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A couple days to think this situation over...

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    A couple days to think this situation over...

    So, a buddy of mine calls me up and says..

    "Dude... We just checked in to the condo out at the beach and the wife and I want to drop by and see ya... um... what day are you running that smoker of yours...."

    ... and that's when the fight started... my wife saw the receipt for the newest pound puppy I drug home.....

    Attached Files

    Can't help with the "fight" but that's a beautiful piece of cow! How do you plan to cook it?


      Just find a way to make it up to the wife.... Get her a present!


        Nice rib roast, what are the plans for that beast?




            LOL... thanks guys... as far as the princess goes, winning these types of "agreements" is easy.. I just walk over to her shoe closet and open the doors wide and turn on the light..... then I stand in that doorway with her purchases as a back drop as I start explaining all reasoning of my madness.... besides... I offered her choice of what cut she wants...

            Nothing exotic about the cook.. I salted her once I got home from work and didn't really feel like frenching the bones all the way out and retying it... couple slices here and there and removed the cap fat prior to brining and "dusting" the exterior. Placed it in the fridge to await a light smoke on Thursday in the pellet eater.... probably pecan and hickory mix... thinking of just bringing it to low/mid 20's and then reverse sear to bring it home... add some fresh cut red taters and veggies to the broiler for a side glass or three of Sauvignon..

            This will be the "Grand Opening" of my new outdoor cook center so I thought I might as well do it up right....
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              Yea Bouy!!!!!


                Well your friends aren't leaving once they get there


                  Congratulations on the grand opening.


                    That's awesome!! When I brought my Christmas Eve rib roast home, it sure turned out to be a "conversation starter" as well, so I feel ya brother! Badass cook center too!


                      Yeah.. proud as hell of that little "winter project"... it nearly killed me. For those who didn't already know, I face planted on that lower patio in mid January and wound up having open heart surgery after standing back up from the widow maker. I was midway through the retaining wall build... so during my "recovery", I added the upper patio and cook station. We bought the house last June and the day I closed I knew exactly where the grill and smoker would soon sit... I have one small patio section and the hot tub yet to install over the next week or so and then I get to sit back and do nothing but create smoke and keep the beer cold... I am really looking forward to that part after all the excitement.

                      Thanks for all the words my friends.... btw... before and after pics of the patio areas...
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                      Last edited by FlaBouy; May 16, 2017, 01:15 PM. Reason: add pic


                      • EdF
                        EdF commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Nice recovery, Man!

                      What a great way to inaugurate your new outdoor cook center, FlaBouy . Both the meat and the center are gorgeous.

                      Sorry to hear about your heart trouble while building the cook center. Glad to hear that all is well now. Enjoy your dinner with friends. I bet it's going to be great.



                        That's elegant space. Very beautiful


                          Nothing like being hosed. You build a fabulous cook area & ask US for help with the meat purchase. Fight my patootie! We definitely have to see the finished product. Nice job. Glad your ticker is doing ok also.


                            All I can think to say is WOW!!!!



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