Here are some cook times that I've collected, either by direct experience or by reports by other PBC users. Hopefully it will help narrow the window of the ETA of getting the meat or veggies to the table.
Beef Chuck Roast:
Beef Rib Roast:
Beef Short Ribs or Dino Ribs:
Beef Back Ribs:
Baby Back Ribs:
St. Louis Cut Ribs:
Pork Butt:
Pork Shoulder Picnic:
Pork Loin Roast:
Cornish Game Hens:
Whole Turkey, Not Spatchcocked:
Whole Turkey, Spatchcocked
Turkey Breast:
Whole potatoes:
P.S. I'll keep adding to and refining this list as I find more info and do more cooks, so stay tuned.
- 2.5 lb (trimmed) Hereford flat at 225-250 degF PBC temp: 5.75 hours to 175 deg F, wrapped for 1.75 hours in 225 deg oven to 203 degF. Rested wrapped in 170 deg oven for 1 hour. Total cook time: 7.5 hours.Total time: 8.5 hours
- 5 lb flat at 250 degF PBC temp: 4.5 hours to 155 deg; wrapped and placed in PBC for 1 hour to 203 degF; let rest (wrapped?) for 2+ hours. Total cook time: 5.5 hours .Total time 7.5 hours
- 5.2lb choice flat at 240-270 degF PBC temp: 5 hours to 160 degF meat temp; wrapped and back on grill 1.5 hours to 203 deg meat temp. Rested 2.5 hours. Total cook time: 6.5 hours. Total time 9 hours
- 5 lb trimmed Prime flat, Ave PBC temp 290deg to start, reduced to 235deg for most of the cook. Wrapped with broth at 4.5 hours. After another 1.5 hours pulled at internal temp of 205deg. Total Cook Time 6 hours. Placed in faux cambro for 3.5 hours.
- 5.25 lb flat after trimming (originally 7.5 lbs). Flat thickness: about 3 fingers. PBC temp 275-301°. Wrapped after 2 hours. Cooked 2.5 hours longer to probe tenderness. Total cook time: 4.5 hours. Rested before serving.
- 7 lb (trimmed) CAB flat at 225-250 degF PBC temp:10.75 hours to 170 degF, wrapped for1.75 hours in 225 deg oven to 203 degF. Rested wrapped in 170 degF oven for 2.75 hours. Total cook time: 12.5 hours. Total time: 15.25 hours
- 7 lb flat: 250 degF PBC temp; used water pan; 5 hours to 160 deg; wrapped; 1 hr to 202 degF. Rested for 3 hours. Total cook time: 6 hrs. Total time: 9 hours.
- 7 lb packer: 250 degF PBC temp; crutched at 180deg F internal; 9 hours cook time excluding the rest period.
- 8 lb packer: no PBC temp recorded; 6hrs 15 min to 154 deg internal temp; 2 hours wrapped in 250 deg oven to 205 degF internal temp. Total time: 8 hours 15 min before resting.
- 8 lb flat: 235 degF ave PBC Temp; Went into a 5 hour stall at 167 degF. Did not wrap; took to 203 deg F internal before putting in faux cambro. Total cook time 10 hours.
- Separated point and flat: 230 degF PBC temp: 5 hours to 173 degF internal temp. Crutched for 2 hours to 210; rested (wrapped?) for 2 hours. Total cook time: 7 hours Total time: 9 hours.
- 10 lb packer: 250 deg F PBC temp; curtched at 190 deg F internal; 9.5 hours cook time excluding the rest period.
- 12 lb packer before trimming. No PBC temp reported. 4.5 hours to 160; wrapped; put back in smoker for 1 hour to 200 degF. 5.5 hours have elapsed to this point. Let rested wrapped for about 30 minutes. Total time: 6 hours including rest time. (Noah on PBC video)
- 12 lb Prime packer, trimmed and dry-brined for 4 days. Ave PBC Temp 275°F, after 3 hours, the meat went in to a 3.5 hour stall at 155° through to 167° meat temp. Wrapped after 7 hours when point reached 170° (flat was 185° at the time of the wrap) and put back in smoker. At the 8 hour mark, meat was probe tender at 195° throughout. Cambroed for 3.5 hours until serving time. Total cook time excluding the rest is 8 hours. Total time including the rest is 11.5 hours. Results: perfect.
- 15 lb Prime packer, trimmed to 13 lb. Dry-brined for 60 hours. Average PBC temp: 250°. Placed on PBC grate fat side down for the whole cook. Wrapped at 175° after the bark was set. 12 hours to probe tender. Faux cambroed for 2.5 hours before serving. Results: perfect.
- 14.5 lb Waygu packer from Snake River Farms, 20 inches long; trimmed to ~13 lbs. Dry brined 24 hrs then rubbed with BBBR (Meathead's Recipe) just before hanging in the PBC. Average PBC temp: 270°. After 7 hours the PBC temp started to drop so 1/2 chimney of lit coals was added to bring the PBC temp up to 240° for the last 2.5 hours. Hung meat from rebar vertically for 5.5 hours, moved to grate for 2 hours, wrapped and put back on grate for 2 hours. Total cook time 9.5 hours. Pulled at probe tenderness 195°. Cambroed for 3+ hours. Results: perfect.
- 15 lb packer (untrimmed weight). No PBC temperature recorded. 4h 55m until 160F internal. After 8hrs was put in oven after coals burned out. Total cook time10h 45min. Probe tender at 201F
Beef Chuck Roast:
- 2.5 lb: ave PBC temp not recorded; 4 hours to 170 degF; wrapped and put back in cooker 3 hours more to reach 207 deg F internal. Rested in cambro 1 hour before slicing/chopping. Total cook time: 7 hours.
- 2.75 lb; 290 ave PBC temp; 2 hours to 160 degF; wrapped and put back on cooker 1.75 hour to reach 209.Total cook time: 3.75 hours.
- 2.75 lb; 275 ave PBC temp; 1.75 hours to stall at 155 deg f; left in stall for 2 hours before wrapping at 165 degF; wrapped and back in PBC at about 260 deg F ave PBC temp; took 40 minutes to get to 202 deg F but meat was not tender; went into a second stall for 2hours 50 minutes before reaching 208 deg F (3.5 hours after wrapping). Rested in 150 deg warming oven for 2 hours. Meat was pull-apart tender. Total Cook Time: 7.25 hours not including rest. Total rest time: 2 hours.
- 4 lb; 285 ave PBC temp; 3 hours to 160 degF; wrapped and put back on cooker 1 hour to reach 205. Rested 1 hour in cooler. Total cook time (not including resting): 4 hours.
- 2.2 lb uncooked corned beef flat, soaked for 20 hours in water (changing water twice). Rubbed with a little cooking oil and Meathead's Pastrami Rub and let it sit on a rack in a covered CorningWare pot for 2 days in the fridge before placing on the grate in the PBC. Used the grate so the rub wouldn't fall off. Ave. PBC temp 270 deg F. Wrapped at 190 deg F after 8 hours (PBC pooped out); finished in 225 deg F oven for 2 more hours to 203 deg F internal. Total cook time: 10 hours. Put in fridge for 2 days. Steamed on rack over water in a covered CorningWare pot for 2 hours to 203 deg F internal and served. Meat was juicy, tender, flavorful.
- 4.5 lb uncooked corned beef flat; unsoaked; PBC temp not recorded. Took 9 hours to get to 170deg F, wrapped and put in fridge. Two days later, steamed it to 203 degF in 90 minutes and served. Results excellent.
- two 4.5 lb flats, one corned at home the other store-bought corned beef. Soaked 8 hours after corning was done for the home-brined one and when removed from the package for the storebought one. Meathead's Pastrami rub on both. Sat uncovered in fridge for 24 hours. More rub added before putting on grate in PBC. Never wrapped. Removed at 202 deg F internal after 8.5 hours. Did not cambro. Did not steam. Ave PBC temp 291 degF. Results: off the hook delicious and tender.
Beef Rib Roast:
- Boneless, 12.25 lbs in a 6 inch x 15 inch roll: Ave PBC temp 268 degF; 4 hours to 132 deg F internal temp.
- Boneless, 3.5 lb; Ave PBC temp 375°F. Reverse sear method. Meat went in PBC on hooks at internal temp of 55°F and was pulled when internal temp reached 115°F, 40 minutes later. Seared directly on PBC coals for about 1 minute per side.
- 1lb 3oz at 290 degF PBC temp: 38 minutes to 115 degF meat temp then reverse seared on gas grill to 130 degF
- 1.83 lb at 270 deg F ave PBC temp: 40 minutes to 115 deg F meat temp then reverse seared on cast iron griddle heated to screaming hot on gas grill to 130 degF internal temp.
- 2lb 2oz at 290 degF PBC temp: 51 minutes to 128 degF meat temp then reverse seared on gas grill to 130 degF
- 2 lb 8 oz at 270 deg F PBC temp: 52 minutes to 135 deg F internal temp.
- Unknown weight or PBC temp: 35 to 40 minutes to medium rare (Noah on PBC video)
- 2.34lb tri-tip, average PBC temp 275 degrees, cooked to 133 internal temp., approx. 1 hour 10 minutes.
Beef Short Ribs or Dino Ribs:
- 4 rib plate halved into 2 ribs per piece; 280 degF ave PBC temp: 4.5 hours to internal temp of 203. No wrapping during cook. After cook placed in faux cambro for 3.5 hours.
- Choice grade 4-bone chuck plate cut into 2 bone segments: Dry brined, removed membrane, added rub just before putting on the PBC, bone side down. No PBC temperature measured, but one rebar was left out to increase the temperature throughout the cook. 3 hours 45 minutes cook time.
Beef Back Ribs:
- 2.5 lbs (7 rib bones) at 280 degF PBC temp: 2.5 hours to 202 degF internal. No wrapping during cook. No Cambro time.
- Noah on PBC Video: 1.5-2.5 hours to 140 degF internal temp. Unknown weight or PBC temp.
Baby Back Ribs:
- 2.5 lbs (two 2.5 lb racks), split in half (lowest rib hangs well away from the fire), at 290 degF ave PBC temp. 3 hours to sauce at 190+ degF internal; sauce for 20 min. Total cook time 3 hours 20 min
- 3lb 6oz (Regular) at 290 degF PBC temp: 2 hours 30 min plus extra 25 minutes with sauce. About 3 hours total
- 3lb 6 oz (Extra Meaty) at 290 degF PBC temp: 2 hours 45 min plus extra 10 min with sauce. About 3 hours total
- 3.5 lb at 245 deg F ave PBC temp: 3 hours to internal temp of 165 degF, sauced, put back in smoker for 50 min to internal temp of 192. Rested 10 minutes. Total cook time in smoker: 3 hrs 50 min.
- No weight or PBC temp recorded: 3 hrs 15 min plus 5 min to baste with sauce and 25 min back on PBC to finish. About 3.75 hours total. (Noah on PBC video)
- No weight recorded, PBC temp at 275-290 degF: 2 hours to smoke, 5 min to baste, 30 min to bark. 2hrs 35 min total.
St. Louis Cut Ribs:
- No weight or PBC temp recorded: 3 hrs 45 minutes to cook, 5 to baste, 25 min to bark. 4.25 hours total. (Noah on PBC video)
- No weight recorded, PBC 240-260 degF: 3hrs 10 min to cook, 5 min to baste, 25 min to bark. 3 hrs 40 min total.
- 1 rack SLC ribs, 3.67 lbs for 12 ribs. Cut in half (two 6-rib pieces) to keep from hanging too close to fire. Double serial hooked for security. Average PBC temp: 285 degF. Total cook time: 4.5 hours for thinner end, 5 hours for thicker end.
- 5 racks SLC ribs, average size. Room temperature at start. Barrel temps at mid rib level 270-290 degrees throughout cook. Cook time 2.5 hrs, 10 minutes to sauce, 30 to bark. Total 3 hrs in barrel.
- 6 racks SLC ribs. B&B Charcoal. Average PBC Temp: 270°. Moved the ribs clockwise every hour during the cook. Cook times: first two racks: 3.5 hours; next two racks: 4.0 hours; last two racks: 4.5 hours.
Pork Butt:
- 10 lb bone-in, 275 ave PBC temp: 3hrs 45 min to wrap at 165, then 2 hours more to 203. Let rest for 1 hour. Total cook time: 5 hrs 45 min.
- 10.5 lb bone in, no PBC temp recorded: 3hrs 15min to wrap at 160 degF, 10-15 min to wrap and replace back into PBC, 2hrs 30min to 195 degF . Let rest 30 min. Total cook time 5 hrs 45 min (Noah on PBC video)
- 9.7 lb bone in, unwrapped. Ave PBC temp 250-270°F. 10.5 hours to internal temp 186°F (PBC coals died); in 350°F oven for 20 min. Final internal temp 195°F. Total cook time 10hrs 50 min. Ambient temp ~50°F.
- 7.9 lb bone-in butt; ave PBC temp 280. wrapped at internal temp of 170 after 4.5 hours; in 1.75 hours more, removed at meat temp 203. Faux cambro for 1.25 hours.
- 7.33lb at 295 down to 245 degF PBC temp; wrapped at internal temp 170 degF; took off pit at 203degF. Let rest 20 minutes. 7hrs 10min hours total cook time. (excluding rest)
- 7lb boneless hung on a large PBC skewer; ave PBC temp: 272°F; wrapped at internal temp 160°F after 6 hours; removed at 203°F internal meat temp. No cambro. Total cook time: 8.5 hours.
- 6.45 lb. No PBJ (Pit Barrel Junior) temp recorded. Unwrapped all the way. 5 hours to final internal temp of 203°.
- 6.5 lb at 302°F average PBC temp: Unwrapped all the way. 7hrs 10 min total cook time. Final meat internal temp 203°F
- 6 lb at 250-260 degF PBC temp: Wrapped at internal temp of 159 degF. Took off pit at 203 deg F. Let rest for 30 minutes. 7.5 hour total cook time.
- 5 lb at 260 deg F PBC temp; wrapped at 160 internal temp; 5.5 hours total cook time.
- 5 lb at ? degF PBC temp: Unwrapped. Took to internal temp of 203 degF. Total cook time: 8:45 hours.
- 5 lb at 260 deg PBC temp: Unwrapped. Long stall at 180 deg F then powered through to 203deg F. Total cook time: 9 hours.
- 3.5 and 4 lb butts at 250 degF ave PBC temp; unwrapped to 203 degF internal. 9.5 hours cooking time before wrapping and resting.
Pork Shoulder Picnic:
- 10 lb shoulder roast (trimmed weight). PBC temp range: 309 degF for 2-3 hours, then 260 degF ave for 3-4 hours, then added 15 coals at 7 hours for 250 degF final pit temp. Wrapped at 6 hours. Done at 198 degF internal meat temp. Total cook time: 8 hours
Pork Loin Roast:
- 3.3 lb roast, tied. Injected with Meathead's Pork Injection. Simon&Garfunkel rub. Average PBC temp 280°F. Removed from grate at 135°F internal after 2 hours 20 minutes cook time. Fired up the coals in the basket with BBQ Dragon and put the roast back on the grate to sear on all sides for 15 min total. Final internal temp 137°F.
- 3.2 lb pork loin, PBC temps ranged between 235-260°. 3.6 hours, then sauced and left on for 20 min more. Internal meat temp 145-155°.
- 3 lb spiral sliced boneless ham, precooked. Ave PBC temp: 309°F, 1hr 45 min to 140°F internal temperature.
- 2.5 lb covered with thin sliced bacon at 310 degF PBC temp: 1hr 10min to 160 degF meat temp then under the broiler for 1 minute to crisp up the bacon.
- weight unknown at 327 degF PBC temp: 1.5 hrs to 160 degF (JerodB)
- 4.7 lb whole chicken (not split), hung breast down on turkey hanger; stuffed with lemon, garlic, herbs. Average PBC temperature kept at 330°F using red oak hardwood lump. 2 hours to internal temp in breast of 165°F.
- 4 lb whole chicken (not split), hung on turkey hanger, one rebar placed diagonally so 2 holes were open the whole time to keep the PBC's temps between 285 and 325°F. 2 hours to internal temp in brease of 165°F.
- 3.5 (split lengthwise) lb at 290 degF PBC temp: 1.5 hours to internal temp of 160 at hip joint and 170 in breast.
- 4.5 lb (split lengthwise) at 250 deg F ave PBC temp: 2 hours to internal temp of 160 in thickest part of breast.
- 4.5 lb at 325 PBC temp: 1 hr 15 min to 160 internal temp in breast.
- 4 lb 12 oz (split lengthwise) at 275 degF PBC temp: 1 hr 35 min to internal temp of 160 in thickest part of breast.
- 4.75 lb (split lengthwise) at 300 degF PBC temp: 2.5 hours to internal temp of 160 in thickest part of breast.
- 5 lb 2 oz (split lengthwise) at 290 degF PBC temp: 1 hr 45 min to internal temp of 160 in thickest part of breast.
- 6 lb (split lengthwise): at 290 deg F PBC temp: 2 hours to internal temp of 160 in thickest part of the breast.
- 6 lb (split lengthwise): at 310 deg F PBC temp: 1 hr 45 min to internal temo pf 160 in thickest part of the breast.
- No weight or PBC temp: (described as "young" and "average-sized chickens"), split lengthwise. 2 hours (Noah on PBC video).
- Boneless breasts and thighs at 290 degF PBC temp: 1 hour to internal temp of 160. One breast (1/2 of full breast) and one thigh hung together on each hook.
- Bone-in chicken breasts at 290 degF PBC temp: 1 hour to internal temp of 160.
Cornish Game Hens:
- 1.5 lb hens left whole (not spatchcocked), Average PBC temp 290°F, 90 min to internal temp 165-170°F.
Whole Turkey, Not Spatchcocked:
- 12 lbs after defrosting and removing neck and the package of innards, 320 deg F ave PBC temp; 2.5 hours to internal temp of 160 in breast and 180 in thigh.
- 13.5 lbs, Hung on PBC Turkey Hanger, ave PBC temp 330degF, 2 hours 40 minutes
- 14 lb turkey hung breast down on PBC Turkey Hanger. PBC temp 400° to start, settling in at 350° with one rebar removed. Kingsford Competition briquettes. Pulled at 155° breast temp. Thighs were in the 170s. 2.5 hours total cook time.
- 14.5 lb turkey hung on PBC Turkey Hanger: 2.5 hours at average PBC temp of 325. Internal temp in breast: 165 deg F when turkey was removed from PBC.
- 15 lbs, Ave PBC Temp 337degF,3 hours
- 16.5 lb turkey hung on PBC Turkey Hanger: 5.5 hours at average PBC temp of 270 degF
- 20 lbs, no PBC temp recorded: 6 hours total
- 20.3 lb turkey, Ave PBC temp 343, 2.5 hours to 160 degF in breast
- 20.5 pound turkey, stable pit temp of 325, pretty stable 20 mph winds and 34 degrees. Took a few minutes over 4 hours to hit 163 in the breast
Whole Turkey, Spatchcocked
- 12.5 lbs, spatchcocked and hung from turkey's armpits through the ribs (hook not in breast meat): 270 degF ave PBC temp; 3 hours to internal temp of 163 in breast and 185 in thigh.
- 12.8 lbs, spatchcocked: 328 ave PBC temp: 2 hours to 160 internal in deep breast area
- 13 lbs fresh turkey, spatchcocked: 320 ave PBC temp; 2 hours 20 min to internal temp of 160 in deep breast area.
- 13 lbs, spatchcocked 250 degF ave PBC temp; 2.5 hours cook time
- 13.5 lbs fresh heritage turkey, spatchcocked, hung from one rebar (other rebar removed for entire cook), 4 oz apple wood: 331 ave PBC temp; 1.5 hours to internal deep breast temp of 160°F and thigh/leg temp of 180°F.
- 14 lbs, spatchcocked and hung from rebar: 325 degF ave PBC temp;
1 hr50 min to 160 breast 185 thigh temps. - 14.5 lbs, spatchcocked and hung from rebar: 325 degF ave PBC temp; 2 hours to 167 breast temp 185 thigh temp.
- 15.5 lbs, spatchcocked, 260 ave PBC temp; 3 hours 15 min to 160 degF internal deep breast temp.
- 20 lbs, spatchcocked and hung on one rebar placed diagonally (other rebar removed for the entire cook). Average PBC temp 300-325°F for the entire cook. 4.5 hours to reach 160°F breast temperature.
Turkey Breast:
- 6.8 lbs, spatchcocked, ave PBC temp 320degF, 1hr 45 minutes to breast temp 160degF
- 7 lbs, spatchcocked, ave PBC temp 325° 2 hours 15 min to 155° in the deepest part of the breast.
- Butterflied leg of lamb, no weight recorded. Ave PBC temp 265-270°F. 2hrs 45 min to reach internal meat temp of 125°F. Rested for 20 min before slicing.
- Leg: 6 lb, no PBC temp recorded: hung for 1.5 hours then split in half and wrapped with 4 oz red wine. 2.5 hours to desired meat temp (not recorded), rested and pulled. Total cook time: 4 hours
- Leg: boneless 4.6 lb; ave PBC temp 264 (high 400 at beginning; low 225 at end of cook). Removed from PBC when reached 140 deg internal meat temp in 2 hours. Pitmaster found the meat had been wrapped too tight (colder pockets in it) so it was butterflied and finished off on the grate.
- Rack: 8 bones, 325 PBC temp with Kingsford Competition charcoal; 130 deg internal meat temp. 40 minutes to medium rare.
- 1.5 hours, weight unknown, PBC ave temp unknown.
- 4lb trimmed (5 lb purchased), 350 ave PBC temp, 70 minutes cook time to 145 internal temp.
- 35-40 min, cedar planked, weight unknown, PBC ave temp unknown.
Whole potatoes:
- 9 oz at 290-340 degF PBC temp: 2 hours to internal temp of 205 deg; then placed in 450 deg convection oven for 10 minutes to crisp the skin.
P.S. I'll keep adding to and refining this list as I find more info and do more cooks, so stay tuned.
