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Dry Brining brisket

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    Dry Brining brisket

    I’ve read some posts about dry brining briskets, but maybe I missed the follow up after the dry brine is completed.

    I’m planning on salting my brisket tomorrow and cooking it Saturday.

    Do I stick with just pepper, and garlic only, since the salt will have penetrated the brisket? Or do I follow the normal process of adding SPG?

    Maybe I’m over thinking this but I just want to follow the right process. Typically I just season the whole brisket for 24 hours and then through it on the pooper. It’s this technique change that has me questioning myself. Any insight will be helpful. Thanks again for helping out with my questions.

    You’re just adding pepper and garlic If you dry brined. Otherwise you are creating salt jeopardy if you add salt again


    • tempecarlton
      tempecarlton commented
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      Thank you for the information

    If your happy with just salt - go for it. I mostly just add pepper after the brine, but occasionally I do add garlic and/or onion powders. I do not add additional salt.


    • tempecarlton
      tempecarlton commented
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      Thank you for the input

    I use about half the total salt i want to use on the brisket for dry brining and the rest with the pepper. I inject before the rub though


    • tempecarlton
      tempecarlton commented
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      Do you add the other half of salt post brine?

    Apply a rub that contains salt as normal, for a dry brine. The spices will stay on top, but the salt will penetrate. EZ-PZ. and simple too. Season and dry brine in one step.
    Happy Grilling to you and PBR too.


      If you inject the injection may contain salt. If you use a binder the binder may contain salt. I use cheapo Italian dressing,
      Actually, I don't worry about it so much. A full-packer brisket is a big chunk of meat and can handle it.

      Brisket pairs well with PBR.


      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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        Doesn't everything pair well with PBR?

      Slightly off topic but I'll ask anyway. I see where people make a "Texas" style brisket using only salt and pepper. Usually a 50/50 mixture and in the pictures it looks like the meat has a very heavy coating. Can the meat handle this much salt? My blood pressure goes up just looking at it!


      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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        I do about 1/2 tsp of Morton’s kosher salt per pound. The meat does not taste salty at all. But the umami and hearty/rich beef flavors are very enhanced.

      I do the dry salt brine on most beef I grill or smoke but because of my wife's heart murmur (she retains water) we have tried to minimize salt in any seasonings. On anything I have applied a dry salt brine to the seasonings I apply prior to cooking have no additional salt as they are ones I have put together.

      After doing this for 30 years we don't miss it and we are probably better off for it.



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