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Canned Vienna Sausage

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    Canned Vienna Sausage

    I can NOT stand to eat them but they will always give me a warm feeling from my lifetime memories of having them readily available.
    My Father was an absolute fan of them and ate them until a few weeks before he recently passed at 97.
    Libby's brand right out of the can. None of the fancy new flavors for him just the original.
    He farmed and ranched and considered them to be the ultimate survival food.
    There were always a couple of cans of them on his tractors, pickups, and even in his saddle bags. Always an extra can for his herd dogs as a snack.
    He ate them for one of his final lunches while under in home hospice. We could not get him interested in anything else but he did manage a few bites of the beanie weenies as he called them. (it always seemed so strange to me that he would call Vienna sausage beenie weenies but he refused to eat the real beanie weenies
    They do have an interesting story.
    Do you have a nostalgic fondness for vienna sausages, those mini hot dogs in a can? We've got the background on this canned meat, plus five recipes.

    My mother did not serve us canned Vienna sausages, but I had my share of canned meats (C-Rations) in the Army. Beans and Wieners was available, but my favorite was either Tuna, Boned Chicken or good old Beef-potatoes-gravy (or also known as beef and shrapnel). And yes, those do bring back memories.


      We keep them in the house. Wife and son eat them, I eat them once in a while.

      Apparently the German Shepherd thinks they're filet mignon or just plain crack.

      <edit> And yes... only Libby's, and only the regular flavor.
      Last edited by DogFaced PonySoldier; September 17, 2021, 09:14 AM.


        Yep, the memories these little jewels in a little can bring back can be powerful. Mine is sitting on the back of a farm truck having lunch with my Father while picking watermelons. Vienna sausages, soda crackers, and a Coca-Cola in a glass bottle.


          For me it was hunting trips with my father in law. They do bring back some good memories. Always ate them with saltine crackers.


            Yes memories for sure. When I was in my early 20’s I decided I needed a break from life to figure some things out. I sold or stored all my possessions, bought what I’ll call a "hippie van", (we’re talking late 70’s here) and hit the road. I bought a case of these along with other canned or dried staples for backup food. Some of my best memories are of sitting by my van enjoying some incredible vista somewhere in the middle of nowhere and munching on these sausages and drinking a beer. I wandered around the country for about a year and I guess I figured it out because my first job post wandering set me on a career that was perfect for me and allowed me to retire early and relax all over again. Were the sausages responsible? Of course not. 🤣. But every time they come up, I think back to that time.


            • Jfrosty27
              Jfrosty27 commented
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              DogFaced PonySoldier I was on the road just over one year. What an adventure it was! Best thing I ever did for myself. A very long story. Short version is I was in a bad place personally at the time and the time off allowed me to get things right.
              Last edited by Jfrosty27; September 17, 2021, 11:44 AM.

            • DogFaced PonySoldier
              DogFaced PonySoldier commented
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              Jfrosty27 That's flipping awesome. How did you support yourself for a year? Did you have some money saved up or work odd jobs while you traveled or what?

            • Jfrosty27
              Jfrosty27 commented
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              DogFaced PonySoldier I had money saved and just took off for the hills so to speak. The trip ended when the money ran out. I was in Los Angeles at the time and just found a job that turned into a 35 year career in medical equipment sales.

            Vienna sausages and Keebler club crackers were just about the only food we ever took on overnight fishing trips with my father and grandfather.

            Keeping the cycle going, our nearly three years old grandson would eat Vienna sausages (he calls them hot dogs sometimes) every meal if allowed.


              They make excellent bait for most pan fish. Another reason to keep a can in your tackle box.


                My mom used to make me a canned lunch when I worked plowing our wheat fields in the summer. It was two cans of Vienna sausages, a can of shoe string potatoes, and a can of coke. In her defense she had to be at work by 7 am so there wasn’t a lot of time to spend on lunch.


                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  Reckon probly not a whole lotta money to be spent, either, if it was like my upbringin...

                  Good Lord Bless our Ma's, though...

                  Ever notice how we'se both still here?

                  Oops, Fergot to add a Big Thumbs Up fer them Shoestring Taters in a can...

                  Salty, greasy, crisp... reckon bout everthing a tater oughtta be, in this life...
                  Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 17, 2021, 09:06 PM. Reason: -u

                • Oak Smoke
                  Oak Smoke commented
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                  No not much money to be had, but you know we were as happy as could be Mr. Bones. Rather than go somewhere on the weekend the family would get together and have a fish fry or cook frog legs. Bull frog hunting is a whole other story. I have fond memories of cranking an old ice cream maker in the back yard. Yes we are still here, in large part because of our moms. There are a lot of things worse than having to work for everything you had as a kid. It has served me well in life.
                  Last edited by Oak Smoke; September 17, 2021, 09:39 PM.

                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  Brotherman, we'uns was purty much happy, as wail...knew no kinda difference...had no basis fer comparin...

                  We had no ideal we even was po...thought everbody lived like that, but they'n's jus fancied shoes, nicer duds, shiny vehicles summat less than 20-30 YO

                  they'uns all got invited to any cookoff, hootenanny, shindig, pig roast, etc, an they always came...eager, ravenous, loud, an greedy...

                  Cain't rightly recollect even one such time they ever reciprocated, invited any us...
                  Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 17, 2021, 10:06 PM. Reason: shindig

                Seriously, warm smoke them... 200ish for about 30 minutes


                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  Pro Tip: wire rack, so's they don't git stuck to, or fall through a normal grate spacin...

                  jus sayin...

                I love Vienna Sausages but I always have a problem getting the first one out of the can intact.


                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
                  ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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                  dump the can on a paper plate, it's like a crown roast... but canned jellied goopiness

                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  if'n usin above/aforementioned corkscrew, in yer cordless...???
                  reckon me?

                  Based upon Personal Experience.....i'd absotively start on th Lowest Speed Settin!!!!

                My parents used these to give their dawgs their medicine/pills. They may have eaten some here and there. But I never really liked them. I did eat a few. But…….


                  Vienna Sausages---The Special Hot dog. I tried them in haste, they taste like paste, I shack my head to such a waste.
                  With PBR I washed them down, they came back up and on the ground.


                  • Mr. Bones
                    Mr. Bones commented
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                  Used to love them and wife still eats them. I used to carry them fishing and kept them in my locker at work. The BBQ ones were OK but usually I opened up the plain ones and then seasoned them with mustard, chipotle hot sauce, or BBQ sauce. One day I opened the can, looked at the contents and my stomach rolled over. Couldn't eat them. For a while I could not even stand to look at a can. I'm starting to get over the severe aversion so maybe I will try grilling or smoking a can.


                  • bbqLuv
                    bbqLuv commented
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                    "I feel your pain" -- No need to go back and look at the things left behind for fear of seeing them twice.

                  • Mr. Bones
                    Mr. Bones commented
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                    No, no, No...Yer on th Right Track, Brothers!!!!

                    Dump em out, right tf into th fire...

                    Then, smoke th can...

                    Rotate, occasionally, to ensure th label burns off, evenly...

                    Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 18, 2021, 07:24 AM.


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