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Chuck Roast on the Pit Barrel Cooker

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    Excellent cook Pit Boss. Chuckies are one of my faves to cook on the PBC.


      Thank you Sir. We've had two very good meals off it so far.


        Niiiiiice. I need to do a second go at some chucky.


          Looks great. Have one dry brining tonight for tomorrows smoke. How much cumin did you use?


          • David Parrish
            David Parrish commented
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            1/2 tsp for a regular sized batch of BBBR. It's good. You'll thank me

          To get this straight, you found the extra time to get it to 207 was enough time to forgo the cambro hold? I assume since chuckies are very fatty this was obviously perfectly safe in this scenario to avoid drying it out. I haven't done a "chuck roast" per se this way, but I have done roasts from the chuck this way, but next time I buy one it will get this treatment.

          You are right on how good pulled beef is though, and it only gets better as leftovers. Many uses too, best nachos I've ever had in my life was pulled beef nachos made at home.

          Also, sharp provolone?? Never heard of it, but I am intrigued as natural provolone (unsmoked) is my favorite cheese.


            These actually did sit in the cambro a while. Thanks for pointing this out I updated the OP. The temp to 207*F was to get them tender. To get chuck to pull it has to spend time at or above 200*F, so it's not just about hitting 203*F. If I'd been using my Mak I would have dialed the temp down to 200*F and let the meat just render out the connective tissue, but since it was the PBC (not much temp control) I had to let it cook up to 207*F. There was likely a little bit of moisture loss but it wasn't enough to detract from the taste at all.

            Yeah, beef nachos are da bomb!

            Sharp Provolone is like Sharp Cheddar... Tastes like the regular variety but with a strong edge to it (lol I guess that's just another way of saying sharp). It worked very well with the no bun cheese-steaks.


            • Guy
              Guy commented
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              Do you guys have real cambro's or just coolers?

            • David Parrish
              David Parrish commented
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              I just use a $30 cooler.

            Gotcha. I will be looking for sharp provolone, I'm sure I've seen it but it never clicked that I should try it. I'm really in the mood for pulled beef but I have 2 chicken breasts that need cooked by Sat so I think that's on the menu for tonight. I still might make a trip to the store to see of beef is on sale while there's still time...


              Can somebody give this man a BBQ medal?!


                Effen gorgeous. I like chuck as much or better than brisket. Next time I expect an invite!


                Pit Boss you're my second hero next to Huskee...Well done my man


                  Ok, the community has spoken, you deserve this!

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	award.jpg
Views:	397
Size:	69.8 KB
ID:	55427


                    Well deserved indeed, Pit Boss! I'm gonna have to try a small chucky myself, soon.


                      Hi Pit Boss! Just a quick question about your wonderful cook. When you foiled and put the chuckies on the grate, did you put the hanging rods back in, or leave them out? I just purchased a couple of them this morning at Costco and will be doing them tomorrow using your modified BBBR. If mine turn out half as good as yours, I'll be happy.



                        Awwww Shucks fellas. Much appreciated!

                        @oldsteve - I left the rods in. If you leave them out the temps will climb. That's fine if you're trying to get the temps up, but I have plenty of time and was in no hurry.


                        • oldsteve
                          oldsteve commented
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                          Thanks Pit Boss for your quick response! I'll be leaving mine in also since you are the undisputed "King of Chuck".


                        So how are you eating up the leftovers, Dave? More Philly cheesesteak sammies without the bun?




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