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Would you rather cook in a freezer or a furnace?

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    Would you rather cook in a freezer or a furnace?

    As the temps here are on the rise and the local predictions have days that could shift to triple digits if the forecast changes, I'm trying to remember dishes I actually like to cook indoors. So, I was wondering (and since everyone loves polls), who still cooks outside in the sweltering heat and who would rather build ice sculptures while tending flames?

    OR who only grills in the fairest of weather?

    I haven't traced my genealogy far enough to find it yet, but I swear there's Eskimo in my blood.
    Bring on the heat baby
    I can handle the occasional snotsickle
    My grill is like a show car and is only run on the finest of days
    As Starship says, "Nothing's going to stop us now"
    I don't like polls

    No option for both? I smoke all days and in all weather except when it rains.


    • glitchy
      glitchy commented
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      This ain't Burger King, but I suppose, just for you.

    • STEbbq
      STEbbq commented
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      Thanks. Just can’t find the space for a good umbrella so I just schedule my cooks around any rain.

    I hate cooking outdoors when it's blazing hot out. I am a really big guy and just do not do well in the heat. I much prefer it when it's colder. Let's just say I have a lot of natural insulation to keep me warm.


      Hot days, cold beer, sitting in the shade, grill smoking low and slow.
      What is not to love?
      Cold days, Hot Toddie, watching the game, monitoring my Traeger over WIFI, smoking low and slow.
      What is not to love?

      BTW, in rain, I would rather not BBQ.


        Its blazing hot more than freezing here, but I continue to cook outdoors regardless. Only if the weather is dangerous (hurricanes, ice storms, lightning/hail, etc) do the plans change.


          It just does not matter to me. I have cooked in a snow storm and a monsoon. Just love to cook outside!


          • HawkerXP
            HawkerXP commented
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          I spent thousands of dollars and many hours of what used to be easy labor building a covered deck for all of my cookers, I'm grilling outside when the mail isn't even going through! However, I like snowy days with no wind the best.


            My cooker is on a screened porch, so rain is not an issue. Kind of necessary here in Florida. But I don't handle cold weather well at all. My rule is that I insist on living south of the southern-most "Bridge Ices Before Road" sign. So on the occasional cold day here, I stay inside for cooking and just about everything else. At those times, I tend to grumble about going out to feed the horses and especially making another trip out to put their blankets on them. Cold weather just makes me generally grumpy.


              Cooking on a Kamado low and slow means one else everything is set you can go indoors until everything is cooked. I think I would rather brave the cold, but not if things are iced over.


                The only thing that stops me is strong wind. As for heat or cold, it really depends on what cooker I am using. I get the best results with a stick burner in cold weather, because I need to keep a hotter fire going, which leads to nice "clean" smoke. If I'm using charcoal in a kettle or WSM, I prefer hotter weather so I don't burn through so much charcoal. I'm not terribly sensitive to temperature, I just dress appropriately and deal with it.
                Last edited by Steve R.; July 22, 2021, 02:29 PM.


                  When it's time to cook, it's time to cook - except in heavy rain or heavy snow.


                    Who gives a rip about whether it’s hot or cold! I like cookin outside!


                    • Huskee
                      Huskee commented
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                      Or dangerously windy

                    • HawkerXP
                      HawkerXP commented
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                      Windy? Isn't that why they put wheels on cookers?

                      I know we don't all get the same amount of winds but I just move it around to a non windy area.

                    I live in MI as you may know, and while we aren't Canada or Alaska or Texas, we do get temp extremes. I have a pic of cooking cold, and I've cooked in 98 before too. I don't like big heat though. Cold I can deal with.

                    For this shot I took a pic when it said -18F with the kettle in view, but then it dropped more to -20 so took another pic, this time the kettle is not in view, but I was a-cookin'.

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	-20 degrees cold morning.jpg Views:	0 Size:	1.03 MB ID:	1064736


                    • FireMan
                      FireMan commented
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                      Because there is a pic I believe every word you say! BTW, is that your hand?

                    • Huskee
                      Huskee commented
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                      Yessir. If it were my wife's hand it would be a Seinfeld episode. FireMan

                    I prefer to smoke stuff in the summer, versus standing over a hot grill or griddle. Once you set it up, you can go back inside, or hop in the pool with a beer.

                    On National Hotdog day, I chose to "grill" my Nathan's in a cast iron skillet on the stove, and stay inside in the A/C, versus lighting up the big 4 burner gasser just to warm up 8 hot dogs.

                    Today is a brew day however, and I will be heating up the garage with a 105K and a 65K burner while heating water and boiling the wort. The garage doors will all be open, and a fan will be running, but I will be drenched by the end of the evening. It's a lot worse than grilling in the heat, as its 5 hours of sweating.


                    • glitchy
                      glitchy commented
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                      That’s why I buy from distillers 🤪

                    I cook year round, but if I had to choose between the 2, I'd choose cooking in a freezer.


                    • Huskee
                      Huskee commented
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                      You can pile on the clothes, but there's only so much you can rip off....

                    • CaptainMike
                      CaptainMike commented
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                      Huskee, I don't give a rip what FireMan says, please, no pics of you with all of your clothes ripped off.

                    • Huskee
                      Huskee commented
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                      CaptainMike Oh those aren't free anyway. Pay up front for those!


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