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Show Us What You're Cooking! (SUWYC) - Volume 24, Winter 2021/2022

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    SVQ ribeye. Whenever I get a big ol' steak like this I go the Sous Vide Que route; SV, ice bath, then reverse sear. The results are always great - no exception to that this time.

    Also made another batch of compound butter. Served with some collards and rice
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    Last edited by BradNorthGA; January 2, 2022, 05:07 PM.


    Made shakshuka meatballs and smoked a rack of lamb. Not intended to be a combo but the lamb needed to be cooked and only me and my son like lamb so something else was required anyway. Used meatheads poultry seasoning on the lamb.

    EDIT: lamb was done on the grilla og pellet with bbqers delight comp blend. 225 until about 115 internal then cranked up to 275 until it hit 140.

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    Last edited by grantgallagher; January 2, 2022, 08:34 PM.


    • grantgallagher
      grantgallagher commented
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      Troutman lamb was a crowd cow indulgence originally intended for xmas. wont be doing it often because it was not cheap

    • gboss
      gboss commented
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      grantgallagher lamb looks great! Was it domestic? What was the pre cook weight of the rack?

    • grantgallagher
      grantgallagher commented
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      gboss it was domestic, got it from crowd cow from raised right lamb. Pre-cook weight was about 1.6lbs.

    I made some black eye peas for new years dinner but didn't post them. Today I went old school and had the peas with some fried corn, one of my favorite meals. With a piece of white bread. The peas were from Rancho Gordo. I literally love those guys. Really.
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    Last edited by klflowers; January 2, 2022, 05:44 PM.


    • Towering Inferno
      Towering Inferno commented
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      I havent had black eyed peas in a long time. My mom was from LA and the rest from Texas on her side of the family. I miss southern cooking. Great Job!

    • fzxdoc
      fzxdoc commented
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      I've got 2 bags of Rancho Gordo's Super Lucky Blackeye Peas in the pantry right now. Plan on cooking one of them savory with smoked ham hock pretty soon. How did you fix yours?


    • klflowers
      klflowers commented
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      fzxdoc I have been using smoked Pork shanks lately instead of ham hocks. More meat, less fat. I get them at Walmart until i can smoke my own. Small onion, half a green pepper and a couple minced garlic cloves sautéed, add the shank and brown, a couple bay leaves, a couple teaspoons of cayenne and black pepper, and chicken stock to cover. I add salt towards the end like Rancho Gordo suggests. They were outstanding!

    Not exactly grill or smoker related, I did however use leftover smoked turkey breast and heated it up in my Sous Vide. If you haven’t had a Kentucky Hot Brown sammich, you’re missing out. Super easy and tasty on a cold wet evening.

    Roughly followed this recipe, I didn’t like their Roux ratio. I dialed back flour to about 75% of the 1/4 cup. Also put some fresh cracked black pepper along with some mustard powder.

    Before broiler, pic 1.
    After broiler, pic 2&3 with bacon of course.

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    Last edited by au4stree; January 2, 2022, 06:21 PM. Reason: Forgot to post recipe link.


    • barelfly
      barelfly commented
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      Never had a hot brown….but these look great! Perhaps I’ve had something similar but I’ll have to give these a try. I’m sure my son would crush about 4-5 of those!

    • klflowers
      klflowers commented
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      This went on my list immediately

    • au4stree
      au4stree commented
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      It goes without saying, but fresh/in-season tomatoes would put this over the top.
      klflowers, hope you enjoy.

    The last of my experiments from this week. I am going to possibly make one more experiment for myself next weekend, moving further north with hydration.

    this crust is 144 hours of cold fermentation . When I removed the lid, you could definitely smell the hint alcohol in the container, it also lost it’s extensibility by quite a bit. 72 hours of my 3 tests was my

    *edited to add a open slice of the crust cornicione

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    Last edited by Richard Chrz; January 2, 2022, 08:57 PM.


    • troymeister
      troymeister commented
      Editing a comment
      Oh my....Beautiful!!

    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
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      texastweeter & SheilaAnn When I get this dialed in, I’m super close. I will make a post on this pie. With some of the steps I found beneficial. Glad to hear y9u are still kicking out sourdough bread. Over the last year I’ve changed my processes likely by 80 percent on how I make bread now.
      Last edited by Richard Chrz; January 2, 2022, 07:58 PM.

    • mnavarre
      mnavarre commented
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      I've noticed pretty similar timing doing no-knead bread. Day three to four of the cold ferment is usually the sweet spot, by day 5 things start to noticeably degrade, and after that you might as well just use it to make pita.

    Instantpot dinner, but my smoker had a hand.

    Pot roast with bone broth and some smoked salt.

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    Last edited by ItsAllGoneToTheDogs; January 2, 2022, 07:10 PM.


    • barelfly
      barelfly commented
      Editing a comment
      That looks like some great broth!

    • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
      ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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      It's a really good batch, almost used it all up already. But there's just enough left to enjoy on this disgusting NC weather day

    Creekstone Farms Prime strip loin roast with roasted veggies. Needed to slice up the whole loin that’s been in the fridge and decided a roast was easier to cook outdoors in single digit temps than steaks.
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    • glitchy
      glitchy commented
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      Towering Inferno I didn’t hoard, I only bought one.

    • Towering Inferno
      Towering Inferno commented
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      Still jealous of the strip. LOL. I ordered a brisket and something else this morning from Creekstone. Got a sale notice in my email, the strip was gone. It has been gone for a couple weeks. Great score Glitchy!

    • Towering Inferno
      Towering Inferno commented
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      glitchy I sent a note to Creekstone this morning to see if I could get a rain check on the sales price for the strip loin. I got an email back shortly afterward that there we a few added today to the sale. I didn't waste any time and ordered a couple. I am totally inspired by your cook. Looks mouthwatering. My wife is going to kill me.

    Sunday Lasagna, Spinache Salad with Grapes, Apple, Crispy Shallots, Crispy Salami, Homemade Poppyseed Dressing.

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      Still playing around with my new Chimp (pellet grill). The temperature was around 40 F when I started and I wondered if the Chimp would get up to temp with all this did!

      So I did Parmesan-Crusted Salmon from Swine Life BBQ:

      You take some salmon filets, coat them with any sweet pork BBQ rub, and the apply a mixture of melted butter, shredded Parmesan cheese, chopped parsley, and minced garlic. Cook at 400 F until 145 F. (Don't use the Kraft stuff, this will be way too salty, as I found out the last time I made this.)

      Is there any smoke flavor? No, none that I can overtly detect. With the Traeger Signature Blend pellets I've been using, anything over 300 F turns the pellet "smoker" into a wood-fired convection oven. Which is totally fine! These fillets turned out better than the ones I did in my oven, thanks to the convection, even with the ambient temp around 40 F.

      And here we go....current internal temp vs target temp.

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      Everything dressed up and ready to go!

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      145 F.

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      Okay, so I thought these fillets were thinner than they were. The cats get the skin and a portion.

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      Skin and fillets for cats.

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      Happy cat.

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      • klflowers
        klflowers commented
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        Glad you are enjoying the Chimp. I use UT more often than not now. Did the Thanksgiving turkey in it, spatchcocked. It was a small bird.

      My grocery store had some SRF bavettes. They don’t have these often, so I always grab a few for the freezer when I see them. There’s so much fat in these, that they basically fry themselves in a skillet! These steaks are outrageously good!
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      • gboss
        gboss commented
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        Red Man SheilaAnn is this the one?

        A boneless cut with a hearty texture that’s a good source for fajita meat. Marinate and grill or broil.

        Do you happen to know if this is the cut used in Brazilian steakhouses called "Fraldinha"? That seems to get translated as "flank" steak, but it looks closer to this than what we call flank steak.

      • Red Man
        Red Man commented
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        gboss Yes, that link is for bavette (sirloin flap). I’ve never heard of fraldinha. A quick google search brings up a lot of flank steak hits but also a lot of mentions of bottom sirloin or sirloin flap. Googling bavette also brings up a lot of flank steak results. Fraldinha certainly sounds and looks like bavette to me.

      • SheilaAnn
        SheilaAnn commented
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        Also, I seem to recall the bavettes I got were more round, like toward the tail of a tenderloin. Who knows. But good eats no matter what!


        Turkeybreast sous vide.. 145f 2.5 hrs..
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          After some prodding by some pit members about getting my new SnS Travel Kettle dirty after l this post, I did a couple cooks on it this weekend. I will write up a separate post with my initial thoughts, but over all it is a versital grill.

          On Friday night I made some Korean BBQ King Salmon. Next time I will follow my own instincts rather than the recipe as I charred the flesh side more than I like. Lucky the salmon came out fine in the donesss dept, but much of the flavor was missing.

          Yesterday I cooked a small (half?) rack of pork ribs from a small farm near my daughter's place in NH. I rubbed them with Henrik KC Royal rub & finished them with the maple syrup glaze from the free site.
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          Last edited by efincoop; January 3, 2022, 08:48 AM.


            Made a whirlybird yesterday with my Summit and my modified Joetisserie. Was pretty happy for my first attempt. The skin on the breasts didn't crisp up like I was hoping, but I think I should have centered the bird a bit more so that they were getting more of the radiant heat from the coals. I fixed that towards the end of the cook and it helped bring the breasts up to temp (the legs finished way early).

            I trussed the bird using the Chefsteps method to keep the legs away from the body. Seemed to work pretty well.

            The dome temp was definitely reading in accurate because the coals were right underneath it. Any ideas on a good way to accurately get a sense for temp at the rotisserie? I would up just dropping my Thermoworks Smoke probe down the vent holes until I thought I was close to the level of the bird.

            Oh, and it was raining, so I had to move the grill underneath a little covered area we have along with all our toddler outdoor gear, hence some of the background detritus
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            Last edited by GoDuke; January 3, 2022, 09:07 AM.


            • Attjack
              Attjack commented
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              I spin on my gas grill and just use the built-in thermometer. In my case, I shoot for about 400f. Whether the temp is truly accurate where the chicken is doesn't really matter. The reading helps me achieve consistently and gives me predictable results so I know when to start checking the bird temp.

            • Dr. Pepper
              Dr. Pepper commented
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              The skin sure looks pretty!

            Spinach bowl with spicy chicken tenderloin, black beans, avocado, and avocado hot sauce.

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            • Elton's BBQ
              Elton's BBQ commented
              Editing a comment
              Looks really good!


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