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Who has the oldest Weber Kettle with a Slow 'n Sear?

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    Who has the oldest Weber Kettle with a Slow 'n Sear?

    Wondering who has the earliest Weber that is using the wonderful Smoke 'n Sear technology.

    Mine is a "K" model, which dates its' manufacture to 1988, which is when I bought it. It only survives because it won't rust in Phoenix.

    Best regards,

    Great thread! My kettles are 2010 or later so I'm not even in contention.


    • Potkettleblack
      Potkettleblack commented
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      You probably have the oldest Slow N Sear, though.

    • David Parrish
      David Parrish commented
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      True dat!

    jgg85234 ...

    You've got your money's worth out of that Kettle. Do you remember what you paid for it in 1988?

    I've never owned a kettle so I'm not a contender.😁


      I would never find a receipt, but I think it was the same $99.95 that the basic kettle (without ash catcher) costs today.

      Isn't everything supposed to last forever?



        I do not have a slow and sear but I have a hand me down kettle from 1974. I have put 6 coats of silver header paint on it. Always is asked about at compettitions.


          Mine has wooden handles so it's pretty old in grill terms.


            Here's how to tell how old your Kettle is.

            Looking to determine the age of your Weber Kettle? Look no further. This page is a collaborative effort put forth by the club founders and historians – owners of 50+ vintage Weber grills – and hours and hours of research. If your grill was made from 1979 to 2014, the top vent on the lid will […]

            Best regards,


            • David Parrish
              David Parrish commented
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              Doh, beat me to it!

            I have a 22.5" kettle I bought used in the mid '80s
            , It was made before Weber started putting date codes on the damper, it has heaver gauge metal then the ones of today and has metal rims with wood clad on the lid handle, still works.


              Mine says 1989. But mine is red, so it's cooler than everyone else's! 😎😎


              • fuzzydaddy
                fuzzydaddy commented
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                Thanks for reviving this thread. A red kettle is way cooler, but I'm pretty happy with my copper. I wish they made blue.

              • Thunder77
                Thunder77 commented
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                Fuzzydaddy, the copper is way cool as well. πŸ‘ I have seen blue ones out there. Don't know if they are still made though.

              Crate & Barrel has this...$399. I remember a Canadian site that carries colors other than black, green & copper but I can't remember their name. I'll do some searching.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	WeberBluePerformerDlxChrclGrlAC16.jpg
Views:	79
Size:	25.7 KB
ID:	200947


              • Thunder77
                Thunder77 commented
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                I saw a pistachio green one on my local craigslist yesterday.

              I didn't know they came in blue...


              • fuzzydaddy
                fuzzydaddy commented
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                This is the first time I've seen it in blue. Everywhere else has black, copper, green 22". 26" only in black. Maybe they make colors for areas other than the US (just guessing on that).

              I have to say that I truly love my WSM 22.5 .... BUT .... How cool would a WSM be in blue or copper or red?


                My ol ladys dad gave me another kettle awhike ago, its from late 70's , my second sns is in that one...working on a third one from my uncles basement...its also older but still in the box like new πŸ˜†


                • Juddlight
                  Juddlight commented
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                  Oh cool site...ill have to check those #'s

                My wife and I bought our Kettle in 1996 right after we got married and just last year I replaced the handles and top vent (we were too poor to buy a cover when we first got married so the sun and rain did a number for several years). Other than that just a few new grates over the years and I just added the Slow and Sear this year. I thought mine was pretty old until reading this thread.


                  My kettles are late model... but I do have an "old" pre-production SnS prototype!


                  • fuzzydaddy
                    fuzzydaddy commented
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                    Not to brag, well maybe a little, I am SnS customer #1.

                  • Juddlight
                    Juddlight commented
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                    Cool fuzzy 🖒 id brag haha

                  • jharner
                    jharner commented
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                    Hang on to it, might be worth a fortune 30 years from now


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