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Labor Day Weekend Cooking

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    Labor Day Weekend Cooking

    Looking forward to this weekend. My family encourages my now longtime Labor Day weekend tradition of smoking something Saturday, having a traditional "cookout" (burgers/brats/dogs) Monday, and cooking "outside the box" on Sunday. Not yet sure what all I'm doing this year, but I'm leaning pretty heavily toward brisket for Saturday. It's been a minute since I did one. Just gotta find something outside the normal, too. I should have waited to make the taquitos until this weekend! Anyways, any other traditions out there? Even if not, what are you cooking on this notable BBQ holiday weekend?

    Just going to do a couple butts for Sunday get together.


      We are still waiting to hear back from the kids about whether they want to get together on Sunday or Monday - it will be a majority rules type thing. Regardless, I just took a 21 pound brisket out of the freezer this morning, to thaw for the rest of the week. I'll trim and dry brine it on Friday, and it will either go onto the SNS Kamado on Saturday night at bedtime, or Sunday night at bedtime, depending on whether we are eating Sunday or Monday.

      I plan to make as sides smoked baked beans and smoked Mac-n-cheese, and maybe a churn of vanilla ice cream for desert. Chips, drinks, anything else the kids can bring. The sides will probably be smoked on the Performer using the SNS, or else on the offset. I can handle the offset for a few hours, but sure am not staying up all night anymore doing a brisket if I can help it. The kamado (or kettle) excel at overnight smokes...

      Sadly today it is 74F outside and we have had non-stop cold hurricane rain falling into the pool since last night. The pool temp was 84F yesterday, but not sure it will be warm enough to swim in this Labor Day, after I drain off all the excess rain-water.
      Last edited by jfmorris; August 31, 2021, 12:30 PM.


      • Bogy
        Bogy commented
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        The lake our house is a mile south of is rarely over 78, right now is at 71 F. Just have to jump in, and you acclimate real fast. Feels great on a 98 degree day. We have an above ground pool for the grandkids, they were in it as we were filling it. Six years ago our daughter and her family were living in Houston, with a pool. The heater wasn't working so she and her husband had no intention of swimming, but it was Feb, well below freezing at home, so our granddaughters swam with my wife & me.

      • jfmorris
        jfmorris commented
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        Bogy in most February's here in Alabama my pool water is in the 50's. We've hosted youth stuff for the church over the years, including weekend long discipleship groups of mostly 9th grade boys, during the winter. I can't tell you how many times I watched boys dare each other to jump in and stay in until they turned blue. These days I keep it covered to keep the leaves out, so been a few years since anyone went for a February swim...

      • jfmorris
        jfmorris commented
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        Looks like Ida cooled the pool down by dumping about 4-6 inches of cold rainwater in, cooling the pool so much that even after several sunny days, the water temp was 77F when I checked it yesterday afternoon. I doubt anyone will be swimming this weekend...

      My wife is going on a trip with her mother and sister to see a brother they haven’t seen in nearly three years. They depart Thursday morning and return Sunday night. So I’ll be alone and will just wing it with leftovers and eating out. I’ll have something ready for the smoker for Monday. Just need to dig around the freezer to see what is in there that strikes my fancy.


        It is looking like a Boston Butt, but Brisket is on sale for $1.99 a pound, so I may switch. If it is butt it will be injected which I have never done before.
        Last edited by LA Pork Butt; August 31, 2021, 04:13 PM.


        • Murdy
          Murdy commented
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          I just got an injector for my birthday, going to try it out for the first time pretty soon.

        Kicking Friday off with spares, dino ribs, some beans, maybe a Mac and cheese, then from there, not certain. Hoping to get a few cooks in. Some cocktails and chilling.


          Originally posted by Richard Chrz View Post
          Some cocktails and chilling.
          Fair point. I neglected to mention my other tradition of having a cocktail while preparing these fine meals. For instance, Saturday's smoke will be paired with bourbon. Sunday's pairing is currently unknown as I do not yet know what that is going to be, but Monday's cookout will be paired with a most excellent bourbon. Oh, and I will spend Friday planning and anticipating my cooks with (you guessed it) bourbon.


          • Rfhd69
            Rfhd69 commented
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            Sounds like a plan my friend!

          • Murdy
            Murdy commented
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          I'm actually off all next week. Planning trying a Picanha for the first time, also definitely some beef ribs and some point, and maybe some pork ribs at another, not yet sure what will end up being done on Labor Day weekend though.


          • Murdy
            Murdy commented
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            Change in plans due to shipping issues with online retailer. Stopped by the butcher shop yesterday and picked up a tri-tip, and 2 racks beef short ribs, and 2 nice looking NY Strips, also have a piece of a pork belly in freezer for burnt ends, will be doing all over the next week. (On vacation)

          Depends who sticks around, if its the wife and I will keep it simple if the kids stick around smoke a coupla butts.
          I did buy a full packer so may toss that on.


            I'm doing a brisket that has been dry aging for right at 30 calendar days. Can't wait to dig into that baby. Gonna do some brisket tacos to add to the Taco Chronicles series. Stay tuned for that !! Everyone have a great Labor Day cooking weekend !!!


            • Troutman
              Troutman commented
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              jfmorris Brisket tacos and brisket enchiladas is the menu plan. No real difference in cooking other than making burnt ends for one of the taco types. Stay tuned for that one !!!
              Last edited by Troutman; September 1, 2021, 11:02 AM.

            • jfmorris
              jfmorris commented
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              You going to separate the point and flat before smoking, for the burnt ends?

            • Troutman
              Troutman commented
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              jfmorris It already is a half brisket (point end). The flat is being used for pastrami. And yes I competition style trim the point end for making burnt ends. The remaining piece will be cut or chopped for other uses.

            Not sure, most likely me and my wife. Went to Wegmans today. Picked up some Strip Steaks and Flank. Maybe that. I'll rummage through the freezer towards a end of the week. Everyone have a great weekend.


              If I can get a couple pieces pork belly, one day will be Malcoms pork belly burnt ends from his email today and another day Meatheads porchetta recipe from the free side and BBQStars.


                So here is where I am after some thought:

                Friday Night: Kettle fried vortex chicken (thanks Attjack ) with some combination of cheesy or baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and mac n cheese.

                Saturday Night: Brisket with jalapeno poppers, bourbon baked beans, potato salad and grilled romaine "wedge" salad

                Sunday Night: shrimp tacos and fish tacos with either grilled bruschetta or smoked, stuffed onions...or both.

                Monday Cookout: burgers, brats, dogs, potato salad, beans, etc.

                Tell me if I'm crazy. I mean, I am crazy, but tell me if this is reasonable. It seems reasonable. Right?


                • Jfrosty27
                  Jfrosty27 commented
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                  Crazy? Heck no. Do you have a spare couch? If I leave early tomorrow AM, I can make it for dinner. I’ll bring beer. Lots of beer. 🤣😂🇺🇸

                • Joey877
                  Joey877 commented
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                  Let me count...I have four spare couches, not counting patio furniture, so I don't see why not!

                I am going to make a blueberry/poblano hot sauce and a cherry/Thai pepper hot sauce!


                • Troutman
                  Troutman commented
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                  Blueberry/poblano sounds devine. Let us know how that turns out !!

                I am also gonna sneak down to Ace’s to check out the PK360 for fun.
                Last edited by STEbbq; September 2, 2021, 12:48 PM.



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