I have seen a couple of references to it here, but no real information one way or the other. I bought a "whole" flat which is pretty thick on one end and quite thin on the other, wider end. I am toying with the idea of "folding" the thin end under to try to even out the thickness somewhat. In my mind, what I would do is cut about 3/4 of the way through the meat where I want the fold to be, fold under and tie that end with a couple of pieces of butcher's twine to keep it all together. Does anybody think this will work? Has anybody tried it? Does anybody think or know that it won't? Also, if I'm going to do this, what should I do with the fat cap on the folded under flap? Remove it so it's the same as the rest of the "meat" side? What if I sliced it off and stuck it, or some of it, in the fold? Any thoughts or suggestions or personal experiences, positive or negative would be very helpful.