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Which chuck would you cook if you could cook a chuck?

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    Which chuck would you cook if you could cook a chuck?

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ID:	1047264

    I cooked them both, is that cheating?

    Anyway, I am wondering which of these two you would pick to cook as a roast and why? Trying to get better at picking meats.

    My pre-cook thoughts were that I like the marbling on the right but it's got that very pronounced sinew which I fear will be tough. No pronounced sinew on the left, maybe some fat that I should have trimmed but minimal marbling. I thought the one on the left would be the most tender and juicy coming off the grill. This photo is post 18-bour dry brine.

    I'll post my observations on the cook a little later after I read some tips and observations about the two cuts

    Left one


      I usually cook in pairs but agree with above, the left....


        I'd braise th LH one as a Roast, due to less interstitial marbelin, smoke th RH one to as close to perfecktion as my limited abilities will allow....

        As a side note, th twain of em, ground together, would, most likely, make fer some dang dang good burgesas...

        Wha??? Trim??? Trim Wha??? Fat???



        >Breathe In,...............Breathe out, .....Think bout how wonderful puppies smell, warm Summer rain, an even how a Dolphin's kisses feels..........<
        Last edited by Mr. Bones; June 19, 2021, 10:50 AM.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          So, Summer Rain don't indicate impendin Insanity, jus th other two??? LOL Troutman
          Whew!!! Imagine my relief, Brother!

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          JimLinebarger When they's young enough, puppies smell th same same, either end, ie.; they smell like newborn puppies... so, reckon I was usin that as a 'Median Average'...

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Also, Troutman NEVER underestimate how incredibly Life Changin a Dolphin's kisses can be...there is, in my global travels, no other such an experience, or even comparable ...

        Right one if I'm smoking it. I like the marbling flecked throughout.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Zig-Zag, 1.5

        • Richard Chrz
          Richard Chrz commented
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          Mr. Bones, I eat the gummy bears rare.

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Richard Chrz They Ain't No Place, Like Gummy Bears, Brother!

        I agree the one on the right. But I would sure have fun cooking both!


          Well if you could chuck wood with smoke. Than you could probably smoke chuck with wood. Right.
          Or is that if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
          Somebody please help me. 😳😂😂


          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            I suppose it depends upon how many Chuck’s a woodchuck could chuck.

          One of these days I'ma gonna smoke either a whole clod or roll. Since I cook for only 3 might wait until fall to freeze the rest for winter.


            Definitely the right one due to the marbling.


              How much chuck would a beef chuck cook if a beef chuck could cook chuck?


              • Bkhuna
                Bkhuna commented
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                Is an argument between to vegans still called a beef?

              • Mr. Bones
                Mr. Bones commented
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                Perhaps, a Rutabaga...


              Smoke both of them then cut into cubes, and make "Chuck Burnt Ends", or "Poor Man's" burnt ends. Enjoy them with PBR.
              Now if I were to roast one it would be the one on the right due to the marbling.
              Better yet, roast both and compare. Learn by trial and error.


              • bbqLuv
                bbqLuv commented
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                Or test by "fire"
                Not funny.

              After 60 hours in a 138* SV bath, it won't matter. They will both be fork tender, and delicious.


              Yes to both. Lol. Not helpful, I know, I just love cooking chuckies. Pot roast, ground for burger, grilled, smoked..... don’t matter much to me. Just get it to safe eating temp somehow and I will devour! Looking forward to your observations from the cooks!


                Right… I think.


                • bbqLuv
                  bbqLuv commented
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                  You write right, you wrote the right write, a rite of writing makes for a wordwright.

                There is alot of chucking going on around here...



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