Hi there,
In New Zealand, BBQ brisket is not a common thing at all. My butcher obviously does know what brisket is, but, they seem to cut it really thin, maybe 1 and a half inches thick.
I want to do my first brisket on my Weber and am not sure how to explain to him how I want it cut etc. He also asked if I want it trimmed and I am not sure if I should or not.
If you were to explain to someone how you want brisket, what would you say? They butcher on site and I can request it cut however I want. What are your suggestions?
In New Zealand, BBQ brisket is not a common thing at all. My butcher obviously does know what brisket is, but, they seem to cut it really thin, maybe 1 and a half inches thick.
I want to do my first brisket on my Weber and am not sure how to explain to him how I want it cut etc. He also asked if I want it trimmed and I am not sure if I should or not.
If you were to explain to someone how you want brisket, what would you say? They butcher on site and I can request it cut however I want. What are your suggestions?