Fired up the drum yesterday and made some BBQ Sushi and bacon wrapped asparagus. Sushi was seasoned ground chuck with jalapeno, sweet onion and colby jack cheese, wrapped in bacon, then glazed with SB Honey and topped with some fried onions. I wrapped the asparagus in some bacon and basted it with garlic butter. The kids wiped out everything. That's the fastest I've ever seen them eat their vegetables.
Brisket Syndicate does that DigiQ work well? I have an Auber for my kettle and Pit Barrel. Does very well.
I've always thought it would be neat to to have something that was able to pick up on the stall, and kick up the pit temp until the temp starting moving up again, then tame back down when it was over.
Gonna leave this up for the wife, she could eat that every day.
It is great! My drum is deadly efficient with it, and temps are probably more steady than in my kitchen oven. You can also have it start dropping temp as you reach your desired internal temp. Besides my thermapen, it's my favorite toy.