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Most requested Thanksgiving side?

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    Most requested Thanksgiving side?

    Took a poll again this year to include each family members most desired side dish for Thanksgiving Dinner.
    The usual green beans, stuffing/dressing, etc.
    Once again this year the only actual request from my husband is canned Cranberry. Seriously he does not consider the meal complete without a can of canned cranberries setting on the table.
    Does anyone else on here have a desire for this "side dish"?

    My father wants it. Just him.


      I like cranberries with the meal. I don’t spoon a gigantic heaping of them, but a few normal spoonfuls. Something about the sweetness that helps balance some of the savory. Some years we use canned, some years we will make it from fresh. It’s also something that my grandmother always made for our Thanksgiving dinners, so a bit of tradition we keep with it.

      But, I would still enjoy them for the turkey dinner!


      • Bkhuna
        Bkhuna commented
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        Cranberry sauce taste mighty fine with a leftover turkey sandwich.

      We go one step farther: Most everyone in my family considers a bowl of the tangy cranberry "jello" to be an essential part of the tradition. It definitely provides balance IMO.


        We make it homemade for the holidays, but I do have an affection for canned stuff, for me it's a comfort food.


          Yeah I like the canned stuff better than home made, same with stuffing... stove top all day long. Everything else I prefer home made.


            Most requested? Alka Seltzer!

            As for cranberries, we always have canned, either jell or with berries. Just the two of us, so pretty simple does it: spatchcocked turkey, gravy, cranberries, mashed taters, pickles (That’s on me), maybe biscuits, maybe something green, individual berry pie for me and something sweet for her (decision always last minute).


              The wife requests cranberries on the table every year, and every year about 3 weeks later we throw out a science project that used be an untouched dish of cranberries.
              Second most requested is for is me to pack up and leave....


              • synodog
                synodog commented
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                Yeah, this right here.

              I like Cranberries any way they're made including canned. My Wife sometime makes a Cranberry Jello that is good too.


                My wife must have the canned stuff. I do not like it. So she’ll take a spoonful and the rest gets trashed because it really doesn’t keep well. Also she doesn’t eat leftovers. Ever.


                  I buy a can of the cranberry jello / jelly ever year but I don’t eat it at Thanksgiving dinner. I use it for a topping for my turkey and stuffing waffle lunch I make the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

                  I’ll fill my waffle machines with left over stuffing, heat up the turkey in a fry pan with a couple three big spoonfuls of the cranberry jelly and then dump that over the waffles.


                  • HawkerXP
                    HawkerXP commented
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                  At our house it’s canned cranberry sauce. Both my sons love the stuff so it’s always there. We voted several years ago to never allow any of those jello with stuff mixed with it "salads" at a family get together again. My grandmothers and little old aunts could mix some of the most disgusting things in jello.


                  • synodog
                    synodog commented
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                    I always called it jello with food in it. Ruining perfectly good jello.

                  Canned cranberry sauce is a non-starter here. Didn't have it growing up, and I hate it.

                  My wife makes cranberry sauce with fresh cranberries, which is a hit for everyone at our house. We always run out of sauce before we run out of turkey. Even my 6-yr old requests it...


                  • Debra
                    Debra commented
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                    My husband is the complete opposite. He will not eat fresh cranberry sauces.

                  • tbob4
                    tbob4 commented
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                    I’m the sour puss (pun intended). Everyone but me likes them. I treat them - prepped any way - like a kid with spinach.

                  We must be the only household in existence that doesn't like cranberry sauce at all.

                  I think it's just the stuffing/dressing mostly at our house. Oh, and devilled eggs.


                    My kids would revolt if there wasn't some canned cranberry sauce. My mom thinks her homemade cranberry sauce is good but the kids would always prefer the canned stuff and I would agree.



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