My son brought me two Duroc heritage pork bellies, about 10 lbs each. Having a son at Deep Cuts Dallas has many advantages. I want to make burnt ends out of one of these. I've read about doing that here and even think I understand what to do. Here are my questions. Do I cook it differently because its heritage? It seams to have plenty of fat. Is there a way you've tried that is just rub, no sauce. I have a BBQ sauce hater in my bunch. I like to do a few for her. From the side it looks like one of those packages of bacon you pass on because there's a bit too much fat. Judging from the price on it I'd rather not mess it up. Thanks in advance.
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Pork belly burnt ends
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- Jul 2017
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- Southeast Illinois
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I cook a lot of Duroc meat and I don’t cook it any differently.
As far as the PB burnt ends I think you could follow Malcom Reeds recipe and just pull a few out and not sauce them. I would still add the butter, brown sugar and honey then instead of adding bbq sauce just use the liquid in the pan to glaze them.
i also like smoking a 4-5 lb chunk of belly whole to 165F IT then let it cool in the fridge overnight. Next day or when I’m ready to cook it I’ll slice it 3/4â€-1†thick, throw them on a hot grill and and let them reheat. Once hot I’ll brush on an orange marmalade for a glaze.
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+1 on the Malcom Reed method. Proves why Mother Nature made the best tasting foods so bad for you . . . she is trying to rid herself of us :-)
PS: I am not a sauce fan either but pork belly burnt ends are the exception for me.
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Troutman We have several farmers around here that raise both Berks and Duroc hogs, mainly for the 4H kids. But the Duroc meat has a very distinct look and flavor, especially the hams. Seems like it’s closer to what pork used to tast like 40 or so years ago.
Hater of just BBQ sauce or any sauce? I make a version of pork belly burnt ends that used a korean inspired sauce. Gochujang, gochugaru, soy sauce, brown sugar, sriracha. But if he's opposed to anything with a sauce, I'd go for a different direction than burnt ends. Can even do a non-cured bacon. Just smoke whole and then slice and pan fry. Would go create on a steamed bao bun with some pickles and hot sauce
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Oak Smoke - I'm not a sweet person either and I don't get the extra sweet Malcolm Reed version of the pork belly burnt ends. They are so rich and delicious, I don't need all that sugar and honey on them - thats why I started using korean flavors with only a touch of sugar to help caramelize everything but not sweet at all.
All you really need for PBBE is a braising liquid for the post-smoke and you can skip the glaze part. Or I like the pig candy idea below, just add cayenne to balance it out
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Here's a visual on Dadof3Illinois just described the Malcom Reed method. Also check out Harry Soo's Pork Belly Pig Candy. Leave the BBQ sauce off some of them and have a selection;
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Instead of bbq sauce for a glaze at the end you could just use jam or more honey or like others have mentioned some sort of Korean condiment or even a thick teriyaki type sauce. Any of those would give you some delicious options.
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The idea of a Korean sauce really appeals to me. I'll run it past her and see what happens. Honestly this woman is a purist, she just wants the end cut off a brisket and cubed for brisket burnt ends. She will eat every one you give her. We have a grandson like her. I can put strawberries, blueberries, and a chocolate donut on his breakfast plate. When he's finished the donut will still be there.
I'm too lazy for the Malcom method, so I just cube up the belly, use the rub I have on hand, usually Hanks KC, or Blues Hog Sweet and Savory. Then smoke until tender, sauce, and finish. I have more than once considered skipping the sauce step simply because they are really tasty just rubbed and smoked.
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