OK I'm not some tree hugging, snot nosed, save the whales type but when it comes to putting food into my pie hole, I tend to be somewhat picky in the quality of the products I use in cooking. I'm fortunate enough to live in a part of the country where good, better and best quality meats of all kinds are readily available. If not there are dozens of mail order sources to get the best of the best delivered to my front door.
That said, I tend to choose beef sources from smaller ranches, usually prime or American wagyu grade, that I'm reasonable sure aren't pumped up with antibiotics and growth hormones or whatever they do to create bionic commodity beef. If that means a little more searching and a lot more expense then so be it. If you think I'm being too picky or am some sort of beef snob, then I suggest you take a look at one small portion of one of the hundreds of massive fed lots in Texas alone. Here's an aerial form the Tascosa Feed Lot just outside Amarillo, Texas.

Sorry if I just ruined your steak dinner
. And don't get me started on chicken, pork or lamb !!!
That said, I tend to choose beef sources from smaller ranches, usually prime or American wagyu grade, that I'm reasonable sure aren't pumped up with antibiotics and growth hormones or whatever they do to create bionic commodity beef. If that means a little more searching and a lot more expense then so be it. If you think I'm being too picky or am some sort of beef snob, then I suggest you take a look at one small portion of one of the hundreds of massive fed lots in Texas alone. Here's an aerial form the Tascosa Feed Lot just outside Amarillo, Texas.
Sorry if I just ruined your steak dinner
