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Sous Vide Brisket - HOLY COW!!! 😳

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    Sous Vide Brisket - HOLY COW!!! 😳

    Just had to swing by and share a HUGE success with y’all… I tried sous vide’ing a brisket for the first time today and HO-LEE crap!!! I was absolutely blown away by the results - and I think you fine folks may be the only people in the universe who can understand my unmitigated joy! LOL!

    6lb brisket flat, and I followed Kenji’s recipe (rub, vac seal, into the sous vide for 30 hours, ice bath, little extra rub, into the smoker for about 2:45 to get the smoke in it and the crust on it, rested for about 45 minutes before slicing). I was nervous because it was my first attempt but peeps - this was the FIRST straight up, no BS, perfect, competition winning level brisket I’ve produced in my 50 years!

    Have I made good brisket before? Yup. Have I made GREAT brisket before? Yup. But I’m telling you, this was next level!

    ✅ Sliceable, but pull apart tender with just the slightest pull

    ✅ Ridiculously juicy! I reserved the bag juices for a board sauce or a pour-over, but didn’t need it

    ✅ Perfect melt in your mouth texture

    ✅ Great flavor - peppery with just right amount of smoke (shout out to my PBC!)

    ✅ And here’s the best part - RIDICULOUSLY EASY!

    I’ll never cook a brisket any other way again… this kid’s days of babysitting a smoker for 16+ hours and constantly praying I didn’t muff it are OVER! 😃🙌

    If you’ve been on the fence about trying SVQ, I highly encourage you to take the plunge (pun fully intended lol). I haven’t tried any other traditionally smoker based cooks (pulled pork, ribs, etc) via sous vide yet, but I’m fired up about the possibilities after tonight’s success.

    Heck, if I never SVQ anything besides brisket, that alone will make the expense of the sous vide kit 110% WORTH IT! 👍

    ($200 at Costco for a kit with everything you need, because I know someone’s going to ask. 😇)
    Attached Files

    Yumm to nth degree!!!


    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      Yessir! 😃🙌 I ate so much I was hurting’… but I was hurtin’ AND smilin’! 🤣🤣🤣

    Very nice … congrats!!


    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      Thank you sir! 😊 It’s been a while since
      I’ve felt that joy of discovering a huge new success. I’m very much a "perfect the recipe, then don’t mess with it" sort of guy normally. 🤣🤣🤣

    I've had some good success with SV, but haven't tried brisket. Sounds like definitely worth a try. What temp was your SV bath? What temp was your smoker? What grade brisket, choice or prime?


    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      Oh it’s definitely worth it! 👍 Sous vide bath was 155F for 30 hours… I did a trial run for 24 hours earlier in the week and it was very good, but not LIFE ALTERING like this one was.

      Smoker was ~275F for 2 hours 45 minutes. The recipe said to go for three hours, but the internal temp was of the brisket was showing 191F… I was afraid I’d overcooked it and made shoe leather since the sous vide bath was 155F, so as soon as the color and bark were looking right I pulled it off.

    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      (continuing…) The brisket was a Choice flat from Costco - I can’t even imagine how great a Prime would’ve come out, but I was late to make the purchase so took what I could get.

    I feel a bout of MCS coming on.


    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      This one is SO worth it… considering the cash we drop on our smokers and grills, this feels more like an accessory purchase ($200 for the kit at Costco).
      Last edited by gdsim1; July 4, 2021, 09:50 AM.

    Sounds great. Red food coloring on a Q-Tip and you can add a smoke ring.
    The beans and tater salad too good too.
    No PBR in the picture.
    It looks and sounds good enough to pair with PBR.
    You Done Good!


    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      The meat WAS incredible - but despite the appearance, the sides were COMPLETE disasterpieces! 🤣🤣🤣 Since I feel like it’s important to share our successes AND our failures (folks can learn from either, right? LOL!), I’ll be going to the Sides channel shortly for that little after action report - and the ego check that goes along with it! 😇

    A job well done. I am intimidated by brisket but would like to SV one and give it a try. Quick question, 30 hours at what temperature?


    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      Brisket IS intimidating… and mastering it was a "lot of cooks that went straight in the trash can" process for me lol.

      Temp in the sous vide was 155F, and I went back and posted the recipe somewhere in this thread if you want to check it out yourself. 👍

    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      Whoops, correction - Bkhuna beat me to it below. 👍

    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      RustyHaines For what it is worth, here is my method for brisket. My goal in putting this together was to help you get past the intimidation factor. 3 things went into this. 1. Meathead’s method; 2. Aaron Franklin’s method; 3. Many less than great briskets by me. I believe if you follow this method, you will turn out good brisket on your very first try.
      Okay, I wrote this up for a friend who is a complete newbie to serious BBQ, but wanted to know how I cook brisket. I told him I had learned from Meathead, Aaron Franklin, and The Pit (ie here) and it was now all in my head. He asked me to please try to write it up, so I spent about 4 hours putting this down on paper. Here’s

    It's always a thrill to get a super juicy flat. Nice job!



    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      Thanks Doc! 😊 I’m man enough to admit I "SQUEEEEE"d like a 12 year old girl when I cut the first couple slices and saw how much juicy the meat was - then did a booty shaking little happy dance all the way around the kitchen island when I popped the "pitmaster privelege" bite in my mouth. 🤣🤣🤣

    • klflowers
      klflowers commented
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      gdsim1, while I appreciate the joy, I could have done without the booty shaking part lol. I guess I should have stopped reading at Kathryn's nice job...

    This is Kenji's Food Lab SVQ technique:


    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      You beat me to it lol - thanks for the hookup! 👍

    Originally posted by bbqLuv View Post
    Sounds great. Red food coloring on a Q-Tip and you can add a smoke ring.
    Thank you sir, and I’m glad you mentioned this. Something I learned from the recipe that I didn’t know - Kenji suggests that if you rub the brisket with pink salt and refrigerate for four hours after vacuum sealing, it’ll put an artificial smoke ring in the meat too. 😳

    Didnt do it this time because I wanted to see how far the smoke penetrated the meat… turned out to be very minimal as shown in the pic, so I may try the pink salt next time just to see what happens. 👍


    • bardsleyque
      bardsleyque commented
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      is that E.T. in your avatar?

    • klflowers
      klflowers commented
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      Or try putting celery seed in the rub. It promotes a ring too. I think it is mentioned in the discussions about smoke rings in the recipe section on the free side.

    PBC, PBC, PBC!


    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      You down with PBC? YEAH YOU KNOW ME! 😃🙌🤣🤣🤣

    Maybe I need to try this... I did sous vide pork butt this weekend and I was quite disappointed with the results. It was mushy, the meat shredded easily, but I was just... mushy and almost flavorless, in spite of me going very VERY heavy on both the salt AND the rub.

    I'll never do pork butt that way again, and now I've got like 7 lbs of flavorless mushy meat to figure out if there's a way to salvage it.

    BTW, I follow Guga's recipe on Sous Vide Everything on YouTube. I don't think he's ever had good pork butt if he thought that was good. UGH!


    Sounds great. I definitely want to try that, so the setup is on my list of things to add.. I currently cook on the PBJ. For my latest cook I cut the brisket in half to have more control over the flat. The flat cooked way faster and turned out much better than trying to hang the whole brisket in the junior. Point was great as usual. Would love to try the QVQ method with the flat.


    • gdsim1
      gdsim1 commented
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      Glad you mentioned this because it reminded me of something else - the flat came out reminiscent of a brisket POINT, which is my favorite part. 👍

    bardsleyque Not precisely lol… it’s actually a bone-in pork butt that came off the smoker LOOKING like E.T.! 🤣🤣🤣 Can’t take credit for it, but when I saw that picture I was like "That looks just like E.T. - I’ve gotta have it as my avatar!" 😃🙌


      That looks great! It almost tempts me to want to sous-vide stuff


      • gdsim1
        gdsim1 commented
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        So far we’ve done chicken breasts and KC strips in addition to the brisket, both of which came out pretty incredible. PLUS you get to blowtorch the meat afterwards to sear it, and that’s a lot of fun too! 😃👍


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