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Overnight Temp Drop

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    Overnight Temp Drop

    I’ve been curing a brisket point for pastrami, and just before midnight last night, I started smoking it.

    I was using a Signals and Billows to record and maintain temps, and got my WSM up to 267° F before putting the point on. At 12:30AM I decided to take a nap, when the smoker stabilized around 240°. I set an alarm for 3:30 so that I could check my temps then.

    Well, turns out I accidentally set my alarm for 3:30PM instead of 3:30AM. Checking the temp history on the app, it looks like the pit dropped below 225° at around 1:30AM, below 200° by 2:30AM, and in between 3:30 and 6:30AM, fluctuated between 190° and 165°. Frustratingly, ThermoWorks’ app never alarmed me when the temps dropped. After waking up at 6:30AM, I ran outside, and saw that my Billows stopped running. I had to swap out Signals units, but got the Billows going again. I adjusted my vents and got the temp to 250° by 7AM.

    So, I’m a bit concerned about food safety. My pit temp didn’t drop for too long, but, unfortunately, I noticed that the point’s internal temp never rose above 140° until after I woke up and fixed the Billows, around 7:15AM. Looks like it was at 126° from around 2:30-6:30AM. Should I be worried? I know the surface of the meat most likely hit 140° within 4 hours, but the internal temp was under 140° for over 6 hours total. Still, the meat was intact and should be cured, so I feel like the chances of any bad bugs growing inside the meat are low. Thoughts?
    Attached Files

    The surface got pasteurized, you good.


    • MikeyP
      MikeyP commented
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      Phew, thanks! Didn’t want to scrap this after curing the point for over two weeks! Do you think there’s a reasonable chance that the probe may have pushed any bacteria into the meat to cause any issues? I’m guessing the curing process probably lowers any risk.
      Last edited by MikeyP; January 1, 2022, 08:33 AM. Reason: Added a question

    • rickgregory
      rickgregory commented
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      Nah you're fine.

    • jfmorris
      jfmorris commented
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      I would take Jerod's advice on this to the bank!

    If you're going to end up in the low 200s F for your final temp, meaning it will have to spend hours in the high 100s on the way there, you should be fine. Ample time for all the bugs to die a horrible, screaming death, I reckon.


    • MikeyP
      MikeyP commented
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      This is what I was hoping to hear, thanks!!

    Don't take my advice on this, but I am ok with what you posted. I would continue on.
    Sous Vide meat for hours at 130*F and they turn out safe.
    Then on the free side is the following: An Award Winning Temperature Guide For Perfectly Cooked Food (
    Based on the little I know; I think you are good to go.

    BTW, I am getting motivated to try preparing my own bacon and pastrami. Pictures and a write-up would be nice.
    Last edited by bbqLuv; January 1, 2022, 08:45 AM.


    • MikeyP
      MikeyP commented
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      I will definitely update with some pics once the cook is done!

    I gotta hand it to you though for attempting the overnight smoke session... even with my fully automated vertical pellet smoker, there's no way I would be able to fall asleep while it was cooking, I'd be too antsy!


    • DaveD
      DaveD commented
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      I don't doubt it Jerod... I'm still pretty new at all this, and haven't even done a brisket yet...

    • jfmorris
      jfmorris commented
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      I sleep through the night these days smoking on a Weber kettle or my kamado. Back when the offset was my only smoker, I had to stay up all night to feed the fire every 30-45 minutes.

    • Draznnl
      Draznnl commented
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      I never slept doing an all nighter on my old WSM. I haven't tried one on my pellet pooper yet.

    MikeyP not to worry about that little probe puncture. If you are cooking a large roast that was only going up to medium rare, you could burn that small area with a lighter if you are concerned.


    • MikeyP
      MikeyP commented
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      Awesome, glad to hear!


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