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10 Angus Choice 1855 Briskets + #WhoDat1 = #BrisketHappiness

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    10 Angus Choice 1855 Briskets + #WhoDat1 = #BrisketHappiness

    Well, there was a reason I bought that huge insulated smoker...It's because I want to cook for bigger n bigger events, and I want to sleep sometimes.

    Well, my buddy is planting a church, and they are reaching out to the neighborhood where they meet, not a rich neighborhood, and they have given a bunch of neighborhood kids the opportunity to go to camp this week. Well, my buddy Kedrick came to my place on his birthday for some Brisket, and he and the wife loved it!

    So, they are doing a real cool supper for the kids and their parents at the end of camp, tomorrow night, and he wanted to do it big! So he asked me to BBQ. I started talking about Pulled Pork, economical and all...and he said, "Well how about Brisket."

    I couldn't agree more.

    So I got my food wholesaler friend to order us 2 cases of 1855, Angus, Upper-End Choice Briskets, from G F Swift.Click image for larger version

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    Yes sir, 124 pounds of Beefy Goodness. $3.89 a pound.
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    Is it well-marbled, you ask?
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    And here are Sam and Colin, who have totally gotten the BBQ bug from me, working their trimming skills:
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    I just lit the fire for the pit. The Injection needle is busy putting the the Butchers Prime Injection. The BBBR is ready to go on there, and they are going on the pit about 1-2 am!

    Attached Files

    That is CRAZY marbling. Can't wait to hear how this turns out!


      That looks like fun!


        We have trimmed!!!
        Attached Files


          Well, it's not a 5 minute job to trim, inject, dry, salt, oil and rub 10 briskets. Tonight, it was a 5 hour job...for 3 of us.

          Briskets went on at 1:30 (except for the 3 smaller ones, which I will put on about 6 am).

          Here's the view of the inside of the firebox while we were lighting it.
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          And the back of the cooker
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          And this, my BBQ friends, is a fat cap...that took a while to reduce to 1/4 of and inch.
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          And if you remove 10 fat caps from 10 briskets, you get this
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          Then you get this
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          Then this
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          I'll watch temp (neither of my automatic pit temp control devices is working properly for this pit at the moment, so I'm limping along, adjusting temp via the ball valve on the fan intake), take a nap when I'm satisfied temps have settled, then put on the 3 smaller briskets around 6 am.
          Attached Files


            Nice looking brisky


              Your a machine bro! Max respect to you and the team! Keep the pics coming.


                Proper! very well done!


                  holy moley...i guess i don't understand how that is choice with that much marbling! did you do anything with those fat caps (freeze for burgers later)?

                  and here is my ignorance: what is "planting a church"? is that just "i put a church here now. this is a church"


                  • _John_
                    _John_ commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Never heard of that either...

                  Awesome post!! Great job documenting whats going on. I love it. Thanks for the pics.


                    That is awesome. I have to spread my 12 brisket cooks over three days.


                    • PaulstheRibList
                      PaulstheRibList commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Well, we need to fix that! Now that you have a BBQ area with a house attached

                    • Jerod Broussard
                      Jerod Broussard commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Hahaha. Maybe next year. Tis some work to prep briskets!!!

                    Amazing looking meat, great cause too, good on you guys!


                      Well, I'm definitely learning about the lower airflow in the cabinet smokers, or at least this one. The outer edges are blackening, and the middle staying wet and loose.
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                      That one one the right is smaller, so I pulled it about 8 am, and put in the cambro (which I warmed with hot water), and I lit the stick-burner, to dry out that bark with some rocking, wood-burning airflow here in a little bit.

                      I waited a little longer, and about 10 hours into the cook, the bark on the regular size brisket looks good,
                      Click image for larger version

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                      The bark still looks a little funny, but is not wet.

                      Here is the upper cabinet with the 10 briskets in it
                      Click image for larger version

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ID:	98527


                        Oooooh, looooking good. You'll definitely get a feel over time on how things need to be rotated.


                          Jerod Broussard , I hear ya on the rotation. Did I mention I hate moving meat? It puts your meat at risk for loosing precious Mrs. Brown!

                          I did a biscuit test last night to do some quick intel on the hot spots, and smoked biscuits taste great at 1:30 am! There was a little difference in them, but not much. We put the bigger meats on the racks that seemed hotter.

                          About 8 am, pulled the upper shelf out and moved it to lower...that was hard! My welding glove started transferring heat quickly, and both racks had probes hooked to them. So glad I got the 10 foot probed with the BBQGuru CyberQ Wifi - so I had room.

                          The mussy small one just went on the stickburner to crisp up...then I'll put it back in teh cambro to get more mushy. Maybe I'll crisp them all up before we head out later today.

                          And, I just realized I don't have enough cambro room without stacking them on top of each other, so I guess I'll wrap in butcher paper to make that easier.

                          I have been in the habit of wrapping in butcher paper at about hour 8 lately, but these were past the stall (the average size and small ones) before the bark was set, so no wrap.

                          the edges, where the heat seems to concentrate, are more crisp. Maybe I'll lay them longways to avoid that.

                          And, I'm thinking I need a circulating fan like they have in an FEC240 and the Stumps XL Stretch, to get that bark formation rocking


                          • Jerod Broussard
                            Jerod Broussard commented
                            Editing a comment
                            Yeah, I prefer fat cap up because it seems like the flats get real uneven when I do fat cap down.


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