Twenty-five pounds of Bratwurst this morning. I stole ideas from @Meathead,J.Kenji, and Len Poli. I have never used cream in sausage before, and i like it. It is noticeable (creamy?)
To get 25 lbs of meat, i added 3.5 lbs of hard back fat to picnic shoulders
2/3 cup of Kosher salt
28 grams #1cure
4T Dextrose
2T ground black pepper
3T white pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder
1/4 cup mustard powder
2T ginger powder
4t mace
4 eggs
4 cups of heavy cream
1 can of Oly
Heavy cream? Interesting.. I use milk powder in all my sausages as it helps the sausage retain moisture,. I wonder if the cream does the same thing. Are you gonna smoke them?? Or leave them fresh??
I'm going to smoke a strand (maybe two), just to see. I wanted the cure mainly for color development, but all that cream kinda negates that.
Should I smoke them to fully cooked (155*), or just for color?
I would smoke them to 160. That is the temp that is considered fully cooked according to the department of health meat inspector that comes to my shop.