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Show us what you're cooking - 3/6/2016 through 11/7/2020

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    Looks great


      Last night's steak dinner. 2 Delmonicos were in the bargain bin with a sell-by of 5/31 so I snagged them, and one more ribeye for good measure. All about ~1" thick or a pinch under.

      Reverse-seared over only well-lit charcoal with the kettle & SnS.

      Sides were garlic & EVOO-sauteed broccoli, and sauteed mushrooms and onions. And a Pabst because it was a cheap beer kinda evening for me.

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      • Thunder77
        Thunder77 commented
        Editing a comment
        Yow! That all looks great!

      • JeffJ
        JeffJ commented
        Editing a comment
        Perfect medium rare! I love how you subtly worked in a bottle of PBR into one of your pics.

      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks all! JeffJ busted & guilty as charged

      This is nothing but a simple chicken cook. Lemon pepper boneless skinless chicken breasts, roasted potatoes, field greens.

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      • Spinaker
        Spinaker commented
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        Great Color man!!

      • Thunder77
        Thunder77 commented
        Editing a comment
        Very nice presentation!

      • JeffJ
        JeffJ commented
        Editing a comment
        That is proof positive that a healthy dinner can be very tasty. Nicely done! I hope you didn't cook that in a kamado - those rigs ruin dinners like this. ;-)


      Late to post. but here are some baby backs I made on Sunday. I usually cook St. Louieys but these were on sale for $14. So I had to get them. I cooked them at about 275 F for maybe 2 1/2 hours. Then basted with blues hog red sauce and some Texas Rib candy. MMMMMMMMM they were tasty. No left overs. So I guess that has to count for something.
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      • SoonerBQuer
        SoonerBQuer commented
        Editing a comment
        Looks good!

      • JeffJ
        JeffJ commented
        Editing a comment
        Beautiful color.

      This is really late posting but had to share some good results. I planned to smoke up brisket and some beef ribs for my wife's interns as a gift to celebrate them graduating college. As usual it's really an excuse for me to smoke a hunk of meat or two . The first pick is after the ribs were pulled and the brisket is on the smoker with a chicken for the neighbor while it was running. After smoking the first brisket and sharing in it with the grads my wife was upset I didn't save some for us since it was so good, lol. So at her request i went right to the store Saturday when we got home and bought another whole packer and beef ribs. Since I was already at the store I picked up some spare ribs to go along with the two rack of baby's I cooked as well. The spares came out a bit tough but when i reheated in the over they were awesome. The baby backs were super tender and really delicious. Sorry forgot to get photos of the pork ribs.

      This was the 5th and 6th smokes on the smoker so I'm just getting into my groove with it. It is really fantastic and cooks much faster than my grill dome.


      • Spinaker
        Spinaker commented
        Editing a comment
        That smoker is a beast!!!!!

      • martybartram
        martybartram commented
        Editing a comment
        That brisket is on point brah! No pun intended.

      • SoonerBQuer
        SoonerBQuer commented
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        A beast indeed. Got it so we could do competitions easier. Our teams previous pit was a leaky offset that gave everything a sooty, acrid taste.

      I do love this thread although I have trouble remembering to look at it...
      It was Simon and Garfunkel Chix tonight with southern style green beans and a sweet potato for sides. I remembered to take the "before" shot, but almost forgot to take the "after" shot. I don't mix the rub - I just sprinkle a little of this and a little of that on - whatever I feel like at the time.

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        Sous vide pork shoulder chunks, kicked up corn and mango salsa


        • Ernest
          Ernest commented
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          Dewesq55 you want longer cook time not higher temp.

        • RonB
          RonB commented
          Editing a comment
          Looks real good to me.

        • Thunder77
          Thunder77 commented
          Editing a comment
          Beautiful presentation!!

        So yesterday I decided to try this method for burgs featuring Big Bertha.

        Weber Genesis Silver B, GrillGrates, 3 burners on Low, Lid Down, Cooking in the mid - high 500's. Done in about 20 minutes. Wasn't sure how fast they would cook, so I initially flipped every 2 min, but realized I could hold out for 5-6 mins.

        These are 4 oz patties, but somehow this isn't some Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese.

        -- Ed

        Ready for Cheese! (medium cheddar off the block)

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        The Rig!

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          Here's the recipe:

          Law = Law(d)! This is way too @#!& Good!
          Here's the recipe - it's low sodium to boot!

          1 1/4 pounds ground beef
          1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
          1/2 teaspoon onion powder
          1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
          2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
          1/2 teaspoon black pepper

          Now for the killer. Cook these in cast iron. Throw in some onions and cook them up in the grease. Melt some cheese over the burgs. Serve the burgs right out of the iron onto the bun and pile with onions. Don't drain anything. Don't need condiments; may need bib.


          I have some issues where the burgs start to fall apart when flipping. Solution: Flash Freeze patties 20-30 minutes ( 30 is probably the max ) right before you cook.

          Last edited by Medusa; June 2, 2016, 08:07 AM. Reason: added freezer trick


          • bbqoaf
            bbqoaf commented
            Editing a comment
            Nice, gotta love when the burger sings on its own with no need for condiments, thanks for the recipe.


            loving the capacity on my Hasty-Bake Gourmet! 3 racks of baby back with memphis dust, local smoked sausage, tamales, and a pile of corn. Feeding 15 people for memorial day was a breeze. not pictured: two spatchcocked chickens dry brined for 8 hours and smoked for dinner that night.

            finally getting the hang of managing my fire in the HB. Several folks said they were my best ribs yet.


            • Breadhead
              Breadhead commented
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              Nice cook! I've never owned a Hasty Bake but they seem like a very interesting cooker. Being able to raise or lower the charcoal is absolutely brilliant! I have no idea why other BBQ/grill makers haven't copied that feature?

            Yesterday was Farm-to-Table pick up so when I got home I opened the box to see what we had. Among the goodies were Rainbow Swiss Chard, yellow squash, and blueberries. I incorporated all into the meal.
            I pulled Dino Kale and a Baby Bok Choy (last week's Farm-to-Table) and some grilled beets soaking in balsamic vinegar with Simon & Garfunkel seasoning. I washed the greens and separated the stalks of the Baby Bok Choy and Rainbow Chard from the leaves and then sliced the stalks down the middle. I set them aside with the Dino Kale. The remaining leaves were cut into long, thin strips and placed in a serving dish. I drizzled EVO and lemon juice on them, diced the grilled beets, and then laid the beets across the top. That went into the refrigerator. The stalks and the Dino Kale were put in a bowl and tossed with 1.5 TBS of melted Kerry's Gold Butter (salted), a drizzle of EVO, salt, and pepper; they were then left out to sit. Next up, I split the three yellow squash lengthwise and drizzled them with Worcestershire.
            The Ribeye had been dry brining for 72 hours and had Big Bad Beef Rub on it for 36 hours. Below is the timeline and temps for the Weber. I purchased Cowboy Lump the other day to try out on hot and fast cooks.
            Fuel: 1/2 Chimney of Cowboy Lump Charcoal, 1/2 Chimney of KBB, a double handful of extra lump on top of the lit charcoal. No wood.
            Time Grate Temp Meat Temp Actions
            4:55pm 325 106 BV .5 TV .5
            5pm 325 115 Pulled meat off the grill because Leah was running late
            5:30pm 180 in fridge Open both vents all the way
            6:30pm 406 Put meat and veggies on the grill and began searing them. Beef came off at 132 (his) 145 (hers) Greens laid over the salad.
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            • Thunder77
              Thunder77 commented
              Editing a comment
              Beautiful dishes and great write-up as well!

            • martybartram
              martybartram commented
              Editing a comment
              Thank you very much Thunder77

            • Thunder77
              Thunder77 commented
              Editing a comment
              So what's your address? I'll be down for dinner! 😜😜😎

            Quick Thursday night indoor reverse sear sirloin steak. No seasoning besides a very liberal dry brine, simple and delicious. A little over seared on the one side with too much grey meat, but still really tasty.
            Last edited by bbqoaf; June 2, 2016, 05:06 PM.


            • Thunder77
              Thunder77 commented
              Editing a comment
              Sometimes simple is the best! A really good steak has a story to tell all on its own. That looks pretty much how I like my sirloins too. 😎

            • Breadhead
              Breadhead commented
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            • martybartram
              martybartram commented
              Editing a comment
              sets my mouth to watering, that looks perfect

            The Cook: Stuffed Chicken DATE: June 2, 2016
            PREPARATION: Extra sharp cheddar sliced thick. Combine 2 TBS Honey Mustard Dressing, 1 TBS mustard, 1 squeeze of hoisin sauce. Butterflied the chicken and then marinated meat in pork injection from The Book ( for about an hour. Painted the inside of the chicken with the mustard sauce, placed a slice of ham and a slice of cheese in it and rolled up the butterflied pieces. Wrapped a single piece of bacon around the thighs and wrapped two pieces in opposite directions around the breasts. Secured the wraps with high-temp silicon bands because the UPS guy is late with my butcher’s twine.
            NOTES: Used boneless, skinless thighs and breasts. When meat came off the grill it went into a baking pan, covered it with foil and then placed the pan in a zippered, insulated, casserole tote until Leah got home. Made a simple lettuce and tomato salad for the side.
            TARGET TEMPERATURE: 325-375 FUEL & SMOKE: ¼ chimney of leftover lump charcoal and filled the rest of the chimney with lump but left room for 8 Kingsford briquettes.
            Time Grate Temp Meat Temp Actions
            4:15 Chimney started
            4:40 Charcoal in grill
            4:45 338 TV .5 BV .5
            5:00 334 Put chicken on the grill, BV .75
            5:15 324 Added layer of lump and opened both vents wide open
            5:45 354 153 All thighs at 170+ pulled and held them
            5:54 365 180 Checked breasts with Thermopen, all between 167-175 pulled them and closed the vents on grill. Breasts held with thighs.
            FINISHING AND SERVING: Simple salad on the side, no salt or pepper needed.

            FINISHED PRODUCT: Thighs and breasts had distinctly different tastes. Both were juicy, the breast less so naturally. You could taste the ham in the breast but the ham was lost in the thigh as it was stronger. The bacon was a great finish.
            NEXT TIME: Put a stronger, creamier cheese in.

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            • martybartram
              martybartram commented
              Editing a comment
              left off that I used a single piece of hickory

            • Thunder77
              Thunder77 commented
              Editing a comment
              Sounds like a great dinner! Looks great.

            • martybartram
              martybartram commented
              Editing a comment
              It definitely was a hit with SWMBO, I got more than a shrug and a "its good" last night. LOL

            Some great looking stuff above.



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