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Your First Cooking Photo

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    Your First Cooking Photo

    Here's a fun one. I keep all the photo shots of my cooks. I currently shoot with a Nikon body and a Tokina f2.8 macro lens but back when I first joined, it was an old iPhone 7 or some such thing. Obviously my photo quality has vastly improved but its fun to go back and think about all the cooks you've done. This is I believe one of, or maybe the first, cook I posted on AR. It was the fall of 2017 and the Houston Texans were playing the Cowboys in the Silver Boot series and I did a tailgate special for some buddies. Here's a synopsis shot of what I cooked and everyone got to eat.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	smoke 7-17j.jpg Views:	86 Size:	178.0 KB ID:	1060873

    So go back and dig through your old photos and post them here. Let's have some fun, some miscues and maybe some laughs !!!
    Last edited by Troutman; July 16, 2021, 11:20 AM.

    I do not need to dig through old cooking photos of mine for people to get a laugh. It is still ongoing with my current pics.
    Last edited by Panhead John; July 15, 2021, 07:08 PM.


    • STEbbq
      STEbbq commented
      Editing a comment

    My wife broke my camera, doesn't like seeing bad things twice.


      I don't save my cooking pics. Once is enough.


        Oooooh this is a great one. Going on the big dig folks! Lets see what I come up with....not gonna be pretty. LOL


          From 2010. Shot with whatever iPhone I had at that time. Looks like roast chicken and veggies. I was cutting carbs.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1042.jpeg
Views:	337
Size:	153.6 KB
ID:	1061082


            Here are three steak pictures I took in 2011. I won a red apron from GrillGrates for them.

            Click image for larger version  Name:	image_148872.jpg Views:	4 Size:	851.4 KB ID:	1061103Click image for larger version  Name:	image_148874.jpg Views:	4 Size:	928.8 KB ID:	1061104Click image for larger version  Name:	image_148873.jpg Views:	4 Size:	1.04 MB ID:	1061105
            Last edited by lbyer; July 16, 2021, 06:23 AM.


            • FireMan
              FireMan commented
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              Very cool, old, but cool!

            • ecowper
              ecowper commented
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              wow, those pics are great. I just dug up my first food pics .... not even close. Also, you had grill grates already???

            • lbyer
              lbyer commented
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              I was in the photo industry my entire working career. I had the GrillGrates and entered a GrillGrates contest, and these pics won me a GrillGrates red apron. These were iPhone pictures from 2011.

            It's the thought that counts............................right?
            Click image for larger version

Name:	butt 03.JPG
Views:	327
Size:	135.6 KB
ID:	1061109


              I did not take pics of cooks before I got into smoking, and that was 2016 with a Camp Chef DLX pellet pooper. And that only came about from trying to research what to get to start into smoking low and slow - and found the old site and community (which is now defunct). So, here is my first rib cook from back then - and I was hooked forever!

              Click image for larger version

Name:	20171211_152922.jpg
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ID:	1061181Click image for larger version

Name:	20171211_152127.jpg
Views:	316
Size:	71.9 KB
ID:	1061182


              • Troutman
                Troutman commented
                Editing a comment
                Nice !!

              This is funny, but believe it or not, while I've been grilling and smoking since we got married in 1990, I cannot find a single "food" photo prior to 2009. There are probably a couple of 3 x 5 snapshots in a box somewhere of the first turkey I smoked on a Brinkman bullet smoker, but nothing on my computer, which has photos back to at least 2000.

              The first grill or cooking photo of any sort I could find in a scan through the photo library on my computer was this - taken during the summer of 2009 while beached on the bank of the Tennessee river, where I was feeding the family a meal of hot dogs cooked on a cheap portable gas grill that I tossed out many years ago... It was a convenient grill to store up under the bow area along with the cooler of drinks and either burgers or dogs for our lunches.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	100_2043.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	2.28 MB ID:	1061250
              Click image for larger version  Name:	100_2048.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	2.74 MB ID:	1061247

              As far as photos that I might have posted on the pit - this cook was the week I joined in November 2017, and is a beef roast of some sort, smoking on my Performer using a charcoal snake and a foil drip pan, with a Thermoworks Dot being used to monitor the cook. I was going by the dome thermometer for grill temperature at that point.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_7099.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	2.99 MB ID:	1061249

              A month later in December 2017, you can see that MCS has hit, as there is a SNS in the picture now, doing a NY strip loin. There is also a second probe involved, monitoring both pit and meat temperatures! At that point I think I would just switch the cables back and forth at the Dot end of things. The set of Grillgrates on the old Weber gasser had been purchased before I joined the Pit, as I loved the set that came with the Performer.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_7341.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	2.70 MB ID:	1061248Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_7347.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	2.39 MB ID:	1061251Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_7348.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	2.35 MB ID:	1061252
              Last edited by jfmorris; July 16, 2021, 09:07 AM.


              • Troutman
                Troutman commented
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                Man that hunk of meat looks amazing !!!

              • jfmorris
                jfmorris commented
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                Thanks Troutman ! Pretty sure it was a half NY strip, from either Fresh Market or Kroger. I used to buy whole and half all the time, and either smoke them like a roast, or slice them into steaks. I've not found them at a price I was willing to pay since before COVID.

                Also - found more photos from Dec 2017, and the 2 probes appear to be from a Smoke. So my first month on the Pit had me spend money on a Smoke and a SNS!

              Its a man thing.
              I took a camera everywhere for years, never took a pic of anything no matter how amazing or momentous is was.
              Just never thought of it.
              Kinda better now with the cell phone.
              My wife takes pics of everything to the point its a pain in the arse.
              Now give me some paper and a box of crayons....I'm all in!!!!


              • synodog
                synodog commented
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                This right here and I was a wedding photographer for a few years while finishing my undergrad…

              Well. My first sausage attempt didn’t go so good.
              Butt I have gotten better at it. Click image for larger version

Name:	AE667746-6852-482C-BD20-DFFCE5C11AC5.jpeg
Views:	273
Size:	155.3 KB
ID:	1061294


              • Troutman
                Troutman commented
                Editing a comment
                Panhead John How would you know that the Golden Girls were on?

              • GolfGeezer
                GolfGeezer commented
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                Panhead John no, I haven’t finished binge watching Canon yet.

              • Mudkat
                Mudkat commented
                Editing a comment
                Is that a before or after pic? I apologize for that.

              Alright, Troutman You asked for it! Top this. Click image for larger version

Name:	157DB390-7CA0-4817-9319-21DA5135F6C0.jpeg
Views:	265
Size:	112.9 KB
ID:	1061316


              • Troutman
                Troutman commented
                Editing a comment
                So was that like from...yesterday???

              • Panhead John
                Panhead John commented
                Editing a comment
                Hell no, that was at least 6 months ago.

              • Steve B
                Steve B commented
                Editing a comment
                Looks pretty good to me PH.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	23B18CF8-23DC-4C31-A7EA-6A911236B870.jpeg
Views:	276
Size:	100.3 KB
ID:	1061326 My first rib cook on my new Recteq RT-700 back on June 1st 2019. It’s the oldest bbq photo I have and my first photo posted here on the PIT after joining about a week before.


              • Troutman
                Troutman commented
                Editing a comment
                Nice !!!!

              Here they are. My first brisket cook on the Broil King Keg. No idea what I was doing. What temp to cook it too or anything like that.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2386.png
Views:	229
Size:	329.9 KB
ID:	1062984

              I also thought simply cutting off burnt ends of a over cooked brisket meant that I made burnt ends. This was my first cook on my PBC back in 2014.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2387.png
Views:	263
Size:	269.5 KB
ID:	1062983


              • Panhead John
                Panhead John commented
                Editing a comment
                " I also thought simply cutting off burnt ends of a over cooked brisket meant that I made burnt ends. This was my first cook on my PBC back in 2014."
                That’s not how you do it?


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