OK, wanting to try the Kosmos Q reserve blend brisket injectant so I looked for some beef bouillon to mix it with---no luck. But I noticed I had just about half the desired liquid volume left of Texas Mop sauce more or less exactly as from the website... I was making all new sauces for a big cook this weekend so I added a little water and the powder and injected away. I had dry cured it for 24 hours prior...well, we will see. I also mixed the same rub in with some apple juice and squirted it into a big boston butt. the ribs go on as usual with just MMD but I will sauce them with a mix of the KC BBQ sauce and some raspberry preserves and then blow torch them. Add 5 links of spicy sausage and a score of bacon wrapped stuffed jalapenos, creamed corn, beans and a bunch of friends and it should be a good party. Unfortunately it starts 6PM Friday so I will be up EARLY to put the brisket and pork on.
No announcement yet.
Injecting brisket.... new test
Club Member
- Sep 2014
- 666
For those who are about to Cook - WE SALUTE YOU!
Weber Genesis Silver B - 14 years
Weber OTS
Maverick ET-733 dual 6' probes / Thermo-Pop
ennoLogic eT650D IR ( -58 to 1202F)
Weber Rapid Fire Chimney
Kingsford Blue
Whoa! Good Luck! Sounds like an awesome cook. Let us know how things go! I hear you when it comes to EARLY.
Dang! What a menu!
Founding Member & Pit Barrel Cooker Queen
- Jul 2014
- 7691
My toys:
Weber Summit Charcoal Grilling Center (WSCGC) aka Mr. Fancypants
Pit Barrel Cooker (which rocks), named Pretty Baby
Weber Summit S650 Gas Grill, named Hot 'n Fast (used mostly for searing and griddling)
Weber Kettle Premium 22" named Kettle Kid, eager to horn in with more cooks in the future
Camp Chef Somerset IV 4-burner outdoor gas range named AfterBurner due to its 30kBTU burners
Adrenaline BBQ Company Gear:SnS Low Profile, DnG, and Large Charcoal Basket, for WSCGC
SnS Deluxe for 22" Kettle
Elevated SS Rack for WSCGC
SS Rack for DnG
Cast Iron GriddleGrill Grate for SnSGrill Grates: five 17.375 sections (retired to storage)
Grill Grates: six 19.25 panels for exact fit for Summit S650
Grill Grates for 22" Kettle
2 Grill Grate Griddles
Steelmade Griddle for Summit gas grill
Fireboard Gear:Extreme BBQ Thermometer PackagePit Viper Fan (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Additional control unit
Additional probes: Competition Probes 1" (3) and 4" (1), 3 additional Ambient Probes. 1 additional Food Probe
2 Driver Cables
Pit Viper Fan new design (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Thermoworks Gear:Thermapen MK4 (pink)Maverick ET 73 a little workhorse with limited range
Thermapen Classic (pink too)
Thermoworks MK4 orange
Temp Test 2 Smart Thermometer
Extra Big and Loud Timer
Timestick Trio
Maverick ET 733
Maverick (Ivation) ET 732
Grill Pinz
Vortex (two of them)
18" drip pan for WSCGC
Ceramic Spacers for WSCGC in Kamado Mode: 2 sets each 1/2", 1", 2". The 2" spacers work best with the 18" drip pan. The 1+1/2 inch spacers work best with the 14 inch cake pan.
Two Joule Sous Vide devices
3 Lipavi Sous Vide Tubs with Lids: 12, 18 and 26 quarts
Avid Armor Ultra Pro V32 Chamber Sealer
Instant Pot 6 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Instant Pot 10 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Charcoal Companion TurboQue
A-Maze-N tube 12 inch tube smoker accessory for use with pellets
BBQ Dragon and Dragon Chimney
Shun Classic Series:8" Chef Knife
6" Chef's Knife
Gokujo Boning and Fillet Knife
3 1/2 inch Paring Knife
Founding Member & Owner of SnS Grills
- May 2014
- 4890
- Charlotte, NC
- Slow 'N Sear Kamado
- Slow 'N Sear Kettle
- Lots of grills that work with Slow 'N Sear
- LOTS of digital thermometers
- LOTS of accessories
- Favorite Beer - Fat Tire
- Favorite Bourbon - Woodford Reserve
- Favorite White Wine - Cakebread Chardonnay
- Favorite Red Wine - Yes, Please
- President/Owner - SnS Grills
Frac set your Yoder to 200F and throw all the big meats on tonight around 11:30! They'll be done by 6 guaranteed.
Founding Member
- Jul 2014
- 1743
- Sprang, TX
Dances with lemmings
(and smokes on a Yoder 640, raises bees and shoots a .408 WIndrunner) "come la notte i furti miei seconda"
[ATTACH=CONFIG]n62020[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]n62021[/ATTACH] Thanks Dave. It is now 12:30 and I put them all on at 3:45 AM. I put the brisket on the top rack and the temps in it vary from 152 to 138. The BIG pork butt is 155. I have crutched the brisket and leaving it on top. The ribs wnet on at 12:30 on the bottom rack.
3 Photos
Founding Member
- Jul 2014
- 1743
- Sprang, TX
Dances with lemmings
(and smokes on a Yoder 640, raises bees and shoots a .408 WIndrunner) "come la notte i furti miei seconda"
Good eye.
Yes, I like to cut a bit off the flat so I know which way the grain is running for slicing. and of course that piece gets done pretty quick. It is now 4:30 and the brisket is only at 178. I am hoping for some nice heating up in the next hour and a half! Dinner may not start at the stroke of 6 since the ribs aren't done either. Might be time to go from 225 to 275.
The other thing I wasn't happy with.... stuck my temp probe in the brisket and pierced the bottom foil...lots of very nice smelling juice wasted. sighLast edited by fracmeister; February 13, 2015, 04:45 PM.
Charter Member
- Dec 2014
- 1351
- Morrill, Nebraska
Retired high school teacher and principal
Dr ROK - Rider of Kawasaki &/or rock and roll fan
Yoder 640 on Husker themed comp cart
Cookshack Smokette smoker
Antique refrigerator smoker
Weber 22 1/2" kettle w/ GrillGrates AND Slow and Sear
Rec Tec Mini Portable Tailgater w/ GrillGrates
Plenty of GrillGrates
Uuni wood pellet oven, first generation
Roccbox Pizza Oven
Meater Block
"Go Big Red" Thermopen instant read thermometer
Ultrafast instant read thermometer
CDN quick read thermometer
Maverick ET-732 thermometer
Maverick ET-735 thermometer
Tru-Temp wireless thermometer
Infrared thermometer (Mainly use for pizza on the Uuni and Roccbox)
Beverages - Is there really anything other than Guinness? Oh yeah, I forgot about tequila!
Originally posted by fracmeister View Post.... stuck my temp probe in the brisket and pierced the bottom foil...lots of very nice smelling juice wasted. sigh
Founding Member
- Jul 2014
- 1743
- Sprang, TX
Dances with lemmings
(and smokes on a Yoder 640, raises bees and shoots a .408 WIndrunner) "come la notte i furti miei seconda"
Originally posted by Dr ROK View Post
Hate it when that happens. I always put my thumb on the probe now so that it's in a position that looks like it equals about half way through the brisket & push it in till my thumb hits the meat. Gets you pretty close & keeps you safe from over shooting.
- Likes 1
Founding Member & Pit Barrel Cooker Queen
- Jul 2014
- 7691
My toys:
Weber Summit Charcoal Grilling Center (WSCGC) aka Mr. Fancypants
Pit Barrel Cooker (which rocks), named Pretty Baby
Weber Summit S650 Gas Grill, named Hot 'n Fast (used mostly for searing and griddling)
Weber Kettle Premium 22" named Kettle Kid, eager to horn in with more cooks in the future
Camp Chef Somerset IV 4-burner outdoor gas range named AfterBurner due to its 30kBTU burners
Adrenaline BBQ Company Gear:SnS Low Profile, DnG, and Large Charcoal Basket, for WSCGC
SnS Deluxe for 22" Kettle
Elevated SS Rack for WSCGC
SS Rack for DnG
Cast Iron GriddleGrill Grate for SnSGrill Grates: five 17.375 sections (retired to storage)
Grill Grates: six 19.25 panels for exact fit for Summit S650
Grill Grates for 22" Kettle
2 Grill Grate Griddles
Steelmade Griddle for Summit gas grill
Fireboard Gear:Extreme BBQ Thermometer PackagePit Viper Fan (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Additional control unit
Additional probes: Competition Probes 1" (3) and 4" (1), 3 additional Ambient Probes. 1 additional Food Probe
2 Driver Cables
Pit Viper Fan new design (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Thermoworks Gear:Thermapen MK4 (pink)Maverick ET 73 a little workhorse with limited range
Thermapen Classic (pink too)
Thermoworks MK4 orange
Temp Test 2 Smart Thermometer
Extra Big and Loud Timer
Timestick Trio
Maverick ET 733
Maverick (Ivation) ET 732
Grill Pinz
Vortex (two of them)
18" drip pan for WSCGC
Ceramic Spacers for WSCGC in Kamado Mode: 2 sets each 1/2", 1", 2". The 2" spacers work best with the 18" drip pan. The 1+1/2 inch spacers work best with the 14 inch cake pan.
Two Joule Sous Vide devices
3 Lipavi Sous Vide Tubs with Lids: 12, 18 and 26 quarts
Avid Armor Ultra Pro V32 Chamber Sealer
Instant Pot 6 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Instant Pot 10 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Charcoal Companion TurboQue
A-Maze-N tube 12 inch tube smoker accessory for use with pellets
BBQ Dragon and Dragon Chimney
Shun Classic Series:8" Chef Knife
6" Chef's Knife
Gokujo Boning and Fillet Knife
3 1/2 inch Paring Knife
No announcement yet.