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Another Critical Hot Dog Observation

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    Another Critical Hot Dog Observation

    So you know, as it is normal for folks like us, I have been drooling over Attjack 's hot dogs.

    I'm conducting a hot dog research project where I do a new take each time on the humble hot dog to see where it takes me.

    But I was reminded of a critical observation.

    Is there anyone else that prefers to have all of their toppings actually underneath the hot dog? Admire it visually first, then slide out of the dog and put it on top of the toppings for eating. Or if I am making it myself, toppings on first then dog on top?

    Just me? I feel like this avoids the critical and messy challenge of getting toppings all over your nose and shirt when eating a yummy dog.

    I've wondered about this for years (I think my wife considers it unusual but she has refrained from further comment during our marriage to date), and figured you guys can set me straight.

    I await your judgement.

    Sides of the bun for me, then the wiener goes in.


    • STEbbq
      STEbbq commented
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      Sides are also acceptable

    I just don’t eat hot dogs by choice unless it’s an occasional chili dog and I usually eat those with a fork. However, if I am left with no choice I guess I’m in the weirdo camp with you and pkadare


    • STEbbq
      STEbbq commented
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      Hot dog bottom feeders unite!

    Guess I'm ambidawgxtrous, sometimes topping on top of the dog sometimes on the bun then the wienie.
    I get your comment about toppings getting everywhere.
    One of life's great challenges is keeping toppings off an expensive usually white golf shirt.
    Must have 4 or 5 white golf shirts, now gardening shirts, all stained with the flotsam of burger and dawg stands.


      I actually like to portion toppings on the plate and dip my dog in each to get the perfect mix. Kinda patti-melt like!
      (toppings are hard to get out of my hat too…)


        Never even thought about trying toppings under the dog. I’d think it would be hard to keep them from falling through the bun where the two halves meet, unless the bun isn’t sliced very deep.


        • STEbbq
          STEbbq commented
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          I have yet to experience hot dog bun collapse. But I will say it can be a challenge if your dog is too big for the bun, but that is a separate issue.
          Last edited by STEbbq; September 14, 2021, 08:29 AM.

        Top and bottom for me. The mustard, ketchup and Mayo go on the bun before the dog. Then chopped onions get sprinkled on top of the dog.


        Never give it much thought, I'd reckon...met a fella, when I was in th Bees...couldn't stand fer his foods to be touchin...didn't know that was a thing, 'til I was 24 yo...

        You do you, an this world will keep on turnin...

        Me? Don't give a hoot where my hot dog toppins are; they're all goin th same place, anyhow...


        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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          Hot dog bun collapse is one of the biggest problems we face today. I sure hope that "toppings on top or bottom" doesn’t devolve into a bunch of name callin’ , animosity and such. This has been a very divisive subject on other forums. That is exactly why I left 🥸
          Last edited by Panhead John; September 14, 2021, 08:39 AM.

        • FireMan
          FireMan commented
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          Yeah, this dawg dissin has got to stop!

        I like cheesy coney dogs.

        I'll put the slice of american cheese in the roll first. This is done for two reasons.
        1. By putting the cheese in the roll the heat from the hot dog will melt the cheese
        2. In my mind the cheese will act as a "binder" and help prevent bottom of the roll "blow out"

        I'll put the condiments on next and then top the whole thing with coney sauce.

        The coney sauce then winds up in my mustache and I have a snack for later.



          I’m with Red Man , I never even thought about it but thank you for opening my eyes to the possibility. Will be trying soon.


            Top for me and I use ketchup!


            • HawkerXP
              HawkerXP commented
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              Americans' favorite hot dog topping is mustard!

            If ya use enough catsup -err- mustard, stuff doesn't fall off, and a little cosmetic surgery will fix the nose in mustard problem...


              I put the dog in first, then mustard, then pile the extras around on the sides, but of course they slip over the dog as well. But, that is why I don't like those super fat wieners. The slender ones allow more room for the sport pepper, dill pickle spear, tomato slices, chopped raw onion, neon relish. Oh, and room for the celery salt!

              Length over girth!!

              (Photo is not mine.)
              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_8771.JPG Views:	17 Size:	197.3 KB ID:	1094267
              Last edited by Dr. Pepper; September 14, 2021, 02:24 PM.


              • Mr. Bones
                Mr. Bones commented
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                'Tis True, sez I...

                Sadly, Doc...

                So very many folks fergit to accomodate th room that celery salt will occupy

              I like my toppings on the top..Does not really matter just a preference.
              Last edited by DavidNorcross; September 14, 2021, 02:06 PM.


                I've assembled my hot dog in different order, depending on how handy the buns, condiments and hotdogs were. These days, if its a good hot dog or brat, I tend to put it in the bun, then do a little zig-zag of mustard down the length of the hot dog, and that's about it. I do switch up the mustard type from time to time though. And, I love a good Chicago dog, with the sport peppers and such, and will sometimes add additional toppings. There's a reason they are called "toppings" you know! . They go on top! But like I said, if the buns are next to the condiments, I've been known to squirt some mustard in the bun first, then add the hot dog.

                I'm not sure how a hot dog holds down the toppings in the manner you describe, unless its just a little bead of mustard in the bottom most fold of the bun. Unless its just overflowing with mustard or chili, I've never had an issue with my nose going into the hot dog toppings, or spilling it all over myself.


                • DavidNorcross
                  DavidNorcross commented
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                  Man Jim. That was awesome. I almost felt myself eating that hot dog...

                • STEbbq
                  STEbbq commented
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                  I think you must go light on your dog toppings Jim! 🤣


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