO! Why would I Use an app when I'm using the Drive Through!?!


          • WillTravelForFood
            WillTravelForFood commented
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            We're okay with this. Sometimes we've placed the order already and we're picking up through the drive-thru.

          • STEbbq
            STEbbq commented
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            I believe if you use the app you just give them a code and then they will prep your order. I agree it is annoying and they should not greet you that way but I suspect they have a ton of mobile orders as they give coupons via the app.

          • bbqLuv
            bbqLuv commented
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            A few times a week for our daily walk we walk to Starbucks and order coffee. Mobile orders come first. Orders taken at the counter play second fiddle. The employees at Starbucks will even bring what you ordered to your car. Car Hops are back in vogue.

          When the FIL decides he wants to ask clueless questions about what and how you're cooking something...right when you have no time to accommodate. What's worse is he's a "close talker". So right when I'm scrambling to maintain, he's right over my shoulder at every turn.


            Pretty much everything on Food Network but especially the pudgy peroxide poser.


            • Bkhuna
              Bkhuna commented
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              pkadare - That being said, his on screen schtick is annoying.

            • pkadare
              pkadare commented
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              Bkhuna that I don't disagree with. :-)

            • WillTravelForFood
              WillTravelForFood commented
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              We used to not like his shtick, but after meeting him a few times, we have seen a transformation from his early FN years to now for the better. His Tournament of Champions hosting is pretty good; his DDD at home episodes are entertaining; he has worked hard on earning restaurant chef/employee goodwill. Give Guy another shot on his more serious, newer stuff.


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