Just had to swing by and share a HUGE success with y’all… I tried sous vide’ing a brisket for the first time today and HO-LEE crap!!! I was absolutely blown away by the results - and I think you fine folks may be the only people in the universe who can understand my unmitigated joy! LOL!
6lb brisket flat, and I followed Kenji’s recipe (rub, vac seal, into the sous vide for 30 hours, ice bath, little extra rub, into the smoker for about 2:45 to get the smoke in it and the crust on it, rested for about 45 minutes before slicing). I was nervous because it was my first attempt but peeps - this was the FIRST straight up, no BS, perfect, competition winning level brisket I’ve produced in my 50 years!
Have I made good brisket before? Yup. Have I made GREAT brisket before? Yup. But I’m telling you, this was next level!
✅ Sliceable, but pull apart tender with just the slightest pull
✅ Ridiculously juicy! I reserved the bag juices for a board sauce or a pour-over, but didn’t need it
✅ Perfect melt in your mouth texture
✅ Great flavor - peppery with just right amount of smoke (shout out to my PBC!)
✅ And here’s the best part - RIDICULOUSLY EASY!
I’ll never cook a brisket any other way again… this kid’s days of babysitting a smoker for 16+ hours and constantly praying I didn’t muff it are OVER! 😃🙌
If you’ve been on the fence about trying SVQ, I highly encourage you to take the plunge (pun fully intended lol). I haven’t tried any other traditionally smoker based cooks (pulled pork, ribs, etc) via sous vide yet, but I’m fired up about the possibilities after tonight’s success.
Heck, if I never SVQ anything besides brisket, that alone will make the expense of the sous vide kit 110% WORTH IT! 👍
($200 at Costco for a kit with everything you need, because I know someone’s going to ask. 😇)
6lb brisket flat, and I followed Kenji’s recipe (rub, vac seal, into the sous vide for 30 hours, ice bath, little extra rub, into the smoker for about 2:45 to get the smoke in it and the crust on it, rested for about 45 minutes before slicing). I was nervous because it was my first attempt but peeps - this was the FIRST straight up, no BS, perfect, competition winning level brisket I’ve produced in my 50 years!
Have I made good brisket before? Yup. Have I made GREAT brisket before? Yup. But I’m telling you, this was next level!
✅ Sliceable, but pull apart tender with just the slightest pull
✅ Ridiculously juicy! I reserved the bag juices for a board sauce or a pour-over, but didn’t need it
✅ Perfect melt in your mouth texture
✅ Great flavor - peppery with just right amount of smoke (shout out to my PBC!)
✅ And here’s the best part - RIDICULOUSLY EASY!
I’ll never cook a brisket any other way again… this kid’s days of babysitting a smoker for 16+ hours and constantly praying I didn’t muff it are OVER! 😃🙌
If you’ve been on the fence about trying SVQ, I highly encourage you to take the plunge (pun fully intended lol). I haven’t tried any other traditionally smoker based cooks (pulled pork, ribs, etc) via sous vide yet, but I’m fired up about the possibilities after tonight’s success.
Heck, if I never SVQ anything besides brisket, that alone will make the expense of the sous vide kit 110% WORTH IT! 👍
($200 at Costco for a kit with everything you need, because I know someone’s going to ask. 😇)