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What are flavors/seasonings that you can't stand or tolerate?

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    What are flavors/seasonings that you can't stand or tolerate?

    Inspired by commentary from JoeSousa and Draznnl in a different thread (where they said they don't care for the flavor of coffee, bananas, and coconut when added to a recipe)

    What are flavors that you know your palate will reject almost immediately?

    We'll start with: coriander, clove, curry, cinnamon*, and cardamom. We'll throw in variations of anise, chinese 5-spice, allspice, nutmeg, and anything "pumpkin spiced"

    (*exception made for cinnamon rolls. Those are delightful)


    ... there's a reason that dogs and hogs (neither of which are known for their excellent taste or delicate palate) seem to find truffles totally irresistable.

    And coconut.

    "Pumpkin spice" has already been covered so that's pretty much it for me.


      Black olives. Or just about any type of olive, actually.


      • Red Man
        Red Man commented
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        Panhead John are you saying that if I was there you’d be able to show everyone how I’m the Brawny guy? 😂

      • Panhead John
        Panhead John commented
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        No Red Man I’m the Brawny guy, you’re the scrawny guy.

      • bardsleyque
        bardsleyque commented
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        you don't like martini's?

      Nothing that I can think of and you're all weird

      There are some flavor categories I don't like in some dishes (bitterness in chili from using an IPA or other decidedly bitter beer as the liquid)... but no flavors I just dislike period.

      Also, you're all weird.


      • Jim White
        Jim White commented
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        I resemble that remark!

      • Draznnl
        Draznnl commented
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        If you only knew, Rick. If you only knew.

      Anything to do with squash or sweet potatoes. I am out on any and all forms.


        Rosemary- substitute Thyme
        Ginger- substitute Allspice

        Taste of rejection- substitute "single man single money"




            Green Peppers




                This post oughtta be about 4 pages when it peters out.


                • WillTravelForFood
                  WillTravelForFood commented
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                  (Just waiting for someone to say "bacon")

                • Panhead John
                  Panhead John commented
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                  That’s a lifetime banning offense.

                • bardsleyque
                  bardsleyque commented
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                  I'm probably the only person in America that doesn't need bacon on everything!
                  Don't get me wrong I like bacon just not on everything.

                there is something in generic taco seasoning, or a combination of things, that i really dont like. cant figure out what it is though because i like all the listed ingredients.


                • Murdy
                  Murdy commented
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                  Most pre-marinated meat has a particular taste that I can tolerate, but really would prefer wasn't there, and I can't quite identify. Probably some preservative.

                • grantgallagher
                  grantgallagher commented
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                  Im talking about the powder in a packet you grab at your local supermarket because you are lazy and its last minute. Could still be some kind of preservative.

                Originally posted by holehogg View Post
                I can tolerate it, but I don’t order pumpkin anything, including pie, and if I’m making something that calls for nutmeg I leave it out.


                  Fish. Almost any seafood, actually.

                  I’ve tried. I tried the other day, I had some crabmeat; I swallowed it, to be polite.

                  I’ll try to describe it. As soon as my taste buds register the flavor, my brain screams, "NOT FOOD!"


                  • Rod
                    Rod commented
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                    Mosca I'm with you on fish. No matter what I've tried, I have just come to realize I'm just not a fish guy. That doesn't mean I can't eat it. It means if there is anything else available, that would be my choice. Shrimp on the other hand...

                  Cilantro is the worst seasoning and Cucumber is the worst flavor.


                  • Clark
                    Clark commented
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                    rickgregory I don't eat soap so I'll just take your word on that.

                  • rickgregory
                    rickgregory commented
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                    Clark - neither do i. But the common complaint among people who hate cilantro is that it tastes like soap to them. See, I learn by actually listening to others.

                  • Mr. Bones
                    Mr. Bones commented
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                    Wow, interestin...

                    They was times, comin up, that eatin soap was Absolutely Mandatory, how much depends on what mighta flew outta yer piehole...

                  Allspice, black licorice/anise/fennel, 5-spice powder, clove, olives, sweet pickles.


                  • Mr. Bones
                    Mr. Bones commented
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                    No fennel?

                  • Huskee
                    Huskee commented
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                    Mr. Bones i though about putting fennel in there but didn't, touche, will update.

                  • Starsky
                    Starsky commented
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                    I'm with you on the sweet pickles


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