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Garbage that you enjoy and eat on a regular basis

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    Garbage that you enjoy and eat on a regular basis

    What is the worst garbage you enjoy and eat on a regular basis?

    I’m here eating my lunch thinking to myself this is so good but it’s so much a tray of garbage.

    A couple of Banquet Salisbury Steak meals are now in my belly. The mashed potatoes? and corn were also enjoyed.

    Ok , I’ll fess up.
    Attached Files


    • North Carolina Mike
      North Carolina Mike commented
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      Love corned beef hash. My favorite brand is the store brand they sell at Aldi. My wife will eat it if she gets to the kitchen before I stir in some eggs.

    • smokenoob
      smokenoob commented
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      HawkerXP my wife calls it dog food, I reply "all men are dogs"

    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
      Editing a comment
      So loved that!

    Before Gainesville finally got a Sonic, I was known to drive close to an hour to get an extra long chili cheese coney, tots and a cherry limeade.


    • fzxdoc
      fzxdoc commented
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      Now you're talking. Except I get the diet cherry limeade. I ask for it by the pail, but they sell me the 40 oz size instead.


    • Jim White
      Jim White commented
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      fzxdoc The Sonic cherry limeade is literally the only sugared drink I consume. I suppose I should try the diet, but the entire Sonic meal is a giant cheat anyway.

    • tamidw
      tamidw commented
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      I like the strawberry limeade. Or the raspberry slushie (not the blue kind) and then add some malibu rum into it 😁

    I love it. 🤷‍♂️


    • Bkhuna
      Bkhuna commented
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      SPAM isn't garbage.

    • Porkies
      Porkies commented
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      PBR raises the class of any food.

    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
      Editing a comment
      Yes please!

    I am waiting for the brave soul to say my wife’s cooking and then we will never see him again.

    I suppose the utter garbage I eat would be potato chips.


    • FireMan
      FireMan commented
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      Hey, are we expecting RonB any moment?

    • RonB
      RonB commented
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      I've got to leave, but you only get one like fer postin' the same thing twice smokenoob .

    • Steve B
      Steve B commented
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      I would say my wife's cooking but she doesn't cook. Unless you call cooking a store bought potpie in the oven cooking.

    I love the powdered Kraft mac n cheese, the "real" cheese stuff is good too... but that powdered fake cheese and budget noodles with butter just makes me feel good. (I also do NOT like home made or other brand mac n cheese)

    I also REALLY like Vienna sausages (don't like beanie weenies). I used to get a few cans mailed to me in care packages and then would leave them on the dash of my construction equipment or work truck in various Mid East locations. I even got yelled at once for not taking cover fast enough during a mortar attack one time because I was making sure I grabbed my cans of crappy sausages.

    I just started chucking a few on my smoker for a snack mid cook, actually it does enhance the taste


    • smokin fool
      smokin fool commented
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      Cheetos mac n cheese is all the rage up here right now, my kids go nuts over it.
      I can't do cheddar mac n cheese, white cheddar I'm in

    • Troutman
      Troutman commented
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      Yea I'll take me some of them thar Vye-ee-nee sausage thingies too Steve R.

    • Attjack
      Attjack commented
      Editing a comment
      Powdered Mac is good. I feel differently about the Vienna in a can.

    All manner of fast food plus chips and dip (or not).


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ID:	1094821


      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
        Editing a comment
        Smash the garbage.
        Plug my colon and I don't care

      • Stuey1515
        Stuey1515 commented
        Editing a comment
        That looks terrible, how can you eat that crap!!!

      • Papa Bob
        Papa Bob commented
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        that burger looks so fu#kin good I would eat that right now even if you took a bite. Was watching food network couple weeks ago and your dog reminds me of Sunny Anderson made a onion cream cheese with fresh shallow fried jalapeño diced and mixed in, a shallow fried hot dog put in a soft, grilled bun with cheese sauce and store bought French fried jalapenos had them three days in a row I thought I died and went to heaven😎 😎 😎

      Cheetos (original crunchy only not puffed nor flaming hot)


      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
        Editing a comment
        ??? I don't get it. Is that a joke, or for real????

      • willxfmr
        willxfmr commented
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        bbqLuv I can attest to the fact that it is indeed a real problem. Er, I mean I've heard that it's something that happens to some people.

      • mrteddyprincess
        mrteddyprincess commented
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        bbqLuv A guy goes to the doctor and explains that he's there because his private parts have turned bright orange. The doctor asks if he engages in any odd behavior and the guy replies, "No, I just enjoy watching x-rated videos and eating Cheetos."

      That's just about all I eat...


        Yup, RichardCullip , I to had a bag of Cheetos a couple of days ago, a small one at that. I must say things are gettin a little easier in the last two weeks. No fast food & nothing out of a box, bag or can cept sardines, anchovies & that bag of Cheetos. It is not boring, it is an interesting fight to eat real food.


        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          No more burn-your-lips-off canned jalapenos?

        • FireMan
          FireMan commented
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          Huskee , that would qualify as health food. I have a can juss waitin to be opened on my counter right now as I type.

        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          Wife & I and Jaxon went to an authentic Indian place the other day. Ordered chicken tikka masala and shrimp curry. Ordered "medium". OMG. Their medium is my melt-your-face HOT. It reminded me of those jalapenos, except this time my lips weren't chapped and cracked. Side note, the single best curry I have ever tasted despite the heat.



        • smokin fool
          smokin fool commented
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          Big +2 on Samoosas with the red pepper sauce, the green chili? sauce not so much

        • holehogg
          holehogg commented
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          STEbbq You can buy them almost everywhere here and I'm not over exaggerating. I'm surprised I don't look like one.
          Last edited by holehogg; September 15, 2021, 01:14 PM.

        • STEbbq
          STEbbq commented
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          I am so jealous. It is a 30 minute drive to find anything fresh or frozen on samosas. I love me some mint / cilantro chutney.

        My wife & I are suckers for some late night Taco Bell once in a while, I'll drive 12min one way to pick it up at 11pm sometimes. Say what you will about TB, but they make delicious craving-satisfying things. I usually order my quesaritos with extra meat & extra cheese. Mmmmmmm...


          I love some of the things others posted, but the bad things I do eat regularly are pizza rolls and jalapeño kettle chips.


          • Attjack
            Attjack commented
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            That makes sense. I heated them up in my kamado but I don't recall the flavor. Probably original though and I don't think it was Totino's brand. But I have fond memories of the Totino's Pizzas I ate as a kid. I just looked and they don't seem the make the old-school round version I remember anymore.

          • glitchy
            glitchy commented
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            Yes, used to love my cheap ole Totino’s pizzas. No idea what that change to square or rectangular was about.

          • Attjack
            Attjack commented
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            Probably a more efficient use of cardboard but I wonder if the recipe is still the same?

          McRib. I know.


          • Joey877
            Joey877 commented
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            Never could understand the hype, but they definitely have a following.

          • mrteddyprincess
            mrteddyprincess commented
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            I'm with you on the McRib! I have made my own McRibs and they were far better, but McDonald's apparently markets that dang thing for my demographic...

          • klflowers
            klflowers commented
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            mrteddyprincess, I make my own too but as soon as I see that commercial I am up and out the door...


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