I bought my first brisket at the butcher's market. I'll need your expertise!
My first question: Did I buy the point? Or something inbetween the point at the flat? See the pictures.
I assume I'll probe it at the thickest part and take it up to about 203.
The weight is 2.9 lbs, so how long do you think it'll take to bring her up to 203 at 225 degrees? Notice the separation of meat in the picture. Do you think I should separate those two pieces of meat?
I'm dry brining it now, and it'll be put on the grill some time tomorrow for it to be ready for dinner. Thanks for your help!
My first question: Did I buy the point? Or something inbetween the point at the flat? See the pictures.
I assume I'll probe it at the thickest part and take it up to about 203.
The weight is 2.9 lbs, so how long do you think it'll take to bring her up to 203 at 225 degrees? Notice the separation of meat in the picture. Do you think I should separate those two pieces of meat?
I'm dry brining it now, and it'll be put on the grill some time tomorrow for it to be ready for dinner. Thanks for your help!