I own a Traeger Pro Series 34 and have been trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to reverse sear my steaks and chops. I know I am missing an important step or two. So I am coming to the experts to get some real-world advice on how to properly do this?
Simply put, they just don't have that sear that I am looking for. They are tender and flavorful, no doubt, but they are missing that seared texture on the outside
SnS Kettle
Napoleon 500 Pro gasser grill
Weber Slate 30” griddle
Gozney Arc XL pizza oven
Instant Pot Duo Crisper 8 qt
Cuisinart food processor
Kitchenaid Stand Mixer
Breville Smart toaster oven
Anova Sous vide (Pro version and Standard Version)
Cabella 15” Vacuum Sealer
Combustion Inc Wireless Probes (Gen2 upgrades)
Fireboard v2
Fireboard Spark
Fireboard Pulse (2) probes and S1G antenna
ThermoWorks RFX gateway and 2 RFX meat probes
Thermoworks IR gun
Thermoworks MK4
Thermoworks Zero
Thermoworks Signals
Grill Rescue brush
7 Shun knives (paring to 12" slicer)
Misen Chef's knife
Dalstrong Phantom Series Boning Knife
8-9 other knives (enough to get an eye roll from wife!)
2 Mandolins, 1 veggie spiralizer
Work Sharp E5 sharpener
Chef's Choice sharpener
As RonB queries, your post leaves much info out to be able to adequately answer. In addition to a better description of what you having issues with, are you trying to do this on the Traeger? Are you smoking to a specific internal temp, then resting them while you crank up the Traeger's temp to try searing?
I've never been satisfied with my pellet pooper's searing (both the Camp Chef I started with and the MAK 2 Star I currently have). I use the Infrared Burner on my gasser to sear, or my Blackstone griddle, after getting my steaks to around 132*. Since smoke flavor is not important to me for steaks, I mostly use Sous Vide for thick steaks, then the IR burner on my gasser - for thinner steaks, straight to the IR burner flipping every 30 seconds, even resting between flips, to get char without overcooking the steaks.
I'm not familiar with that particular Traeger model, but when I owned a Traeger, I finally had to come to terms that I could not get the sear(crust) that I could get on a charcoal cooker. I needed that direct heat. Also, when reverse searing a steak or chop, a thin layer of oil is all it takes on the meat. Make sure the meat surface has been patted dry before applying the oil.
I gave up trying to sear anything on my pellet pooper long ago. Just can't be done IMO. I just do the JKF (just keep flipping) method on my 22" kettle, Smokey Joe, gasser, or Blackstone griddle depending on what else is going on with the cook.
Depending on the thickness of the steaks, I will put in the smoker or oven at 225 until close to 130. Then they get seared for a few minutes on the top, bottom and sides. I will use my gasser cranked up, over charcoal or CI with a little tallow. Sears perfect all the time for me that way. Pay attention to time though, as the temp can shoot up rather quickly.
Large Big Green Egg, Weber Performer Deluxe, Weber Smokey Joe Silver, Fireboard Drive, 3 DigiQs, lots of Thermapens, and too much other stuff to mention.
I actually get much better results on steaks using cast iron, than with any outdoor fire, including afterburner. Just keep flipping works best for me, with the extra satisfaction of feeling like I know what I’m doing. If you want to cook outside, put the skillet over a charcoal fire, or on the grates of a gasser.
Edit: your profile says you have a Weber 22â€. That is an excellent tool for reverse sear, if you want to continue to explore that route (it does work really well). IMO you’re just using the wrong tool, out of those available to you.
GrillGrates (which I know you won't use) or a cast iron pan are about the only ways to get even a decent sear on a Traeger. Everything is indirect heat by their design, so even at 450-500 degrees a sear without the help of conduction is going to be very lacking. With most of my pellet grills, I have either seared on a gasser or over charcoal if I want to do the low side on the pellet grill. Mostly, I've just moved to not using the pellet grill at all for steaks, but sometimes when I have nice really thick steaks I use the two grill combo.
https://smokedaddyinc.com/product/th...aring-station/ Looks like they are currently out of stock on these, but this is what I use on my Traeger to get the temp. up to be able to sear. I also us grill grates, flat side up on top of this too get it even hotter. But like most have said, having another cooker that can get those temps up to 500 plus might be the way to go.
I was given one of these by Smoke Daddy for review. Works well but kind of a pain to setup, plus it uses lava rocks which I don’t like. It is a good solution but a hot charcoal fire is better.
I will have to chime in with others in regards to searing on a pellet or lack there of.
I have a Yoder and GrillGrates. The Yoder has the ability to remove a plate on the diffuser to allow some direct flame and with the GrillGrates in place it will sear. But I was never satisfied with the results and now finish the meat on a charcoal grill or CIpan on the stove.
In regards to my comment, I might be mixing up some recent threads, sorry if that’s the case. GrillGrates will help, but don’t expect the world. My Pro 34 took forever to get to 400 plus and then a long time to recover after the lid was open. I could make a decent steak with GrillGrates on it, but far better on gas or charcoal. The Traeger actually got me back into charcoal, for steaks alone.
I agree with the general consensus, most pellet grills (maybe Weber’s SmokeFire is the exception) are not designed for high temp searing. Use your kettle and build a roaring hot fire instead.
I will say my Blazin' Grid Iron with the sear kit can sear very nicely. There is a removable section of diffuser plate that you top with grill grates. Gets over 600 degrees on the surface of the Grill Grates. I use the flat side. This doesn't help the OP but there are Pellet Grills out there besides Weber that can sear.