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Spiced Coffee Rub - Salmon or Steak

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    Spiced Coffee Rub - Salmon or Steak

    Put this together a couple months back and been tuning slightly. Unlike most of my rubs, this one has salt in it and the whole rub only goes on just before the meat hits the grill. The only "binder" you should use with this rub is water. Worcestershire, mustard, or oil will change the flavors.

    I am using spiced in the English sense of the word where, in the Middle Ages, spiced meant adding exotic spices from North Africa and the Middle East.

    When cooking, 2 tsp will be plenty for 1.5 lbs of salmon or a generous ribeye.

    Recommended meats for this: Beef: ribeye, porterhouse, t-bone, plate ribs, brisket; Fish: Salmon, mackerel, swordfish, other oily fish (don’t use on white fish). I wouldn’t use it on pork or poultry, but your mileage may vary.

    1 tbsp fine ground coffee - use something strong and robust, like French roast
    1 tbsp sweet paprika
    1 tbsp ground coriander
    1 tbsp garlic powder
    1 tbsp kosher salt

    I started working on this a few months ago, have tested on salmon and ribeyes, so far. Love to hear back from pit members that try it out.

    Will give it a try. Interesting.


    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      Might be good on lamb, too

    I’ll give it a shot. Where is that cookbook?


    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      I actually have about 25 tested recipes written up :-)

    ecowper My Sitka salmon arrives Thursday...perfect timing. I have ground espresso (for my brownies), will that be ok to use?


    • Willy
      Willy commented
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      My Sitka Salmon delivery is still TBD (OK by me cuz I have a stuffed freezer). What fish are you expecting? Last I saw, sable fish was the only fish forecast--which is FINE by me. Sable fish is da bomb.
      Last edited by Willy; April 26, 2021, 01:34 PM.

    • SheilaAnn
      SheilaAnn commented
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      Willy not sure. April harvest shows crab and cod. Hmm... I'm a little confused now. It will work out, though. Of course, I would chew my arm off for Copper River Salmon!

    • Willy
      Willy commented
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      Interesting SheilaAnn. I received that share about two weeks, so the sablefish (and maybe something else), in my case, is actually the May share. Curious to see how they spread deliveries out, eh? In any case, I am supremely happy with Sitka Salmon Shares. Tough to get good fish in the high desert and SSS delivers the best! I am so thankful that Meathead posted about them.

    Making some of this today. Thanks for yet another excellent recipe, ecowper !



    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      Let me know what you think, please

    How timely! I've been looking for something new for salmon.

    (Also, it is so much fun to try to imagine what all of these rubs taste like while reading the forum!)


      "Kosher salt"????? What brand?


      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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        is there any brand besides Morton's? I bought Crystal one time and was like "what is the thing masquerading as salt"?

      "Is there any brand besides Morton's? I bought Crystal one time and was like "what is the thing masquerading as salt"?

      Seriously? As far as I can tell, the majority of "chefs" prefer Diamond Crystal, not that I can realize the difference. I can't notice the difference when tasted blind, aside from the fact that Morton's is almost twice as much salt by weight per unit volume as DC. Do you really believe that you can tell what brand of salt, much less if it was kosher salt, was used in a dish? Not counting any salt used as a finishing salt.

      So, how does one "kosher salt" differ chemically from another brand? Is NaCl different dependent on brand?

      Sorry to be so "pointed", but this is a pet peeve of mine.


      • Willy
        Willy commented
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        Gotcha! The reason is that DC is much less dense per unit volume than Morton's due to grain size/shape. DC weighs 2.8 grams per tsp vs. 4.8 for Morton's. If you're in a store that carries both brands, compare the size of the two boxes, which both have three pounds of salt. FWIW, a tsp of Morton's table salt weighs six grams.

      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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        Willy yup .... but for me who is used to pouring some Morton's in the palm of my hand and adding to what I'm cooking, that difference is disconcerting.

      • Willy
        Willy commented
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        Yep, I hear ya, ecowper. Somewhat off topic, but, regarding change, I am so tired of the various software outfits "improving" their interfaces. What I have works and I don't want to relearn something every few months. Aaahh, such is the horrible life of a geezer. LOL

      Served this up this weekend, on a steak for me and salmon for hubby. Ten thumbs up from both of us!

      Thanks, ecowper.



      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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        that's awesome. thanks for the feedback. It's in the notebook now


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