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Good a Great Deal on Pork Butts

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    Good a Great Deal on Pork Butts

    I can't believe I didn't post this sooner, but I guess I got distracted. Last week we went down to the vacation house in Virginia from Thursday through Sunday (actually drove down late We'd night.) Went out to breakfast/ brunch and the place had the ad section of a local paper lying around to take. Was perusing the Food Lion ad while waiting for our meal and they had advertised Boston Butts for $1.99/lb. Ok, but not something to get really excited about. I keep reading, and they had an extra deal of you have the store loyalty card, which I do: $.99/lb! And no limit listed!! After eating we took a fruit on there way back to the house and went to Food Lion. It was a little past noon and they were sold out for the day. It was Friday and the sale was through Saturday. The stock guy in the meat section said they should have more the next day. Ok Saturday I got there around noon. I got the last one in the store - 10.65 lbs for $10.54! Here's some pics. I'm getting ready to smoke it tomorrow so I trimmed it and cut it into 2 pieces and dry bring it:

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    I trimmed about a pound and a half of fat and silver skin off of it, leaving it at 9 lbs, 4 ozs.. I forgot to take a pic before cutting it in 2 so here it is with the 2 pieces put back together:
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    This was my best cut job ever on a bone-in butt. The boneless chunk of 4 lbs, 9 ozs and the bone-in chunk of 4 lbs, 11 ozs
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ID:	1100319

    I got the same deal at our Jewel yesterday. My wife was disappointed that I put off our brisket cook to do a couple hour long, empty trial run on my new KBQ. She brought the mail in and a couple minutes later said "Would you do your trial on an 8lb pork butt?". How could I pass that up?


    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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    That’s a good deal. I don’t know if it because we are in beef country, but it seems like every couple of weeks or so the Butts go on sale for $.97 a pound. Thy typically weigh 10#s although some times I can find one 8#s. I try to get the smallest one I can find, since I don’t often cook for a crowd.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Same here, at least oncet a month, ¢99/lb.

      ~8~ lbs. is my Sweet Spot, fer my personal needs, an wants...

      Gorge like a Viking, take some to the neighbours, an to work, save some fer carnitas, tacos, chili, an such...

      Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 25, 2021, 03:55 PM. Reason: +a :-o

    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      All good suggestions, Mr. Bones ! My neighbor has been hinting strongly that she'd like me to give her some pulled pork for a long time now. I just haven't made it here at home in ages, only at the vacay house.

    Another member of the weighing meats club! Gotta know what everything weighs when we are done!


      So, I couldn't fall asleep last night until 5:00 this morning. I wasn't about to start a 8-10 hour all wood cook (tending the cooker every half hour or so) on zero sleep. So I had to postpone my butt cook until tomorrow when the weather is expected to be good yet again.


        Ack! I'm going to run down and see if its still on!


          My local Food Lion $.99 sale ended last Wednesday. I picked up another one for the freezer before it ended.

          They usually have a $1.59 sale one week skip a week then have the $.99 sale skip a couple weeks and then start the cycle all over again. So if you missed it this time give it a few weeks and the sale will likely happen again...


            We're going back in a couple of weeks. I'll have to check when we do.


              I went to Jewel today and picked up 2 butts at 99 cents a pound. I normally shop at Marianos. Thanks for the heads up on this. I also decided to get a 12 pack of PBR bottles since I seem to see that come up in the occasional post.



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