There's a bug with uploading photos.... I rotated by photo 90 degrees CW, but the photo is still CCW by 90 degrees.... Web dudes, what's up?
OK, here's my first run at pulled pork and boneless short ribs.
Using my gasser with wood chunks. Heat on left side, load on right. Target temperature is 225F and it's been easy to maintain today. Bone-in butt is at 183F and ribs at 177F (they are a bit cooler). Rolling thru a stall on the butt for past 2-3 hours (only 3 degrees). Ribs are slowing increasing. Pulling ribs for saucing and 325F covered heat at 193F and butt will be checked at 190F for tenderness (bone twist). I'm in no rush... this is an experiment run. I'm going to share some with my neighbors when done tonight and will make a meal for tomorrow with the folks.
It's hatch chile season and I threw on some halved chiles with some more apple chunks.
OK, here's my first run at pulled pork and boneless short ribs.
Using my gasser with wood chunks. Heat on left side, load on right. Target temperature is 225F and it's been easy to maintain today. Bone-in butt is at 183F and ribs at 177F (they are a bit cooler). Rolling thru a stall on the butt for past 2-3 hours (only 3 degrees). Ribs are slowing increasing. Pulling ribs for saucing and 325F covered heat at 193F and butt will be checked at 190F for tenderness (bone twist). I'm in no rush... this is an experiment run. I'm going to share some with my neighbors when done tonight and will make a meal for tomorrow with the folks.
It's hatch chile season and I threw on some halved chiles with some more apple chunks.