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Holding brisket, part 2

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    Holding brisket, part 2

    Thanks for the topic, Slawman!

    Oddly enough, I have a similar situation. First, I am proud to say I have a couple of buddies who asked me to throw on a brisket when I smoked mine early this am. I put the 3 on around 0300 and they are pushing along rather nicely right now. My dilemma...

    I will likely wrap (butcher paper) shortly as they push through the stall and they should (based on past smokes, my pit, etc) be ready for the faux cambro around noon. In any case, I will rest all and then slice mine for today. I plan on holding the other two until tomorrow when I will give them to my friends at work. Any ideas on how to hold over 24 hours without losing the tenderness and juiciness? I was thinking after the rest, I would leave them in the butcher paper (internal temp will be about 140F by then), tightly wrap that with Saran Wrap and then put each in large plastic zipper bags in a cooler with ice. My thought is to try and get a rapid cool down and then preserve in ice until I deliver them.

    Anyone had similar experiences like this? Thanks!

    That's pretty much how you would treat leftovers and it works well there. You should be fine.


      Yep, it is also how I have pre-cooked butts before, held for a day or so, then back on (post stall) to finish. A little drier than normal but still fairly moist.


        I have fully cooked briskets for people to reheat and bring home and to a family reunion. Reheated whole it was better than the fresh stuff that other people had cooked at home and what was brought to that family reunion. Funny thing is the lady that brought it to the family reunion told everyone she had cooked it and her brother-in-law didn't let her bring any meat the following year. He brought all of it.


          This is a good method: http://amazingribs.com/tips_and_tech..._tomorrow.html


            Doc, I recall reading that one but had forgotten...thanks! It obviously stuck with me as that is similar to how I was planning.

            Cstrfd4, great ideas, thanks! Instead of trying in the fridge, I will leave the cooler top open and keep the ice replenished until getting to a 40F temp. I can remember some butts done like this but with the cooler lid closed and do recall a drier meat after.

            I'll let you all know how it turns out, thanks!


              I've got my brisket in the oven for the Crutch after 5 hours of smoke on the Weber (Slow 'n Sear + BBQ Guru = Awesome combo!) Instead of a cooler I want to use my warming drawer - any suggestions on temperature, or advice plus or minus? No leaking yet through foil - and at ~195 right now.




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