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I have a pig leg, now what?!

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    I have a pig leg, now what?!

    We were given almost a 1/2 a pig worth of meat for payment for something my husband helped out with for a friend. Anyway, he sent us a whole pig leg (minus the foot!) and I am guessing it is so I can make a ham with it. But what do I do? I have no clue where to even start with this. I placed it in the freezer so I had time to research and come up with a plan.

    So what should I do with this? Thoughts?

    Do you have a dog?


    • tamidw
      tamidw commented
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      I do have two dogs. But I'm not going to give them all that meat! 😃

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      Do Have a Dog? I busted out laughing. LOL. Priceless.
      Now that pairs will with PBR.

    First I would find a butcher that will break it down for you. Ham, shanks, etc.


    • tamidw
      tamidw commented
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      This might be my best option as I think I also need to pull up a map of a pig and determine all the parts of meat I have on the leg. Good idea!

    For at least part of it


    29426017_10214656549117661_464130863436817873_n.jpg Blonder salt brine for a couple hours. Rinse Bag. Soak 165x24F Shock Chill Separate gelatinized purge and creamy lard. Score skin
    Last edited by Polarbear777; March 23, 2021, 05:28 PM.


    • tamidw
      tamidw commented
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      That looks really good!

    • JCGrill
      JCGrill commented
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      Mmmm schweinehaxe....

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      Schweinshaxe (as it's called in southern Germany) is a roasted ham hock or pork knuckle and usually served with sauerkraut Eisbein (as it's called in northern Germany) is usually boiled and served with sauerkraut and pureed yellow peas

      I learned something new.

    Maloney and Porcelli in Midtown Manhattan serves a deep fried pork shank that is to die for. Just saying.


      First thing that came to mind:

      {:en}Pork knuckle marinated in a dark beer is one of the famous dishes of the Czech cuisine. It’s delicious, beautiful, flavored and hearty meal will delight all who’ll gather for a dinner.

      There may be better recipes for this out there but I loved it when I had it in the Czech Republic.
      Last edited by STEbbq; March 23, 2021, 05:56 PM.


      • tamidw
        tamidw commented
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        That sounds awesome! I'll have to look into it too.

      Is it a front leg? If so I have made Ecuadorian Roasted Pork Leg which turned out very good.


      • latenight71
        latenight71 commented
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        i was going to ask if it was a right or a left leg and if the same theory applies from brisket?

      Definitely ham for part, I think. Not hard to do it if you have a big enough fridge and a large container or zip bag. You need curing salt though.


        I've gotten hogs before. I've used a sharp knife and de-boned the whole ham leg and then slice it into several sections. I will smoke a decent sized chunk of it and it tastes alot like Boston butt. I will also slice the middle section into ham steaks. Remember unless you salt cure it, the meat will not be salty at all. I really like green ham though.


          Country Ham:


            This is twice I’ve come to this post & miss read it. Life gets tough when you have to stop & think once in awhile. My first response is "aye matey..........."


            • tamidw
              tamidw commented
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              Haha! Glad I can keep you on your toes thinking! 😁 Looking back at the title I guess I could have worded it differently but then there wouldn't be any fun in it.


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