This is going to look very familiar to all of us Americans who know the origin of BBQ as Barbacoa, the Native American method of cooking on a wood frame above an open fire.
Except that this tradition, Antikristo comes from Crete and can be documented as far back as Homer.

Sarit Packer and Itamar Srulovich document the restaurant where they discovered it in Greece, how Antikristo is cooked now, and how to cook your own Lamb Antikristo. I happen to have a leg of lamb in the freezer ….. guess what’s happening later this week?

Except that this tradition, Antikristo comes from Crete and can be documented as far back as Homer.
Sarit Packer and Itamar Srulovich document the restaurant where they discovered it in Greece, how Antikristo is cooked now, and how to cook your own Lamb Antikristo. I happen to have a leg of lamb in the freezer ….. guess what’s happening later this week?