65 percent. Open oven (no Dutch ovens or similar) I use a pizza steel and parchment paper, and a steam pan. 475 for roughly 45 minutes. Turning every 10 minutes.
gcdmd I have found that 800 grams flour, 520 grams water (65percemt), 200 grams levain (25 percent), and salt, add in the bulk fermenting. My dough weighs out around each loaf being a 790-800 gram loaf, when I weigh them before I bench rest, shaping, and proofing. It’s a pleasant size loaf, the oven spring is just right. I have baked larger loaves, 1,000 g loaves. And in my 10 inch banneton, their is to much oven spring, for that size loaf.
Looking at your lamé photos, and your end result, I can see how 'turning the corner' on the tops of the loaves allows yours to open much more than my daughter's loaves. I think she stops on the top surface, doesn't round the bend on both ends.
So, not sure that is the correct answer though. Interesting I think I have learned that scoring has very little to do with it, you have to have the fermentation to push it over, I can perfectly score an ok ferment and not get this, it is the ferment that that pushes the score, the score is just the telling it where to break through. Or so that is my current belief, or understanding from trial and error.
Last edited by Richard Chrz; August 25, 2021, 02:19 PM.