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Turkey Cambro Question

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    Turkey Cambro Question

    I am going to smoke my first Thanksgiving turkey this year following the Meathead guide (http://amazingribs.com/recipes/chick...ed_turkey.html).

    I will be taking his recommendation to start a little early and cambro it until ready to serve. However, I have a question on the cambro process.

    Should I fully wrap the bird in foil? Or should I just use a hot towel on the bottom, pan, turkey, then possibly more hot towels on top?

    It wasn't real clear in the article on how to successfully cambro a turkey for an hour or so. I just don’t want to screw it up.

    Appreciate any guidance here.

    I've never done it, but I would be concerned with how the skin turns out - it might become soft and or chewy - not sure though...


    • Daddio on the Patio
      Daddio on the Patio commented
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      Yeah, that’s what I’m trying to avoid and why I asked the question. Not too worried about the meat, just trying to keep the skin in some sort of good condition.

    • EdF
      EdF commented
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      I wouldn't do it.

    I don't see any way to cambro a turkey for an hour without losing the crisp skin. Wrapped or unwrapped, the interior of the box that holds the heat is going to get pretty humid. Not to say it won't be good. Crisp skin is properly cooked skin. The texture will be different, but I would expect it to taste just fine.


      You ain't going to Cambro a turkey without losing your crispy skin..... unless you can get it underneath some heat right before you serve.

      I've Cambro'd quite a few and no one was really worried about the skin because the meat was so moist.


      • EdF
        EdF commented
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        The cambro is for a different reason - continuing to cook meat with a lot of collagen. Turkey doesn't need it nor want it. Tent it for a bit in foil and cut away!

      Thanks for your input everyone! Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!


        As everybody above said the Cambro will cost you the crispy skin. For me personally that's a deal breaker so I cook to serve immediately. The timing on turkey isn't that variable and it isn't very long.. so if I'm off by 15 or 20 minutes nobody is going to complain. Just make sure you have lots of drinks and some snacks and everybody will totally forget about the wait as soon as they taste it.

        If you're going to do it early, try to get it as close as you can.. the longer it sits, the softer it'll get.



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