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How to reverse sear a hot dog

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    How to reverse sear a hot dog

    I'm sure that someone is going to find this useful! Especially if you have a Weber Ranch Kettle!

    Weber Ranch Kettle vs Weber 26 kettle (vs 1 Hot Dog) - YouTube

    I'm sure that this is something that JoeSousa needs to see!


      I feel like we need to see a single hot dog with 4-5 probes in on one of those massive propane tank smokers now. Just so we can measure the temp of the dog from end to end. Cuz you know, that makes a difference.


        Well that’s 10 minutes of my life I will never get back. 🙄🤣


        • ecowper
          ecowper commented
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          Panhead John that's evil

        • glitchy
          glitchy commented
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          Panhead John Well as it’s hot dog related again, I’m not even gonna read the thread. DOH, too late 😢 But I ain’t watching the video…because I think I’ve already wasted the time to watch it a while back.

        • CaptainMike
          CaptainMike commented
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          Yeah, I got about 1/4 way through it, yyyyaaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn.......

        I should have stopped at hot dog.....


          Most important thing is to split the ends.


   you use thermometer probes like *I* do when cooking the delicacy that is hot dogs? (For Panhead John )


            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              Only a rookie would dare not, to use probes. The horror!

            • Uncle Bob
              Uncle Bob commented
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              It's best to use a Meater so that wires don't interfere with the constant flipping it takes for the perfect sear.

            Huskee because I had the time. Lol
            Click image for larger version

Name:	E3FFC8ED-E70A-4FF0-9D6E-D0D6630D2D7E.jpeg
Views:	389
Size:	301.5 KB
ID:	1119926


            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              I do too!…. Except, the end of the probe is sticking thru the outside of his wiener. (damn, I bet that hurt)

            • Sweaty Paul
              Sweaty Paul commented
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              Love this!

            • wu7y
              wu7y commented
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              In a previous life I spent about a year and a half in Taiwan. I saw doctors' offices displaying photos in their front windows related to their type of medical practice. There were a few pictures like this in downtown Taipei medical offices - probably urologists. You don't want to know about the proctologists' photos.

            I love Babyback Maniac's videos. This is probably his most silly one I've seen. Most are both informative and entertaining.


              OH Boy, another Hot Dog Thread has been started.
              Spam Hot Dogs, or Why You Should Stop Worrying and Love Spam


                Searin a hot dog is no problemo...kinda busy with th throttle, an such; somebody wanna hand me a skewer, an a couple wienies, please??

                Click image for larger version

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Views:	313
Size:	36.4 KB
ID:	1122544


                • bbqLuv
                  bbqLuv commented
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                  Do ya even know what that is? I do not and am afraid to ask.

                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  I actually do.
                  Pratt an Whitney J58 on a test stand.

                  An it appears ya weren't too danged awful, all-fired askeert to ask, on accounta ya done went ahead, an done did jus that lol!

                  Have a PBR on me, Brother!

                  Last edited by Mr. Bones; November 9, 2021, 07:22 PM.

                • ecowper
                  ecowper commented
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                  bbqLuv you should have seen the turbine engine from an M1 tank on the ground being tested by mechanics

                Mr. Bones I may have done something similar …. The M1 turbine exhaust is about 500F at the louvers :-) … not that I’m admitting I did any such thing that was against all sorts of regulations and stuff.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	3237D3BD-0521-4CF2-A218-14654620D50D.jpeg
Views:	297
Size:	81.0 KB
ID:	1122579


                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  Yeah, it would look bad to our subordinates, etc., if'n we NCO's was to blatantly disobey any Rules or Regulations...

                  However, I've always found, they'll overlook it all, even fergive me, if'n I come up with fresh hot chow, alcohol, or...

                I never thought about slicing a hot dog against the grain, wow! What a game changer!

                But really, try deep frying a dog. Make some cuts, immerse it. Darned good!


                • Red Man
                  Red Man commented
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                  The only thing more important than slicing a hot dog across the grain is using a leave in probe when cooking.


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