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Beef Ribs - Looking for Sauce / Dip Recipe/Tips

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    Beef Ribs - Looking for Sauce / Dip Recipe/Tips

    Hey gang - so I feel like I have my beef rib game pretty well dialed in. Long smoke over post oak, no wrap until resting, spritz after a few hours ever thirty minutes … while I love them as is, I wanted to see if this group had some good ideas for a complementary dipping sauce. I think a Kansas style thicker sauce likely too sweet when all I really want is the flavor of the beef to shine through. So am looking for something just to provide a little flavor contrast, I kinda think pickled red onion or shallot with some herbs would be a nice start but would love this erstwhile group’s views !!! TIA !

    I wouldn’t sauce day 1. I would however, use a beef gravy if serving with mashed potatoes. I like putting the meat in tortillas for leftovers so a light salsa with fresh jalapeños and onions works well.


      What about a Texas mop sauce?

      In Texas the traditional barbecue sauce recipe is usually more like a tomato soup, thin and spicy, it penetrates the meat.


      • Murdy
        Murdy commented
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        I've made this a few times and really like it with beef.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	5C74ACF7-DECC-40BE-9D6F-EA7548E30946.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	573.3 KB ID:	1105123 I usually don’t sauce my beef ribs. However, I have tried this white sauce on a brisket sandwich. It was really good. I could see it as a dipping sauce on the side perhaps.


      • Murdy
        Murdy commented
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        What's it like? An Alabama white? Or horseradish based? Or what?

      • Jfrosty27
        Jfrosty27 commented
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        It's more like an Alabama white with a little more flavor from black pepper, vinegar, and some other stuff I can't remember. Really tasty. In fact, I smoked a pork tenderloin last night and see this as a really good condiment on sliced pork tenderloin sandwiches for lunch today!

      kinda think pickled red onion or shallot with some herbs would be a nice start but would love this erstwhile group’s views
      I like this idea. If you want it to be sauce like, sauté the shallots (or not) and then blitz it all in a food processor. I'd play with mustard and Worcestershire as accents, too.


        The beef profile of short ribs is so significant that I really don’t think you need any sauce. But, if you want to try something complimentary, I think the sauce should be big and bold, too. I think I’d do a horseradish sauce and I also think I’d try an Au jus coming from the drippings off the beef ribs themselves.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Havedta Heartilly second any endorsement fer horseradish, pairs so Beautimous with heavy beef cuts....

        • texastweeter
          texastweeter commented
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          I'd eat Mr. Bones beloved hat if you put horseradish in it, then run like hell for heavy cover! INCOMING!

        • Draznnl
          Draznnl commented
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          A horseradish sauce on the side is an intriguing idea. I have some Dino Ribs in the freezer that I was planning to make without sauce. but maybe if I feel adventurous that evening I'll whip up some horseradish sauce.

        I know it is probably sacrilege, but I really like A-1 steak sauce for beef ribs. Not a lot, maybe what you’re calling a dipping sauce.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          If'n it makes ya Happy, then I can perceive no Sacrilege, Amigo...

          Personally, tend to likeys 'Heinz 57', a fair bit more...)

        • Oak Smoke
          Oak Smoke commented
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          Really? A-1, Sorry it’s a bit of a joke at our house. Everyone in the family knows I don’t allow the stuff on the place. It all started several years ago when a former friend said he needed A-1 for the steak I had just grilled him. It was a gorgeous ribeye with lots of marbling. Heck that’s just on step from asking for ketchup.

        Beef Ribs sauce not I do.


          Straight off the smoker no sauce. Leftovers shredded in a sandwich, picked red onions and chipotle Mayo with some melted cheese.


            Chimichurri, a bit heavy on the acid to cut the fattiness of the ribs. Some pickled red onion. Flour tortillas, I'd probably even make the kinda puffy Tex-Mex kind for this. Yeah, I'm there for that.


              My Barrister DEW's Run Molasses Sauce is actually really good on beef. Just saying. That said, I often don't sauce beef ribs, except for back ribs which I treat basically like pork spares.


                Store bought Louisiana hot sauce. Home made would be a red pepper vinegar sauce.


                  I recently picked up some of Max Good ‘s Black Swan sauces and was very impressed with the Savory Original with beef ribs I made a week ago. Some of the best store bought sauces I’ve found so far and are very different from your mainstream bbq sauces with bolder/more complex flavors.


                    I don't think beef ribs need sauce, but, if you're serving a group of people, some will want it. You've got some good suggestions here. I've done Meathead's Texas Barbecue Juice (available on free site) and like it. It's a thinner sauce. Some guests may not be satisfied with anything but KC style--for them, I'd keep a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's on hand (or some such thing).


                    • ecowper
                      ecowper commented
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                      I keep a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's around because there's always that one guy

                    Bob Trudnak has a beef sauce out that is awesome on beef ribs and brisket. Not too thick, not too thin, full of flavor while still allowing the beef to be the star.



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