I have seen numerous posts mentioning the Paprika Recipe Manager. For those who have used it, is the App worth the $4.99 purchase price and does that include Cloud storage of recipes? Just looking for feedback from those who have used it. Thanks!
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Paprika Recipe Manager Information Request
Founding Member
- Jul 2014
- 446
- Pierre, SD
1987 Weber Kettle (Still going!)
2004 Cookshack Smokette (The original!)
2012 Weber Genesis (Wonderful for steaks and chops!)
2014 Pit Barrel Cooker (Lovin it!)
Thermoworks Thermapen
Thermoworks Mini Handheld Thermocouple & Meat Needle Probe
Various other wireless remote thermometers
Beer...Bud Light (Timeless)
Tags: None
Club Member
- Aug 2017
- 7679
Primo XL
Weber 26"
Weber 22"
Weber 22"
Weber 18"
Weber Jumbo Joe
Weber Green Smokey Joe (Thanks, Mr. Bones!)
Weber Smokey Joe
Orion Smoker
DigiQ DX2
Slow 'N Sear XL
Arteflame 26.75" Insert
Blaze BLZ-4-NG 32-Inch 4-Burner Built-In
- With Rear Infrared Burner
- With Infrared Sear Burner
- With Rotisserie
Empava 2 Burner Gas Cooktop
Weber Spirit 210
- With Grillgrates
​​​​​​​ - With Rotisserie
Weber Q2200
Blackstone Pizza Oven
Portable propane burners (3)
Propane turkey Fryer
Fire pit grill
I bought it but I still use Google Keep for recipes. So for me, the verdict isn't clear. Google Keep is free and I can use it on the desktop or mobile. Paprika charges you separately for each version. The PC version of Paprika is $30.
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I got the PC version on sale for $14.99. I doubt I would have paid full price for it.
Draznnl I also balked at the full price of the PC version after getting the mobile version for cheap on sale. But then that $15 sale happened and I grabbed it too. Before that, I was using BlueStacks (Android emulator) to run the mobile version on my PC.
I’ve only been using it the past several months but have learned to really enjoy it. Yes, it is worth it. It has what they call cloud sync so all recipes sync across all your devices. My wife and I share the account so it works across all our Apple devices and also syncs with her PC which we did buy a separate license for.
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Club Member
- Jul 2019
- 2118
- Central IA
MAK 2 Star General
KBQ C-60
Weber Summit Charcoal Grillw/ Big Joetisserie, SnS LP, and VortexWeber Genesis II - S-345
Weber Traveler
Fireboard 2 Drive
Anova Precision Sous Vide
All the (pellet) grills I’ve loved before:
Traeger Junior Elite^
Traeger Texas Elite
Memphis Pro§
Traeger Pro 575
CampChef SmokePro STX (ugly grills need love too)
Weber SmokeFire EX4§
Traeger Select
CampChef Woodwind WiFi w/SearBox^
Weber SmokeFire EX4§
^ = Favorites
§ = Love/Hate Relationships
They do run regular sales, I got the Mac version for $14.99 and don't remember what I paid for iOS version. However, it syncs automatically between devices, but it isn't clear where there are stored and I've never looked very hard since I have a backup system and 3 copies of them already from the different devices. Has been worth it price wise to me just for the recipe import ability.
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Club Member
- Feb 2018
- 2835
- Northshore MA
Alfresco Gasser
Alfresco Power Burner
Alfresco Sear Station
Blazin' Grid Iron Pellet Cooker
Shirley 36 Patio Offset Smoker
Up at Camp:
Weber Summit Charcoal Grill
I purchased mine during a sale as well. I love it. I did pay the extra for the app as well. I love love love it.
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Club Member
- May 2017
- 2843
- San Antonio, TX
Weber Kettle Performer
SNS Upgrades
Weber Jumbo Joe w/SNS
Weber Q1200
Meater Block
Thermoworks Smoke
Thermapen MK4
Thermoworks Chef Alarm
Thermoworks Dash
Too many thermometers, gadgets, accessories, and tools!
Favorite beer: Alaskan Amber
Yep, ditto on above information about cloud sync. It’s great for sorting, searching, and sifting our 3,000+ recipes🙄. We have it on three Apple devices, including a Mac, and we love it. It’s kind of an addiction, need to do some serious culling.
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I got it for like two bucks when it was on sale and I have family share through apple so my wife’s phone and iPad got it at no additional cost. We have imported all recipes and even use it for the shopping list. Probably would’ve paid $20 for the mobile version honestly knowing what it can do and how easy it can make life
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I've used it for years. Cloud sync is included. It's a one time fee for the money and, well.. it's $5.
Now... You get more out of it if you do some or all of these:
1) Regulary find recipes on the web. Paprika will let you paste in the link to the recipe and then automatically download it. This ill not work on password protected sites and it works best on actual food or recipe sites, not sites that are just forums etc.
2) Categorize things. You can make up your own categories for things, but that will really help you out.
3) use the grocery list and/or recipe scaling. Got a recipe for 8 servings but it's you and the spouse? Scale it.
4) use 2 or more devices. I have it on my iPhone, iPad and Mac. It's very nice to be able to see a recipe on any of those, save it to Paprika and boom, it's everywhere.
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Charter Member
- Oct 2014
- 8839
Large Big Green Egg, Weber Performer Deluxe, Weber Smokey Joe Silver, Fireboard Drive, 3 DigiQs, lots of Thermapens, and too much other stuff to mention.
Here is a little thing: it doesn’t time out. When I’m using a recipe off the internet as a guide, it times out after a few minutes, but Paprika doesn’t.
It’s the little things.
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Club Member
- Nov 2017
- 7788
- Huntsville, Alabama
Jim Morris
Cookers- Slow 'N Sear Deluxe Kamado (2021)
- Camp Chef FTG900 Flat Top Grill (2020)
- Weber Genesis II E-410 w/ GrillGrates (2019)
- Weber Performer Deluxe 22.5" w/ GrillGrates & Slow 'N Sear & Drip N Griddle & Vortex & Party Q & Rotisserie (2007)
- Thermoworks Smoke w/ Wifi Gateway
- Thermoworks Dot
- Thermoworks Thermapen Classic
- Thermoworks RT600C
- Weber Connect
- Whatever I brewed and have on tap! See it here: https://taplist.io/taplist-57685
I bought it when it was on sale for half price, and got the iOS version for $5 as I recall, and its on both my iPhone and iPad. I also bought the PC version for my laptop, and Mac version for my desktop, and while I think they store locally, I've got it setup to use the cloud to sync between devices. So any recipe I save on my PC shows up on the iPad or iPhone automatically, which is nice, since I usually have one of those in the kitchen when mixing up rubs, making a recipe, etc.
Before that I was keeping a few dozen recipes I used often in the Notes app on my iPad and iPhone and iMac. This beats that, as it scales, saves pictures, and has a nice interface.
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Founding Member & Pit Barrel Cooker Queen
- Jul 2014
- 7691
My toys:
Weber Summit Charcoal Grilling Center (WSCGC) aka Mr. Fancypants
Pit Barrel Cooker (which rocks), named Pretty Baby
Weber Summit S650 Gas Grill, named Hot 'n Fast (used mostly for searing and griddling)
Weber Kettle Premium 22" named Kettle Kid, eager to horn in with more cooks in the future
Camp Chef Somerset IV 4-burner outdoor gas range named AfterBurner due to its 30kBTU burners
Adrenaline BBQ Company Gear:SnS Low Profile, DnG, and Large Charcoal Basket, for WSCGC
SnS Deluxe for 22" Kettle
Elevated SS Rack for WSCGC
SS Rack for DnG
Cast Iron GriddleGrill Grate for SnSGrill Grates: five 17.375 sections (retired to storage)
Grill Grates: six 19.25 panels for exact fit for Summit S650
Grill Grates for 22" Kettle
2 Grill Grate Griddles
Steelmade Griddle for Summit gas grill
Fireboard Gear:Extreme BBQ Thermometer PackagePit Viper Fan (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Additional control unit
Additional probes: Competition Probes 1" (3) and 4" (1), 3 additional Ambient Probes. 1 additional Food Probe
2 Driver Cables
Pit Viper Fan new design (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Thermoworks Gear:Thermapen MK4 (pink)Maverick ET 73 a little workhorse with limited range
Thermapen Classic (pink too)
Thermoworks MK4 orange
Temp Test 2 Smart Thermometer
Extra Big and Loud Timer
Timestick Trio
Maverick ET 733
Maverick (Ivation) ET 732
Grill Pinz
Vortex (two of them)
18" drip pan for WSCGC
Ceramic Spacers for WSCGC in Kamado Mode: 2 sets each 1/2", 1", 2". The 2" spacers work best with the 18" drip pan. The 1+1/2 inch spacers work best with the 14 inch cake pan.
Two Joule Sous Vide devices
3 Lipavi Sous Vide Tubs with Lids: 12, 18 and 26 quarts
Avid Armor Ultra Pro V32 Chamber Sealer
Instant Pot 6 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Instant Pot 10 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Charcoal Companion TurboQue
A-Maze-N tube 12 inch tube smoker accessory for use with pellets
BBQ Dragon and Dragon Chimney
Shun Classic Series:8" Chef Knife
6" Chef's Knife
Gokujo Boning and Fillet Knife
3 1/2 inch Paring Knife
I use it every single day. It's so convenient for storing my recipes and new ones as well. It doesn't take long to rack up over 1,000 recipes. Good thing they have a solid-performer of a search engine and a categorizing option.
I added a Tips and Techniques category and often copy/paste ideas from the SUWYC topic and other topics here on The Pit. So easy to do.
KathrynLast edited by fzxdoc; February 12, 2021, 08:23 AM.
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