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Chuck Roast on the Pit Barrel Cooker

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    Just in time. Wife &I are trying a meat market near our home. Stopped by yesterday and bought a chuckie. Been dry brining since then & plan on smoking it tomorrow on the kettle/SnS setup.


      My wife just picked up some round eye roast from Costco recently and I have been wanting to try pulled beef on the PBC, like has been done by others on this thread. I understand that people are using chuck roast. Curious if my cut is too lean for this cooking method? If so, any recommendations on the best way to 'que this cut?


        It might be too lean, Tim E . Only you can tell. The nice thing about a chuckie is that you can see how much marbling is in the meat. When that marbling renders and/or gelatinizes, you've got some great pulled beef in your very near future.

        If your round cut has a lot of marbling, then I'd say go for it!

        When I've done eye of round, it's been as a roast, sliced really thin, and topped with mucho horseradish.



        • Tim E
          Tim E commented
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          Thank you. It didn't seem like enough marbling for the pulled beef. I did it as an oven roast, took to 135 and sliced thin. Made some great sandwiches. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep my eye out for a nicely marbled chuck for the PBC pulled beef.

        I applied the BBBR to the chuckies with a coating of EVOO to help the rub adhere"

        What is EVOO? TIA



          Extra Virgin Olive Oil


          • Munch
            Munch commented
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            It's a Rachael Rayism

          Cooking one of these right now. It looks amazing, just wrapped it at 165. Still can't believe the hooks work so well in the PBC, it's hard to get used to.


            Usually I double serial hook meats that weigh more than a couple of pounds when I hang them in the PBC. By double serial hook, I mean I hook a hook lower in the meat first and then slide a second hook through the first's hook before hooking the meat with the second hook as well. I do this a couple of inches in on each edge of the meat, 4 hooks total. For ribs, I serial-hook 2 hooks only. It's sort of like what Noah does in the Brisket video.

            There's a lot of peace of mind in using double serial hooks in the PBC.

            Last edited by fzxdoc; August 31, 2015, 06:27 AM.


              Finally gave this a go. Picked up about 5 lbs of chuck roast at Costco, they pretty well looked like Pitboss' OP pictures.
              Dry brined for 6 days, rubbed with EVOO and BBBR w/ cumin 24 hrs prior to smoke.
              9 hr cook on the PBC With an average PT of 260. Wrapped and put to the grate at 161 IT. Finish IT of 209. Pulled easy. Added the crutch juices back in.
              Had some philly sandwiches. Unbelievable!! So good!
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              Last edited by Tim E; September 20, 2015, 07:31 PM.


                Tim E wait for it....

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                • Tim E
                  Tim E commented
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                  Thank you! All the advice in this sticky was fool-proof!!

                • Del
                  Del commented
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                  Thank you for this sticky-thread. I am looking for ideas to try in my new PBC, and Dear Wife is soooo happy to discover that I can make beef roast for her!

                • David Parrish
                  David Parrish commented
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                  She's gonna love it!

                Congrats, Tim, on a perfect chuckie cook! You're making me hungry...



                  Just picked up 2 more 3" thick chuck roasts. They look awesome. Going to make them either sat or sun. Im going to salt them in a minute. I am going to use the BBBR, 225°, hickory, cherry, mesquite and this time going to add coffee to the rub as has been suggested. I have already added the cumin as Pit Boss has recommended. The first two came out awesome and I expect these to be awesome as well. I'll post pics when the cook is on.

                  Rick Click image for larger version

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                  Last edited by gardenfish; September 25, 2015, 04:47 PM. Reason: Added picture


                    The chucks are 4.1lb. and the other 4.6lbs.........right now 142° and 149°........hickory, apple, mesquite.


                      David Parrish Question on the chuckies. I think from all I have read that 207°, which I did on the last two, and then cambro or holding at that temp for an hour or two or three makes for fantastic pulled beef.

                      If I wanted to have a nice tender piece for slicing or to use for a chili that would hold together a little better would I stop at a lesser temp like 200-202° and hold in cambro as stated or not. Or would I cook to 207° and no cambro to get a firmer piece,
                      Last edited by gardenfish; September 27, 2015, 12:06 PM.


                        Pulled at 160°-168° for wrapping.

                        Click image for larger version

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                        • gardenfish
                          gardenfish commented
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                          #1 pulled at 207° put in the oven turned on at 200°.Second one is at 196°.

                        • David Parrish
                          David Parrish commented
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                          Those look awesome. If you want to slice versus pulling you just take them off sooner. I've found they slice well between 190F and 203F... after that they are more in the "pulling" territory.

                        Zowee...this thread makes me so hungry. Just got my new kettle and SnS. I would like to do a chuckie using my kettle. Do I cook at 325 deg or 225 deg? Can I get the SnS/kettle up to 325? Anyone use a kettle to do a chuckie?


                        • JeffJ
                          JeffJ commented
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                          I've done chuckies in a kettle. I like the 220-270 range. If you get impatient you can wrap to speed things up considerably, presuming of course you've developed good bark first.


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