We have two weber kettle grills (one LARGE and one small/average), the SnS and the Weber Smokey Mountain 18" smoker. We use both natural lump charcoal and KNB for smoking and measure our temps with a Maverick 733, thermopen and MK4. Favorite beer depends on what is cooking (alt answer is yes).
I just pulled out my 14.3# prime SRF left side brisket to thaw. It is my Memorial Day weekend endeavor.
Much to my surprise, I laid it on my grill, and it will fit. This beauty is only about the third brisket I have ever done, and it deserves to be done perfectly.
Of course I have been through MH’s discussion of briskets, but I remain concerned about the difference in thickness from one end to the other.
Anybody want to chime in with tried and true advice before I embark on this one?
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Last edited by richinlbrg; May 23, 2021, 10:58 AM.
The thick end is fatty and ignore it during the cook. DO NOT poke it and check for tenderness. DO NOT temp it. Just pay attention to the flat (the thickest area of the thinner end) and starting checking for probe tenderness around 190 internal.
Your grill looks a little cold, you might want to light it.
Also, I think the cryovac is a new way to wrap to power through the stall... I don't think it will be better than pink butcher paper or foil, but ya never know.