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Multiple ribs cook.

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    Multiple ribs cook.

    So, I have been selling on average 4 loaves of bread a week, a few weeks ago, A friend asked if I would smoke a rack of ribs for her as well, so I did, and offered it up for others when they pick up their bread. I am now starting to sell 4 racks of ribs each week to go along with the bread.

    last night my wife said to me, you should offer a monthly rib cook. One rack St. Louis ribs, side of beans, and coleslaw, also 4 dinner rolls. Bbq to go kit, I put it out there to my friends, and I have now 35 people wanting to be invited to the monthly cook. I think between my 22 wsm, my 26 kettle, and my 22 kettle, I should be able to get 16-20 racks of st.Louis cut ribs smoked at one time.

    thoughts on the capacity and the cookers, that number should be doable, correct. I would have a few friends help me with a lot of it.

    Must have bigger cooker now!


    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
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      I never thought any of this would happen when I took up learning this craft. I’m also very happy that I never sold my 22wsm this spring like I was considering. But,I may end up actually needing to have a bigger cooker, or at minimum another 22wsm, I was hoping that next year I could get the Weber 24 summit charcoal with table. But who knows anymore

    I can't rightly say regarding your Webers but on my PBC I have fit 12 racks of baby backs at once. it extended the cook time due to increased moisture but darn if they didn't turn out great.


    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
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      So, I have that hanger set up for my 22wsm, I have not had a chance to try it out. I guess I now have a reason.

    Seems like fate this was posted just yesterday:

    Next month you'll be up to 100 people, might as well!


      That is amazing. Home-based business to go.
      Have fun, stay safe.
      You Do Good.


        if you have rib racks, you can fit 12 slabs of ribs on the WSM 22. If you are laying them flat, you will only get 6 slabs on there. Add an hour cook time. On the 22" Kettle, I would think you could get 4 slabs on with rib racks and on the 26" I would think you could get 6 slabs, maybe more? that gets you into the up into the low 20's range.

        I'd highly suggest getting several of the Weber rib racks to make this work much better. With those racks, you would be able to do 20 SLC slabs no problem.

        My WSM 22 loaded with 6 racks laid flat ..... you can see the other 3 racks on the second grate.
        Click image for larger version

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        • Richard Chrz
          Richard Chrz commented
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          I was thinking that I would need a rib rack for each grate on the wsm, and another one for my 22 kettle, I have one already for my 26

        • ecowper
          ecowper commented
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          Taht's what I think. If they can hold 6 racks each, you will be in great shape

        • ecowper
          ecowper commented
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          if they are the Weber ones that hold 5, you should still be able to cook 20+ racks of ribs at a time

        To paraphrase a famous movie line:

        I think yur gonna need a bigger cooker...


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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        Also, of course, PaulstheRibList is the master of getting racks of ribs onto WSM 22's. and he used to run a rib pickup in the backyard thing kind of like you are talking about. Thinking if we can pry him away from being an awesome commercial pitmaster, he might have some great input for you
        Last edited by ecowper; August 5, 2021, 07:09 PM.


          I hope you have a reliable way to get cash from everyone. I’d hate to see you work so hard and get stiffed.

          That said, I’d be so excited about doing this! Such fun.
          Last edited by STEbbq; August 5, 2021, 06:10 PM.


          • Richard Chrz
            Richard Chrz commented
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            I’ve been selling bread for a few months now, and have added ribs in a meal kit if wanted. So far, no issues, often, I have been paid even more then asking price.

          • STEbbq
            STEbbq commented
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            Now it’s only a 4 hour drive for me…

          Since you are going to be charging them for the food and service, you are entering a different world from a liability standpoint. To be safe, you should go see an independent insurance agent about liability, both premises and product liability. You are also
          getting into the public health department's domain re licensing, health, city laws, etc. Be careful.


          • Richard Chrz
            Richard Chrz commented
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            Yeah I’m pretty aware of the risks that exist, I appreciate the heads up though.

          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            Yea he’s right, not only from a liability standpoint but you don’t want some municipal health inspector breathing down your neck either. Tread lightly.

          That’s awesome! What a great excuse to get another smoker! 👍👍👍


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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          Richard Chrz if you have the little 5 slab rib racks that Weber makes, you can probably cram even more on those cookers. I would think 5 racks of SLC per 22 inch cooking grate, and a few more on the 26. Good luck with the cooks!

          EDIT: I posted this before scrolling far enough to see other suggestions on the rib racks. One comment I have is that I flip my ribs over halfway through the cook when using rib racks. Otherwise, the edge that is UP tends to get cooked faster than the edge that is DOWN, at least on a kettle with the SNS. I would also think that you would want to rotate the ribs between the two levels of the WSM half way through the cook, but don't know how practical that is for you. Otherwise I guess the ones on the lower rack may just take a bit longer to get done than the upper rack.
          Last edited by jfmorris; August 6, 2021, 07:33 AM.


            For rib racks, I use those expandable pot lid holders from Ikea. They work amazing!


              It sounds like you’ve coveted a bit of a following which is a great thing! If in fact this looks like it may last I’d suggest you think about a real deal smoker cabinet or stick burner. I had a similar deal going with pork butts for a time and contemplated a large cabinet. It’s so much easier and more predictable to have that type of setup then to be cramming tons of food on backyard cooking rigs.

              We’re certainly rooting for you Richard. I know you’re somewhat limited in mobility but you might want to consider a series of cooking classes for small groups in your backyard. I know a guy here in my town who started out having one or two couples over tor general cooking and bbq lessons. It’s blossomed into him building a full blown outdoor kitchen along with IG videos.

              Just some thoughts on ramping up to the next level. If you have the audience you seem to have then cater to it. Go big or go home I say


              • ofelles
                ofelles commented
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                LSG, LSG, LSG

              • Richard Chrz
                Richard Chrz commented
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                Thank you, I have done two cooking classes now from the the Fairchild a kitchen patio. I do think that a LSG cabinet, may be in my future, likely a ways off still, have to save the money. I was just hired yesterday to cook a bbq for 75 musicians for a private dinner at a 3 day music festival in Wisconsin. it only seems to be growing. I had a local micro brewery reach out to me yesterday as well, they want to talk about partnering up with me also. Yes, at some point I need to figure out videos.


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