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Show us what you're cooking - 3/6/2016 through 11/7/2020

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    Finally finished the pastrami I started over the weekend. Put it in a water bath @195*F for 4 hours. Came out great. Than you David Parrish for posting your technique!
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    • David Parrish
      David Parrish commented
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      Good, ain't it?!?

    • richinlbrg
      richinlbrg commented
      Editing a comment
      OHHHH, yeah!!!

      THANK YOU!

    Splatchcocked 4 lbers. The dogs were just for sustenance while I slaved over a hot kettle. I ended up doing the drumsticks a little longer. Temp was ok but a bit underdone.However the breasts were the best I have ever had with reference to juiciness....flavor is never perfect but will continue to strive. Love my SNS! All in all a step in the right direction.
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    • Zappe'sBBQ
      Zappe'sBBQ commented
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      Really looks good. I know there is not much room in there but you have the thermometer to close to the meat to get an accurate pit temperature. How did the chicken turn out?

    • Mickeylou5
      Mickeylou5 commented
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      Are the hot dogs appetizers?

    I also think I Splatchcocked the wrong direction.


    • MikeC
      MikeC commented
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      Yeah. I guess I feel guilty throwing out anything remotely usable...

    • bbqoaf
      bbqoaf commented
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      MikeC so do I, I recently made stock with a smoked turkey carcass and it is pretty amazing. Keep the bones and gristle for sure.

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      One time I cut the breastbone instead of the spine ...chicken tasted the same!



    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      That's what I thought. Mine is marketed by Landmann, but it is the same smoker with one extra feature, a second table which can be lowered and swung under the cook tube when not in use.


    • martybartram
      martybartram commented
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      Very nice! Beautiful pizza! it looks like you are using indirect heat. Is that accurate? What do you have below your grate?

    • CapeMay
      CapeMay commented
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      Thank you Guest. That's the plate setter which creates the indirect heat.

      I cheat by buying fresh dough from my local market. They make it daily. I just pull it to size.

      *Cornmeal the peel
      *Lay dough on the peel
      *Sauce the dough
      *Meat, vegetables
      *650F for 6-8 minutes

    • martybartram
      martybartram commented
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      We do the same and buy our dough from the local Italian restaurant.

    Picked up my order from the butcher so it is ribeye for dinner. Dry brined for 2 hours
    sweet taters went on 30 minutes before beef
    Indirect side at 270 steaks went on, their internal temp 37
    At 113 internal I moved all the briquettes but not the wood (hickory) to one side of the SNS and started searing hers - about 8 minutes and we were at 153 moved it to the indirect side and sprinkled a tad of salt
    Mine seared for 4 min and at 127 pulled it and plated it
    Used the chimmichurry recipe from this site, delish! But I forgot about it until the last two bites; used the rest as salad dressing!
    Last edited by martybartram; May 13, 2016, 06:13 AM.


      A lot of good cooks on this page. Y'all are making me hawngry!


        A few weeks back I got a cheap steel wok to fit in my Kamado. I found an 18.5 inch one that fits perfectly in my cooker. I loaded it up with Lump and let her warm up. I made some beef and veggies. It turned out great but I went a bit heavy on the sauce. I would love to try some fried rice and noodles in there too. This was my first foray into Wok cooking on my Kamado. Its something that I will be visiting again. Its Just a fun way to cook. And the Kamado keeps the wok hot after I throw the food in. My stove just doesn't have the BTU's to keep the wok up to temp after putting the food in. From what I've read, thats the most important part of wok cooking, keep the temp up for the whole precess so the frying continues all the way through the cooking process. I know a few have tried with cast iron woks. What was your experience. Any tips? Picture are not the best. Nor are they oriented the correct way.
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        • CapeMay
          CapeMay commented
          Editing a comment
          Nice! I use a wok or Korean BBQ often. If you're looking for a very nice powerful table stove I highly recommend the Iwatani 35FW. It's indoor approved and I use it at the table, kitchen, or on the patio.

        • fuzzydaddy
          fuzzydaddy commented
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          Looks delicious. You and Bonnie did good!

        I slaughtered a Dinosaur on the way home this afternoon. I cant wait to get the fire going. I believe a reverse sear is in order here folks. Almost 80 Ounces or Beffy heaven. Have a great Friday everyone. I know I will!!

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        • Spinaker
          Spinaker commented
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          Big Ern? Ernest

        • Ernest
          Ernest commented
          Editing a comment
          Spinaker !!

        • richinlbrg
          richinlbrg commented
          Editing a comment
          THOSE LOOK GREAT! How did you season them, and how were they?

        SV salmon at 123 degrees for 40 min. Hope it turns out!


          Garden Pesto Stuffed Pork Loin Roast.

          This picture is from the first time I tried this recipe, but I'm trying again tomorrow so I thought I'd post for all to see.

          The recipe was followed as close as possible. First I purchased the full loin from the grocery store and saved a ton of $$$. My full loin barely cost more than the cut up roast on the display. I cut the loin in half and vacuum froze the other half. (the other half I'm cooking tomorrow)

          To open the loin I used my longest knife and slowly sliced while rolling the loin open like a swiss cake roll. The wife didn't think I could to. I layered on my own my own pesto that I make with fresh basil from my garden. Yes, its damn good. This took (2) 4oz jars. When I spread the pesto on I added olive oil and more pine nuts. Next time I will add even a little more olive oil so the pesto is really soaked.
          I rolled the loin up, tied it off, and covered with Simon and Garfunkel Rub.

          I cooked this on my WSM 22, with a Maverick ET-735. I was careful to try and prob the center roll. I was really worried I would leave the probe in the pesto, but this wasn't really an issue. My WSM has never cooked hot, it's hard for me to get 325 on the top rack with water in the pan. I use Kingsford blue bag, Soo's donut(ish)-my hot method basically lessons the donut so all my hot coals spread on top. After the meat went on I added 2 hickory chips about 4oz each. This cooked between 315 and 325 for a shy over 2 hours. I

          The result has something I'm not worthy to claim as my own. The most moist pork loin I've ever had. Seasoning was great and the slight smoky flavor could not have been anything other than perfect. One bite and you knew this was not made in an oven, but I'd get an odd look when I said I used my WSM.

          I felt the pesto dried out too much. Tomorrow I will use more olive oil to see if that helps.

          I snagged this one picture on my camera real quick before the forks savagely attacked the meat. I wish I wouldn't done a little more presentation, that one pine nut on the right side drives me nuts. Hoping I can match these results tomorrow.


          • bbqoaf
            bbqoaf commented
            Editing a comment
            Nice, buying a whole loin is great, I have half of one curing in the Canadian bacon cure now. I Q'd the other half fresh, tough to beat the $/serving and it's really tasty too.

          • fuzzydaddy
            fuzzydaddy commented
            Editing a comment
            I've never stuffed a pork loin with pesto. Mmmm...I'll have to try that - sounds good. What IT did you cook it to Wubs ?

          Sliced up a couple rib eyes and put them in this Vietnamese Lemongrass marinade:

          I'll grill it in the Weber kettle in my new grill basket tomorrow night, I'm think of serving over rice vermicelli with grated carrot, cucumber and bean sprouts.


            Friday night pizza.

            'Za #1: prosciutto, roasted red bell pepper, hot Fresno pepper, onion, asparagus, shrooms, mozzarella, Bulgarian sheep feta.

            'Za #2: classic pepperoni and mushroom with red onion.

            We nailed the crispy crust on these, I think the key was letting the cast iron pan and pizza stone heat up for a while in the oven before we put the pies on. Also, MH's tip to lightly olive oil the crust pre sauce is so effective at keeping the crust crispy and not soggy. These were some of the best pizzas we have made yet.


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ID:	167471 Margarita chicken with grill grates! Had some cuervo mix in the fridge and decided to do a spatchcocked chicken. Added fresh lime and orange juice to fortify along with onions, garlic, orange zest and sambal. marinated 10 hours and rubbed with ancho chile, minced garlic and sage under the skin along with smoked paprika on the the skin.. Put it on the pellet grill at 325 until 145 and then over to the gasser skin side down for the crisp with grill grates. Bite through skin and juicy tender meat, Pulled at 155 and served at 160. Only draw back is I lost the right thigh skin on removal. Which was quickly fished out and eaten>
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              Last edited by Iron Bulldog; May 13, 2016, 09:10 PM.


              • Iron Bulldog
                Iron Bulldog commented
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                first time with grill grates last time on this forum cya

              • CapeMay
                CapeMay commented
                Editing a comment
                😯 ??

              • Breadhead
                Breadhead commented
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                Last time on this forum...🙄

                My, my, my... That's a first!

                I've never seen that happen on AR. I've seen it happen on the BGE forum but never on AR.

              As I posted in the general forum earlier, I had 7+ pounds of USDA Prime chuck I got on sale. I have really been hankering to try a smoked chuckie, so it was on! I dry brined overnight, then added BBBR. On to the Weber/SnS combo at 225. Hit the stall about 162. Wrapped at 170, after the stall was over. Pulled at 207 IT, and into the cambro. I served it with my version of rich red wine sauce. My wife's reaction: "This is delicious! I could eat this for a long time. You should open up a stand and sell this." If this wasn't 4 times as expensive as pork, it would be my new "go to".
              P.S. Bonus shot is the cool "Eyed Beetle" hanging out on my old smoker box. 😀
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              Last edited by Thunder77; May 13, 2016, 09:51 PM.


              • Zappe'sBBQ
                Zappe'sBBQ commented
                Editing a comment
                That bug should be tasty. Lol

              • DWCowles
                DWCowles commented
                Editing a comment
                Love pulled beef 😊


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