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Kalbi Beef Short Ribs - Improving Sear and BBQ Flavor

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    Kalbi Beef Short Ribs - Improving Sear and BBQ Flavor

    I lived in Hawaii for 10 years and became addicted to Kalbi Short Ribs. I really like Meathead's marinade recipe, but I'm not so in love with putting wet meat on the grill. Just a few adjustments really improve things, in my humble opinion.

    After marinading, I like to blot the ribs with paper towels and remove as much of the marinade as I possibly can. And then I coat the ribs with avocado oil. This keeps the meat from steaming on the grill and gives it a better BBQ flavor, in my opinion. I also think this recipe benefits from the Grill Grate micro-smoking technique that Meathead describes. I throw a bunch of wood pellets in the Grill Grate grooves and get everything smokin' hot before placing the short ribs on the grill.

    So, here's my modified recipe:

    Kalbi Beef Short Ribs

    1 cup of soy sauce
    1/2 cup water (or orange juice, or beer after boiling off the alcohol)
    1/4 cup sesame oil
    1/4 cup rice vinegar
    1/3 cup sugar
    1 tablespoon hot sauce
    6 cloves garlic, pressed, crushed, or minced
    4 teaspoons minced fresh ginger
    1/2 small onion (about 1/4 cup), chopped coarsely
    Salt (to taste)
    4 pounds beef short ribs, bone-in, cut thin

    If possible, make the marinade a few hours in advance to allow the liquids to pull flavor out of the onion, garlic, and ginger.

    1) Dump all ingredients into a zipper bag or a bowl and mix thoroughly. (I like to run the marinade through a blender before adding it to the bowl/zipper bag.)
    2) Let the meat marinate in the fridge for at least an hour and up to 18 hours (I do it for 18 hours routinely). Move the meat around occasionally so all of it is exposed to the marinade.
    3) Remove meat from the bowl/zipper bag and blot excess marinade from the meat with paper towels. Blot off as much as you reasonably can. Coat the ribs with avocado oil.
    4) Get the grill hot. (This recipe really benefits from the Grill Grate micro-smoking technique.) Place the meat on the grates. With the lid off, cook for 2-3 minutes per side. Season with Morton’s Kosher salt and coarsely ground pepper to taste while grilling.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2078.JPG Views:	26 Size:	2.21 MB ID:	975825Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2077.JPG Views:	26 Size:	2.51 MB ID:	975826
    Last edited by Charley Langer; January 18, 2021, 02:06 PM.

    I love Kalbi short ribs. Love the aroma and caramelization you get on the ribs. Once for a school fundraiser, i grilled over 100 lbs ribs. They couldn’t get me off that grill.

    have you ever tried using an Asian pear in your marinade? I just always buy my ribs marinated from the Korean market, but would love to try this recipe. Thanks and your ribs look great.


    • Charley Langer
      Charley Langer commented
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      I have not tried an Asian pear. Hmm... 😋

    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      FYI, Asian pear is traditional. It contains an enzyme which tenderizes the meat, similar to green papaya. I was also wondering about it when I read the recipe.

    Thanks, Charley, I always enjoy your contributions.


    • Charley Langer
      Charley Langer commented
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      Thanks for saying that, CaptainMike. This is a wonderful family here at AR. 🤗

    Very close to how we do them too. They are delicious this way. Thanks for posting. Mahalo!


    • Steve B
      Steve B commented
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      Same here. Sooooooo freakin good. Just got hooked up with this last year.
      Love em.

    • Charley Langer
      Charley Langer commented
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      Donw Noʻu ka hauʻoli
      Last edited by Charley Langer; January 18, 2021, 09:46 PM.

    Did you pair them with Soju and not PBR?


    • Charley Langer
      Charley Langer commented
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      bbqLuv and Steve B I live in California now. I’m not sure PBR and Bud are allowed in this state. 😂 I actually had a Lagunitas IPA.
      Last edited by Charley Langer; January 18, 2021, 09:43 PM.

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      FYI--soju is a clear distilled liquor that is made from rice. pairs well with kimchee

    • JimLinebarger
      JimLinebarger commented
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      bbqLuv Also pairs well with jungle juice.

    bbqLuv I looked it up, and I’m interested. I love kimchee.


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      The was a Korean Restaurant in N. Portland, I got introduced to kimchee and soju.
      Quite tasty, but they are there not.
      Last edited by bbqLuv; January 19, 2021, 12:19 PM.

    Made your Kalbi short ribs marinade. Delicious!!! Big hit with the family. One thing I added was the Asian pear and blended it with the rest of the marinade. The pear, like the rice vinegar, acts as a tenderizer. Below are a couple pics - marinating and finished product. I served the short ribs with sticky rice, kimchee and seasoned veggies.

    Thanks again for the recipe
    Attached Files


    • Charley Langer
      Charley Langer commented
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      That looks good!! Now I’m hungry for kalbi again! 😂

    • jfmorris
      jfmorris commented
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      Those ribs look a lot better than the flanken cut ones I picked up from Sam's last year. Much more actual meat - mine had too much fat.

    Charley - this looks so good. Unfortunately, the one time I did kalbi using flanken cut ribs from Sam's club, there was so little meat compared to fat and bone, that the wife and daughter who ate them with me were not impressed. I would do it again, but imagine the wife would vote "no" based on that one experience. It may have just been a really fatty cut - but it was hard to tell the way they fanned them out in the package, showing you just the lean side.

    I am adding this to my recipe program though, just in case I see a good looking pack of these ribs again.
    Last edited by jfmorris; January 25, 2021, 01:55 PM.


    • Charley Langer
      Charley Langer commented
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      jfmorris I *totally* understand how wives get prejudiced like that. 😂 "Babe! I just messed the last one up. Trust me. They’re not all like that!!"

    Just mixed up the marinade and fixing to dump it in with the ribs - looking forward to grilling this tomorrow!


      Finally got around to making these...
      SO Gooood
      great recipe Charley Langer
      cooked in batches on the SnS.
      A minute or so on each side was plenty.

      Click image for larger version

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      • TripleB
        TripleB commented
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        Beautiful job. I love Kalbi short ribs. The beef, the marinade, the caramelization and that connective tissue around the bones I love chewing on. Wish I was having Korean BBQ tonight.

      • Donw
        Donw commented
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        Good looking food. I don’t remember the last time Charley posted a recipe but everyone of his I have tried has been outstanding.


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