I've figured over the next couple/few weeks to try making some different flavors of bacon, with the goal of making the tastiest breakfast taco possible.
Thought I'd try jalapeno bacon.
And maybe a version where I add chili powder, paprika, and cumin to either the cure or the rub.
Any other ideas/recipes/examples would be appreciated.
I’ve never cured bacon before, but I do like this. Right before my bacon is finished frying I sprinkle some Lawry’s Garlic Salt and some fresh ground black pepper to them. It really kicks up the flavor for me. Something about the Lawry’s Garlic Salt makes me like it more than others.
I'd divide a section of belly and try the same ingredients with one section getting them in the cure, another in the rub. That way you can see how the flavors come through and which you like better for future bellies
I've tried a few different flavours and my personal favorite is still maple syrup.
Here are 3 that I tried a couple weeks ago.
1. Curry (used all in one curry powder)
2. Sweet Chili (used a sweet chili sauce)
3. Chili (used flakes)
My two favorites that I make and would be good in a breakfast taco are pastrami bacon and black pepper bacon. The former is cured with some added pickling spices and then lightly rubbed with a pastrami rub before smoking. The letter is just fairly heavily crusted with black pepper pre-smoking
Pepper flavor doesn't really seem to come though the cure except as heat. Maybe trying to find Jalapeño powder and dusting the top before smoking. Or maybe a Jalapeño jelly glaze.