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Wow, What a Jerk!

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    Wow, What a Jerk!

    A couple months ago ordered a sample pack of Oakridge rubs to get some Carne Crosta to try. With it came this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	9993D1F6-2565-4BF2-B9D7-0B477FA698F2.jpeg
Views:	351
Size:	72.6 KB
ID:	1024891
    I’m decided to cook some Mahi Mahi for lunch today and was looking for something to season it with (I don’t cook a lot of fish). So, I decided to give this a shot on some along with the MAK Chipotle rub that came with my grill on the rest. This Jah Love Jamaican Jerk Seasoning was great. I forgot I was even eating fish. I just made the paste they suggest and bushed it on. I will warn though, I think it might be pretty spicy. My heat tolerance is pretty high and I could feel it a little. No hiccups or dripping sweat, but my sinuses opened up after a few bites. Jerk is the piece on bottom.
    Attached Files



      You got me!


        Damn man. I was really hoping for a good story about some idiot who pissed you off. What a let down. 😩


        • CaptainMike
          CaptainMike commented
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          I was certain he was going to level something at you and I was gonna come a-ridin' over the ridge to defend you! Well, unless you had coming...

        • glitchy
          glitchy commented
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          CaptainMike After that gas steak comment in the Snow's meat-up thread, this thread could have easily been about Panhead John

        • CaptainMike
          CaptainMike commented
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          Hahaha, and he'd be indefensible!

        I guess we’ll have to start sending misleading post Titles for attention:

        Captain Mike And Panhead John In Huge Fight In Rockdale!!!

        over whether to watch Golden Girls or Mannix.


        • glitchy
          glitchy commented
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          It's not misleading, it's click bait :-p

        Click Bait! Not in the pit too! glitchy you should be ashamed of yourself . I just knew that this was someone else going after Panhead John ......


        • glitchy
          glitchy commented
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          Yeah, I figured with the title most regulars around here would read it as 'Another Ode to Panhead John'.
          Last edited by glitchy; April 30, 2021, 02:25 PM.

        When I read the thread title the first thing I thought was "What did I do now???"


        • DavidNorcross
          DavidNorcross commented
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          David, I can only imagine what you hear. You need to bring a whole new definition to thick skin for sure.....We sure appreciate all you do.....

        • CaptainMike
          CaptainMike commented
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          You could redeem yourself David by doing a run of low profile SnS's.

        • ofelles
          ofelles commented
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          Very often my first thought also. But, it's usually followed quickly by "Nah uh! I know you are but what am I"?



          OH, at first I thought you were referring to me.
          Thanks for the tip.
          Long Live BBQ and PBR too.



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